Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Resondences For Justice Law
Elements: Earth, Air
Planets: Jupiter, Sun, Mercury,Saturn,Mars
Best times: Thursday- for success, securing justice, Sunday- for freedom,
Saturday- to bind a criminal, to limit someones freedom or bring them
to justice, for protection, Tuesday: for strength in conflict
Colors: (candles , cord etc.) deep blue, royal purple red, black
Number: 4 or 8
Incense: cedar, cypress, frankincense, pine, sandalwood
Plants and Herbs: garlic( for protection, herbs of the appropriate planetary powers),
high john the conqueror root, st. johns wort (for invincibility), nettles or vines
( for binding), buckthorn, hickory, marigold, love-apple, apricot, almond, barley,
basil, brazil nut, chamomile, cherry, chestnut, cinnamon, clove, clover, coriander,
daffodil, daisy, gardenia, ginger, hibiscus, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemon,
marjoram, meadowsweet, mistletoe, orange, plum, poppy, raspberry, rose, rosemary,
senna, strawberry, thyme, valerian, vanilla, violet, willow, and yarrow
Gods and Goddesses: Aradia (to protect the poor, and witches of course),
Athena (for mercy), Maat, Nemesis ( to bring justice to an offender),
Themis, The Dagdah, Jupiter, Osiris, Thoth, Zeus.
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Bring to Justice SpellTiming:
This spell is to be performed before going to court.
You Will Need:
2 brown candles
court document
Place the document next to you.
Now place a brown candle in front of you,
and the other brown candle in front of the document.
Now close your eyes. Imagine the person who is suing you.
Imagine them lying to the court.
Open your eyes and stare into the brown candle in front of you.
With lies and dishonesty,
With justice and help.
The lies prepared today,
They shall soon not yelp.
Not a word of a lie,
Not a word of excuse.
Make this truth inside them,
Now let it loose.
Now close your eyes again.
Imagine the document being torn apart
by the judge's hand, and the judge says,
''Case closed.'' It can be any judge;
but more preferably the one that will be in court.
Now open your eyes and stare at the
OTHER brown candle in front of the document.
Justice and judges,
Acceptance and pleads.
Make me now in the lead,
Now make the judge at ease.
My case is the truth,
Nothing else to be.
Now help me out here, judge,
Mote it be.
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Candle Justice SpellYou Will Need:
tarot cards needed: Justice, The World, and nine of cups
1 gray candle
1 orange candle
1 indigo candle
1 purple candle
1 black candle
1 gold candle
I move outside the limits of time to work my spell
The dragons help me weave the universal energy
The things that now exist become what I desire
The tides of Magick answer unto me.
Tarot cards needed: Justice, The World, and nine of cups
Candles needed: gray, orange, indigo, purple, black, and gold.
Arrange the cards IN ORDER, left to right:
Justice, The World, and then 9 of cups.
Arrange the candles below the cards IN THIS ORDER:
gray, orange, indigo, purple, black,
and gold.
Light the candles and after clearing your mind.
Gray mists to hide what I must do.
Orange light to change my luck and give me power.
Indigo strength to stop gossip and lies.
Purple power to break bad luck and drive away evil.
Great black walls to protect me from my enemies.
Sun-gold beams to give me fortune and success.
I stand surrounded by these powerful lights.
I ask the dragon's help to succeed in my case.
Concentrate a few moments on the cards and your objective.
After this you must say the closing chant.
My thanks to the dragons, great and small, who came to answer my call,
We wove the Magick, wild and free, And as I will, so shall it be.
Place the candles in a safe place so they will not catch anything on fire,
such as a sink or even in the bath tub, and allow them to burn themselves out.
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Candle Spell For Justice Or Help In Legal MattersYou Will Need:
1 small or medium sized mirror
You might want to burn some herbs or incense
associated with justice while doing this spell.
Also a simple yet incredibly powerful protection
spell is done with a small or medium sized
mirror you can hold in your hands.
While holding the mirror facing outwards in other
words not showing your reflection but turned to
reflect out, turn in a counter clockwise circle to banish.
Circle of reflection,
Circle of protection,
May the sender of all harm,
Feel the power of this charm.
This does not send any negative energy at the sender hence
eliminating the cause and effect portion of negativity
adding to negativity but it reflects back anything being
directed at you. So it bounces off you instead of affecting you.
Circle three times full round chanting this or until you feel
it is complete, then make a closing statement such as: So Be It
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Court Case Victory
When you find yourself facing a court case, or are being judged
and your fate is in the hands of others, you can use this spell
to tip the scales in your favor. This spell won't pervert
justice'but it will help make sure that those that are sitting
in judgement see your side clearly. Ideally you should perform
this step the day that you find out that you are going to be
going to court, and repeat it on the actual court date.
You Will Need:
1 purple candle
hazlenut oil
poppy seeds
Hold the candle in both hands and charge it with your intent.
Tell the candle that you want it to help you
and share your side of the story with it.
Imagine that you have the chance to sit down with
the judge and tell him or her everything that you
would want them to know so that they could judge in your favor.
Dress the candle with hazlenut oil,
and then roll it in poppy seeds.
Place the candle in a holder and then let it burn itself out.
As it burns visualize the smoke carrying your story
to the judge, jury and any other parties that will
play a role in deciding your fate.
If the candle burns itself out before it has burned
to the bottom keep the stub and carry it with you
whenever you are in court.
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Court Case Spells
If you are suffering and tired and the case
or any legal matter that you are going through is not ending
then you may go for this very strong spells.
Perform the spells outside
You Will Need:
one of the following powdered
herbs according to what you will wish for:
Bay, also known as bay laurel (for success and prestige wishes)
Rosemary (for promotion and advanced wishes)
Cinnamon (for power wishes)
Vervain (Vebena) (for general wishes)
Cardamom (for love wishes)
Peppermint (for prosperity wishes)
Hold the herb you have chosen and visualize in fine detail.
Hold the herb up to your mouth and breathe upon it trying to
force the wish through your breath onto the herb.
Turn facing North
King Boreas of the north wind, by the powers of earth,
I call you to carry my wish to the northern quarter,
And by the powers of the gnomes,
I ask that you bring me success.
Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from
your palm in the direction of North.
Turn to the East.
King Eureus of the East Wind, by the power of air,
I call you to carry my wish to the Eastern quarter,
And by the powers of sylphs,
I ask that you bring me success.
Blow a quarter of the powdered herb to the east.
Turn to the South.
King Notus of the south wind, by the powers of fire,
I call you to carry my wish to the southern quarter,
and by the powers of Salamanders,
I ask that you bring me success.
Blow a quarter to the south.
Turn to the west.
King Zephyrus of the west wind,
By the powers of water,
I call you to carry my wish to the
western quarter and by the powers of undines,
I ask that you bring me success.
Blow the final quarter to the of herb to the west.
Leave the area without looking back,
safe in the knowledge that the powers
of the universe have taken over your wish.
If you have any questions about the above
written spells email me and
all your queries will be answered.
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Court ChantSay:
Coyote, trickster, magick man,
Remove the scales from Themis ' hand!
Cloak me in enchanted mist'
With my endeavor please assist.
Teach me tricks, confuse my foes,
And assist my mind to cure my woes.
Send to me your magick fast;
Let my plans come true at last,
My winning day in court should be
A chance to laugh most gleefully!
Day In Court Magic WashTiming:
Three days before your scheduled court appearance, make this wash.
You Will Need:
1 bottle
1 large piece of High John the Conqueror root
1 one pint of fresh water
1/4 oz jalop powder
3/4 oz of snake head
1 tsp. of blessed salt
Put the bottle in a consecrated dark place.
On the morning of the court date, pour this mixture out of
your front door where you must walk through it when you
leave the house on your way to court.
Carry a large piece of High John the Conqueror root
in your pocket to the courtroom.
To one pint of fresh water add 1/4 oz jalop powder,
3/4 oz of snake head
and 1 tsp. of blessed salt.
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Friendly Judge SpellTiming:
Thursday on a Full Moon
You Will Need:
1 pink candle and holder
skunk cabbage
sunflower seeds
bay leaves
When the Full Moon hangs in the air on a Thursday,
anoint a pink candle with oil and roll it in a
mixture of skunk cabbage, sunflower seeds,
bay leaves, and basil.
Set the Candle in a holder under which you
have placed all relevant documents.
Focus on the flame.
You who are the law's handmaiden,
who with many decisions is laden;
will now look upon my face,
and by sympathetic to my case!
Let the candle burn out naturally.
Fix a mojo with any left over wax, the same herbal
combination and some of your personal concerns.
Go To TopMain ListRandom Madness Justice Spell
The color orange represents business and fairness.
You Will Need:
1 orange candle
Sit in a quiet place.
Ground and Center.
Light an orange candle.
Concentrate on the facts of the case (issue)
try to see the situation as an outsider.
Take a deep breath and play out in your mind
different scenarios that may happen while in front of
the judge (board). Keep the scenario's realistic.
Picture yourself as calm and factual as possible.
Once you are satisfied that you have played
through all of the options then focus back on the candle.
Request (from whomever you believe in) that t
hey open the eyes of the participants to see through the
emotion of the situation and see the facts.
Run through any new scenarios that come to mind.
Then extinguish the candle.
The key here is to see the situation from all angles.
If you only see your own point of view than you
may be more vulnerable to surprise questions.