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A Very Basic Smudge Ritual To Break Another Witches Spell To Break a Spell You've Cast
Spell To Reverse Negativity Or Hexes To Reverse a Hex Spell To Reverse Spells Cast With Candle Magick
Hex Off Breaking Spells Wash Away a Curse
A Very Basic Smudge Ritual To Ease Stress Against Black Magic
Breaking Karmic Contracts With People To Ease Pain and Renew Hope Removing Someone from your Life Spell
Basic Sage Cleansing How To Get Rid of A Voodoo Dolls Curse Cleansing the Body of Negative Energies
A Spell To Break The Powers Of A Spell Ashes To Riddance Spell Spell To Drive Away Evil
Go To Top Main List Random Madness A Very Basic Smudge Ritual The main thin to remember when writing spells is the simplier the better. You don't ALWAYS need every element you can think of. Purpose: To rid negative entities from your living space. Timing: Whenever you feel negativity when you enter your space. You Will Need: 1 sage stick OR dried sage spice 1 fireproof container like glass Procedure: Relax! No matter how you have to do it. You know what works for you. Try not to take anything that is mind altering. You want a clear mind from your own energy. Sit comfortably on a couch or chair. If you can get on the floor Indian style that is best. Place the bowl in front of you. Before you go to burn the sage... Say: All the entities on earth that watch over me, Please rid all this negativity. I want my home to be safe from harm. Please keep me in your arms. Light the sage. Say 3 times: One, two, three I thank the powers at be. Four, five, six accept this sage mix. Seven, eight, nine, ten keep me protected again and again. Thank you to every entity! So mote it be. Let the sage burn down and out. Do not put it out! Go To Top Main List Random Madness To Break Another Witches Spell You Will Need: 1 silver cord Procedure: Tie one knot in each end of the silver cord. As you do this visualize one knot representing you and the other person who has cast the spell or hex. Cut the cord in the center Say: From you to me this spell I break, This was not right for you to make. Its path I will abruptly end, And back to you the spell I send Go To Top Main List Random Madness To Break a Spell You've Cast Timing: After midnight any night during a waning moon Direction to face to open the circle: East Optional Supplies: incense to burn: benzoin herbs to use: angelica oils to use: anoint candles with rosemary oil candle colors: use white candles, as many as you like. You Will Need: 1 bead from a necklace you own (preferably a pearl--faux or real) 1 small patch of black cloth some string for tying Say: I cast a spell asking *insert type of spell here*, I now ask the favor of having the spell removed. I understand to take back a spell means giving up something of my own to show my spirit is true and my intentions are good, I give this pearl/bead from a necklace I own. I transfer the spell into the pearl or bead and render the spell dormant. No harm may come from the cancellation of this spell. No further power shall it have. This is my will - so be it. Place the pearl/bead in the black cloth Add your angelica herbs Tie up tightly in the string until you have wrapped the pearl/bead entirely in the cloth. Dribble a bit of wax from the candles on the final knot you tie. Then throw the small package away far from your home. Close the circle and give thanks. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Spell To Reverse Negativity Or Hexes You Will Need: 1 purple candle rosemary oil Procedure: Visualize all blocks in your life-path being removed. Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink. Write: All blocks are now removed. Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray, or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and its elemental spirits. Say 3 times: Firedrakes and salamanders, aid me in my quest, protect me from all evil forms, turn back the negativity being sent. After the third reptition Say: So mote it be. Go To Top Main List Random Madness To Reverse a Hex Say: Spell, spell, spell be gone! Back to which ye belong. Back to the caster Take your disaster. OR Say: Thinking of me But just the same Return this spell From whence it came Upon my safety, I do hold Send the damage, return threefold! Go To Top Main List Random Madness Spell To Reverse Spells Cast With Candle Magick You Will Need: 2 black candles Procedure: Light two black candles Say: In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark And the Gods of the Netherworld And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me Let them suffer their own curse Let these candles be their candles This burning be their burning This curse be their curse Let the pain they have caused me and mine Fall upon themselves Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each night chant the spell until the candles are spent. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Hex Off Purpose: This very effective Scottish spell-breaker can be used to throw off any type of spells, hexes or incantations. You Will Need: 1 beeswax candle 1 length of twine about 6" long 1 sharp knife or pair of scissors 1 sewing needle 1 metal pan (such as a cake or baking pan) Procedure: Stick the sewing needle into the side of the candle approximately ½" from the top of the candle. Light the candle. When the needle falls out, you can work the spell. Once the candle has burned down to the needle, hold the twine tightly between both hands. Say Aloud: Where you come from, I care not Where you go, best you be gone Leave me now and let it be The bond is cut, so by this done With the scissors or knife, cut the twine in half. Lay the pieces in the pan, making note of the freshly cut ends. Take your candle and drip wax over the ends of the twine that you just cut to seal those ends. Extinguish the candle. Next, take your sewing needle and piercing both pieces of twine, pin them together. Keep the twine pinned and put it in a secure place in the room where you sleep. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Breaking Spells Breaking spells are intended to break a spell that has been cast against you. So if you feel that someone else is using witchcraft to cause you misfortune, these are the spells you want to try. Banishing spells may keep someone away from you, but they will not break any curse or hex already created. And please remember that not all bad luck is caused by someone else cursing you. Yes it can (and does) happen, but be reasonable when trying more magick just because a few things go wrong for you. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Wash Away a Curse This spell is also listed elsewhere on the site, but its perfectly suited for this page too. It's a bit more elaborate than some other spells. Timing: Night after a full moon You Will Need: 12 white candles 1 black or dark purple candle 1 cup of coarse salt 1 tbs lavender blossoms 1 tbs white sage (not green) 1 tbs chamomile Procedure: You can be liberal with the herbs, as long as they are in roughly the same proportions. On your altar (or right in the bathroom) make a circle with the 12 white candles. Put the black one in the middle. Don't light them just yet. Say: By the light of moon's wane Cleanse my soul of this stain Let the spell be reverse Lift away this dark curse As I enter sacred space Return my soul to grace I forgive what was done Let the spell be undone Stay in the bath until the water begins to cool off. When you get out, snuff out the candles but leave them in their circle. For the next 3 nights, relight them all and repeat the second part of the chant. After the 3rd night, relight the black candle and let it burn all the way out (if it's not already finished). Go To Top Main List Random Madness A Very Basic Smudge Ritual by Ara The main thin to remember when writing spells is the simplier the better. You don't ALWAYS need every element you can think of. Purpose: To rid negative entities from your living space. Timing: Whenever you feel negativity when you enter your space. You Will Need: 1 sage stick OR dried sage spice 1 fireproof container like glass Procedure: Relax! No matter how you have to do it. You know what works for you. Try not to take anything that is mind altering. You want a clear mind from your own energy. Sit comfortably on a couch or chair. If you can get on the floor Indian style that is best. Place the bowl in front of you. Before you go to burn the sage... Say: All the entities on earth that watch over me, Please rid all this negativity. I want my home to be safe from harm. Please keep me in your arms. Light the sage. Say 3 times: One, two, three I thank the powers at be. Four, five, six accept this sage mix. Seven, eight, nine, ten keep me protected again and again. Thank you to every entity! So mote it be. Let the sage burn down and out. Do not put it out! Go To Top Main List Random Madness To Ease Stress We all get stressed out and down in the dumps from time to time. Try this spell to help. When taken, magickal teas can completely alter your mood and settle down your adrenaline's. Go to any good supermarket or health food shop and purchase a packet of Raspberry leaf tea. This tea is excellent for waking up the senses and bringing about courage. You Will Need: 2 tsp of tea teapot water Procedure: Put two teaspoons of the tea in a pot and add boiling water. Let it steep for three to five minutes then strain in to a cup pouring the fluid over a spoon. Place your left hand above the cup. Say: I wish to remain calm and focused. Let the tea cool a little before you drink it. Repeat this three times a day. Depending on the problem you are faced with this spell can be adapted by using different teas. For love related problems use Rose hip or Orange rind- For Money worries – Dandelion For illness – Chamomile, Fennel and Nettle. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Against Black Magic You Will Need: 1 quartz crystal, 1 St Michael holy card, 1 white offertory candle in a candle holder anointing oil. Procedure: Place the candle in the candle holder on a desk or altar. Anoint it with the oil. Lean the holy card on the candle holder and place the quartz next to it. Recite the 91st psalm and light the candle. Then, say the following prayer. Say: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the Divine Power of God - cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. You will be safe while the candle burns. If you still feel unsafe after it burns down, repeat the ritual. This ritual is one if my favorite spells ever and has been a big help at times. Thus spell is designed to shatter alm effects of black magic in your household. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Breaking Karmic Contracts With People You Will Need: graveyard dirt of a soldier (purchased in the proper manner) 1 jumbo double-action candle 1 pointy tool to carve the candle 1 bottle of uncrossing oil 1 seven 13-herb baths 1 seven protection herb baths 1 glass bottle with a twist top 1 black cloth (sufficient to cover the glass bottle) blackberry leaves and branches whiskey 9 pins 9 needles 9 coffin nails frankincense and myrrh incense 1 cigar gunpowder a prepared protection mojo bag with its bottle of fiery protection oil a bundle of fresh herbs tied together: pine fern sage lemon verbena mint tied together (so they don't continue to play the same detrimental roles in your further incarnations.) Procedure: On parchment or some other nice quality paper, write in red ink.. Write: (Name) I declare our contract broken. You no longer have power over me. Never again will I be your servant, in this life or any other. (you can use your own words, go into detail about how you feel you've been wronged manipulated, whatever.) Sign your name, burn it with a black candle. Get rid of the ashes. Go To Top Main List Random Madness To Ease Pain and Renew Hope Timing: Sunset on the full moon You Will Need: 1 black candle 3 pieces of amethyst vetivert oil 1 white candle 3 pieces of rose quartz lotus oil Procedure: Take the Black Candle and inscribe with a short description of your problem, i.e. divorce, break-up, death, etc. Anoint the Candle with Vetivert oil and charge it. Set the candle in a holder on your altar. Take the three pieces of amethyst and hold in your hand. Visualize your pain and pour it into the stones. Place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle holder and light the candle. Visualize the pain leaving you. Allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish. Take one of the pieces of amethyst outside. Hold it into your hand and again see and feel your pain transferring to the stone. Then take the stone and throw it from you with all your might. Never take this stone up again. Repeat this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has completely burned down, and the amethyst stones are gone. Take any remaining wax from the candle and bury off of your property. At Sunrise on the morning of the New Moon, take the White Candle and inscribe with the word hope”. Anoint the candle with Lotus oil and charge it. Set the candle in a holder on your altar. Take the three pieces of rose quartz and hold in your hand. Visualize a positive future for yourself. See yourself living, laughing, and enjoying life. Place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle holder and light the candle. Visualize and feel a strong sense of hope and expectancy coming to you. Allow the candle to burn down one third of the way and then extinguish. Repeat this spell for the next two nights, until the candle has completely burned down. Take the rose quartz pieces and place one in your purse, pocket, medicine bag, or amulet to be carried with you. Place another by a window sill in a sunny room. Take the last piece and bury it by a tree in your yard as an offering. If you don't have a yard, you may bury it in a flower pot or plant in your home or place outside the entrance of your home. Be takes time for pain to come to an end, but this spell will set you well on your way. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Removing Someone from your Life Spell You Will Need: sea salt 1 picture of yourself 1 white candle 1 black candle 1 amethyst quartz stone Procedure: Inside a circle of the sea salt, place your picture propped up with the quartz and the white candle. Program your white to protect yourself only from any and all harm from those known to you and not known to you and light it. Program the black candle to absorb all negative energies in, on and around you and light it then place it on the outside of the circle of salt. Then let it burn itself out. This is a sure way to keep you from accruing any negative karma or feedback. As a boost you can also use black salt to sprinkle around the perimeter of your home. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Basic Sage Cleansing You Will Need: 1 charcoal disc matches or lighter crushed sage Procedure: Before you start, close all of your windows and doors. Start by lighting up your charcoal disc. Wait until it turns white (that's when you know it's ready to start smudging)! Drop some slightly crushed Sage on it and wait for it to start smoking. When it starts smoking, go to each room and fill the room with the smoke. While you are filling the rooms, you can inhale a small amount of the smoke to cleanse yourself. Step into each room and with a commanding voice Say: I cleanse this room of all negativity! Only love and light may enter! Pay attention to the smoke, because when it turns black it means that in that room, there is that certain negativity that you wish to dispose of. When you went through all the rooms, return to the room where the smoke turned black and re-do this, until the smoke has turned back to grey! Go To Top Main List Random Madness How To Get Rid of A Voodoo Dolls Curse First take a lock of the cursed ones hair and a lock of the voodoo dolls hair and twist them together. Take something that is close to the cursed one. It may be a doll or a favorite book, next get a solid stone of tiger eye and keep it close to the cursed one for protection. if you own the voodoo doll but did not mean for it to be linked to some one take very good care of it. Do NOT pierce it on hurt it in any way. This will cause harm to a real person. Take all of the ingredients and bring them to a place were there is water. Lay everything out and burn them. Tis will destroy the voodoo doll and everything will be normal. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Cleansing the Body of Negative Energies You Will Need: 1 White Candle 1 Black Candle 1 Green Candle The White candle is for Positive Energy. The Black Candle is for Negative Energy. The Green Candle is for Healing. Clear your mind and Light the White Candle and Say: Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit; I ask thee to Cleanse my body of all negative energies. Light the Black Candle and repeat the same words as before. Then light the Green Candle. Say: Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit; I ask the to Free and heal my body from all negative forces. Blessed be!! You must do this in a quiet room somewhere that you will not be disturbed. After doing this sit back, keep your mind clear and relax for 15 minutes. Afterwards you will feel fresh and renewed. I recommend doing this once a week. You will feel a lot better and you body will be healthier. Go To Top Main List Random Madness A Spell To Break The Powers Of A Spell If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black candle in a cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candle must be tall enough to extend a few inched above the cauldron's rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that it will not tip over. Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle's wick. An inch or two of the candle should remain above the water. Deep breathe, meditate, clear your mind, and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing with the candle's flame (yes the power against you). As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water, the spell will be dispersed. Break your visualization of the spell's power. See it explode into dust, becoming impotent. Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Ashes To Riddance Spell There are times in our lives when we become burdened with worrying. We spend so much time worrying that we never come to solving the problem. Sometimes we have past hang-ups that prevent us from moving towards more positive lifestyles. This little spell is to help us put an end to these ruts in our lives. You Will Need: Ashes from burned wood Jar or bowl to hold the ashes Timing: This spell is most effective when there is a Waning Moon. Locations: Outdoors in a clearing Procedure: Gather wood ashes the day of the spell and place in a glass jar or open bowl. During the day, hold the jar or bowl and visualize all your worries and/or hang-ups pouring from your 3rd eye and heart and into the ashes. When the night falls, take the ashes to a clearing in a field, wood, or parking lot. Hold the jar or bowl in your hands and do one last pouring out of your worries and hang-ups. Say: You are ashes, And to ashes you shall return. Pour the ashes out of the jar or bowl and walk away without looking back. When you've returned home be sure to wash out the jar or bowl. Burn some incense, take a bath, or light a candle, and refocus. It is done. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Spell To Drive Away Evil Timing: On a dark night - moonless and cloudy Procedure: Take an iron nail - rusty and old. , set upon a smallish flat stone. With an iron hammer strike it 3 times. At each stroke say: Clavus Ferreus Malleus Ferreus Ferrum Refilum Ferrum Nobilis Score the stone three times across with the nail's point, then take the stone and bury it far from the house. Carry the nail with you always as a charm.
A Very Basic Smudge Ritual To Break Another Witches Spell To Break a Spell You've Cast
Spell To Reverse Negativity Or Hexes To Reverse a Hex Spell To Reverse Spells Cast With Candle Magick
Hex Off Breaking Spells Wash Away a Curse
A Very Basic Smudge Ritual To Ease Stress Against Black Magic
Breaking Karmic Contracts With People To Ease Pain and Renew Hope Removing Someone from your Life Spell
Basic Sage Cleansing How To Get Rid of A Voodoo Dolls Curse Cleansing the Body of Negative Energies
A Spell To Break The Powers Of A Spell Ashes To Riddance Spell Spell To Drive Away Evil
Air Spells Bath Spells Beauty Spells
Bottle/Jar Spells Earth Spells Fertility Spells
Fire Spells Full Moon Spells Break Bad Habit Spells
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