Music Section No Official Video Karaoke Version Live Version Download I really do appreciate the fact you're sitting here Your voice sounds so wonderful But your face don't look too clear So, Barmaid, bring a pitcher, another round of brew Honey, why don't we get drunk and screw Why don't we get drunk and screw I just bought a waterbed filled up for me and you They say you are a snuff queen, Honey, I don't think that's true So, why don't we get drunk and screw Why don't we get drunk and screw I just bought a waterbed filled up for me and you They say you are a snuff queen, Honey, I don't think that's true So, why don't we get drunk and screw
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BOS Section Classroom Section Graphics Section Music Section Pagan Fests Section Personal Section Poetry Corner Quotes Section Spells Section Tarot Section Zodiac Section