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Planet | Jupiter
Day | Thursday
Element | Air and Fire
Magickal Tool | Robe
Color | Deep Blue, Royal Purple
Metal | Tin
Zodiac | Sagittarius, Pisces
Tone | So and A
Letter | D
Numbers | 5 or 4
Jewel | Amethyst, Chrysolite, Sapphire, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite
Oils | Anise, bergamot, cedar, fir, honeysuckle, jasmine, lavender, nutmeg, orris, strawberry
Metal | Tin
Angel | Tzadkiel
Incense | Cedar and Nutmeg
Plants | Agrimony, anise, ash, balm, betony, bloodroot, borage, cinquefoil, clover, dandelion, hyssop, Juniper berries, mint, Mistletoe, nutmeg
Trees | Oak
Animals | Unicorn
Goddesses | Isia, Hera, Juno, Themis
Gods | Bel, Eurymedon, Jupiter, Marduk, Thor, Zeus
Planet | Jupiter
Day | Thursday
Element | Air and Fire
Magickal Tool | Robe
Color | Deep Blue, Royal Purple
Metal | Tin
Zodiac | Sagittarius, Pisces
Tone | So and A
Letter | D
Numbers | 5 or 4
Jewel | Amethyst, Chrysolite, Sapphire, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite
Oils | Anise, bergamot, cedar, fir, honeysuckle, jasmine, lavender, nutmeg, orris, strawberry
Metal | Tin
Angel | Tzadkiel
Incense | Cedar and Nutmeg
Plants | Agrimony, anise, ash, balm, betony, bloodroot, borage, cinquefoil, clover, dandelion, hyssop, Juniper berries, mint, Mistletoe, nutmeg
Trees | Oak
Animals | Unicorn
Goddesses | Isia, Hera, Juno, Themis
Gods | Bel, Eurymedon, Jupiter, Marduk, Thor, Zeus
Planet | Saturn
Day | Saturday
Element | Water and Earth
Magickal Tool | Scythe, sickle, crystal wand
Color | Black and Blue
Signs | Capricorn, Aquarius
Tone | Fa and G
Letter | F
Numbers | 7 and 3
Jewel | Pearl, Onyx, Star Sapphire, Obsidian, Agates, Lodestone, Hematite, Jet
Oils | Balm of Gilead, cypress, high John the conqueror, musk, myrrh, patchouli, styrax
Angel | Tzaphkiel
Incense | Civet, Ironwood, Myrrh
Animals | Crow and Raven
Plants | Aconite (monkshood or wolfsbane), beets, bistort (dragon-wort), confrey, cypress, Helleboro, hemlock, horsetail, hemp, henbane, mandrake, marijuana, opium poppy, nightshade, pathcouli, Solomon's Seal, Thyme, Yew
Trees | Alder and Pomegranate
Goddesses | Cybele, Demeter, Hecate, Hera, Isis, Kali, Nephthys, Rhea
Gods | Bran, Cronus, Ninib, Saturn, YHVH
Planet | Mercury
Day | Wednesday
Element | Air and Water
Color | Violet
Signs | Gemini and Virgo
Tone | Mi and B
Letter | C
Numbers | 1, 4 and 8
Jewel | Opal, Agate, Onyx, Carnelian, Citrine, Flourite, Selenite
Angel | Michael
Incense | Storax and Mace
Plants | Caraway, carrots, cascara, cagrada, dill, elecampane, fennel, mandrake, marjoram, myrtle, parsley, pomegranate, velerian
Trees | Hazel, Ash and Almond
Animals | Hermaphrodite, jackal, twin serpents
Goddesses | Athena, Maat, Metis, Pombargira
Gods | Anubis, Coeus, Coyote, Elegba, Hermes, Lugi, Nabu, Mercury, Thoth, Woden
Planet | Earth
Day | Friday
Element | Earth
Magickal Tools | Pentacle
Color | Maroon, gray, green, brown
Metal | Copper
Zodiac | Taurus
Stones | Amber, Emerald, Agate, Petrified wood
Oils | Ambergris, apple blossom, cherry, mint, rose, tuberose, vervain, violet, ylang ylang Incense Aloe, musk
Plants |
Indian hemp, orris, thistle,
myrtle, scullcap
Planet | Venus
Day | Friday
Element | Earth and Water
Magickal Tool | Chant, cord
Color | Green, Rose, Indigo
Zodiac | Taurus, Libra
Tone | Lo, E
Letter | Q
Numbers | 5,6 and 7
Jewel | Amber, Emerald, Malachite, Jade, Peridot, Aventurine
Oils | Ambergris, apple blossom, cherry, mint, rose, tuberose, vervain, violet, ylang ylang
Metal | Copper
Angel | Haniel, Amael
Incense | Dove and Lynx
Plants | Acacia Flowers, Almond Oil, Aloes, Apple, Birch, Daffodil, Damask Rose, Elderberry, Feverfew, Fig, Geranium, Mint, Mugwort, Olive Oil, Pennyroyal, Plantain, Raspberry, Rose, Strawberry, Tansy, Thyme, Verbena, Vervain, Violet
Trees | Apple and Quince
Goddesses | Aphrodite, Beltis, Asherah, Freia, Hathor, Inanna, Isis, Ishtar, Mari, Matiamne, Oshun, Tethys, Venus
Gods | Eros, Oceanus, Robin Hood, Pan, Venus, Aphrodite, Quetzalcoatl.
Planet | Pluto
Day | Tuesday
Element | Water
Magickal Tool | Sex
Color | Black, white, royal blue
Metal | Iron, plutonium, pewter
Zodiac | Scorpio
Jewel | Garnet, bloodstone, red agate, ruby, red topaz
Oils | Allspice, coriander, patchouli, pine
Incense | Hemlock, ambergris, asafoetida, brimstone, myrrh
Plants | Mushrooms, fungi, any fungus that grows on trees, blueberry, marshmallow, valerian, gentian
Rituals Involving | Victory, removing depression, uncovering secrets, sensuality, finding lost objects, astral plane, regeneration, Overcoming evil, controlling lower principles applying knowledge,
Planet | Vulcan
Day | Wednesday
Element | Fire and Earth
Magickal Tool | Hammer, sword
Color | Blue, Orange
Metal | Iron, Brass
Zodiac | Virgo
Stones | Fire Opal
Oils | Lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, nutmeg, sandalwood, styrax, vervain
Incense | Fennel, vulcan
Plants | Nettle, hibiscus, red poppy, almond
Planet | Uranus
Day | Wednesday
Element | Air
Magickal Tool | Key, blasting rod, magickal ring
Color | Yellow, blue, brown, checked white
Metal | Uranium, platinum, plastic, zinc
Zodiac | Aquarius
Jewel | Amber, jacinth, lapis lazuli, lodestone
Oils | Lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, nutmeg, sandalwood, styrax, vervain
Incense | Mandrake, all resins
Plants | Anise, mandrake, caraway, cassia, lavender, licorice, parsley, sandalwood, storax
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