* | Name | Description | Religion |
A | Abeguwo | Sky | Oceania mythology
A | Abeona | Protected children leaving home | Roman mythology
A | Abundantia | Good fortune | Roman mythology
A | Acca larentia | Cornfields | Roman mythology
A | Achaman | Sky | Guance mythology
A | Acheilus | Sea daemon | Greek mythology
A | Achelois | Moon | Roman mythology
A | Achuhucanac | Rain | Guance mythology
A | Acis | River near etna | Sicilian mythology
A | Adeona | Protected children as they returned home | Roman mythology
A | Adonai | Fire | Greek mythology
A | Aegaeon | Water | Titans
A | Aegaeus | Violent sea-storms | N/a
A | Aeolus | Sky | Greek mythology
A | Aequitas | Fair trade & honest merchants | Roman mythology
A | Aerecura | Underworld | Celtic mythology
A | Aesculapius | Health & medicine | Roman mythology
A | Aetemitas | Time | Roman mythology
A | Aeternitas | Personification of eternity | Roman mythology
A | Aether | Air | Greek mythology
A | Aetna | Volcanic mount etna in sicily | Sicilian mythology
A | Agenoria | Arouse action | Etruscan mythology
A | Agla | Earth | N/a
A | Aglibol | Moon | Palmarene mythology
A | Agnayi | Fire | Hindu mythology
A | Agni | Sun | Hindu mythology
A | Ah kin | Sun | Maya mythology
A | Ahau-kin | Moon | Maya mythology
A | Aide | Air | Basque mythology
A | Áine | Sun | Greek mythology
A | Aix | Nymph | Greek mythology
A | Akycha | Sun | Inuit mythology
A | Alaunus | Sun | Celtic mythology
A | Albina | Sun | Etruscan mythology
A | Alcyone | King of the realm of trachis | Greek mythology
A | Alectrona | Sun | Greek mythology
A | Alemonia | Nourishing the unborn child | Roman mythology
A | Alignak | Moon | Inuit mythology
A | Almaqah | Moon | Ethiopian mythology
A | Altjira | Sky | Australia
A | Amai-te-rangi | Sky | Oceania mythology
A | Amaterasu | Sun | Japanese mythology
A | Ampelus | Satyr | Greek mythology
A | Amphictyonis | Wine & friendship between nations | Greek mythology
A | Amphitrite | Sea | Greek mythology
A | Amun | Wind | Egyptian mythology
A | An | Sky | Mesopotamian mythology
A | Ananke | Time | Greek mythology
A | Anemoi | Winds | Greek mythology
A | Angerona | Relieved people from pain & sorrow | Roman mythology
A | Angita | Healing, magic, snakes & witchcraft | Roman mythology
A | Anhur | Wind | Egyptian mythology
A | Ani | Sky | Etruscan mythology
A | Anna perenna | Circle of the year | Roman mythology
A | Annapurna | Kitchens, cooking, food & domesticity | Hindu mythology
A | Anshar | Sky | Mesopotamian mythology
A | Anteros | Love | Roman mythology
A | Antevorta | Goddess of the future | Roman mythology
A | Antheia | Flowers & flowery wreaths | Greek mythology
A | Anu | Sky | Mesopotamian mythology
A | Anumati | Moon | Hindu mythology
A | Anyanwu | Sun | African mythology
A | Anytus | Curete guardian | Greek mythology
A | Ao | Rain and the sea | Maori mythology
A | Aphaea | Agriculture & fertility | Greek mythology
A | Apheliotes | The east wind | Greek mythology
A | Aphrodite | Love, beauty & sexuality | Greek mythology
A | Aphroditus | Moon | Greek mythology
A | Aphros | Fish-tailed sea-centaurs. | Greek mythology
A | Aplu | Weather | Etruscan mythology
A | Apollo | Poetry, music, & oracles | Greek mythology
A | Aradia | Air | Italian mythology
A | Argyra | Sea nymphs | Greek mythology
A | Ariadne | Wife of dionysus | Greek mythology
A | Arianrhod | Moon & earth | Celtic mythology
A | Arinna | Sun | Hittite mythology
A | Aristaeus | Bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing & hunting |
A | Artemis | Moon | Greek mythology
A | Aryaman | Sun | Hindu mythology
A | Asclepius | Healing | Greek mythology
A | Asherah | House protectress | Semtic mythology
A | Ashima | Time | Assyro-babylonian mythology
A | Ashnan | Grain and harvest | Babylonian mythology
A | Astarte | Fertility, sexuality, war | Greek mythology
A | Astraea | Water | Greek mythology
A | Astraea/astria | Justice | Italian mythology
A | Astraios | Astrology | Greek mythology
A | Ataegina | Moon | Lusitanian mythology
A | Atahensic | Sky | Native american
A | Ataksak | Sky | Artic america
A | Atanua | Sun | Polynesian mythology
A | Atarapa | Sun | Polynesian mythology
A | Aten | Sun | Egyptian mythology
A | Athena | Wisdom | Greek mythology
A | Atropos | Time | Greek mythology
A | Attis | Vegetation | Greek mythology
A | Atua i kafika | Sky | Polynesian mythology
A | Atum | Creator & sun | Egyptian mythology
A | Aura | Air | Greek mythology
A | Aurora | Dawn | Roman mythology
A | Autonoe | Wife of aristaeus | Greek mythology
A | Auxesia | Fertility | Greek mythology
A | Auxo | Spring growth | Greek mythology
A | Avatea | Moon | Polynesian mythology
A | Averruncus | Good fortune | Roman mythology
A | Awilix | Moon | Maya mythology
B | Baba yaga | Kitchens, cooking, food & domesticity | Slavic mythology
B | Bacchantes | Nymphs to dionysus | Greek mythology
B | Bacchus | Wine, sensual pleasures & truth | Roman mythology
B | Badessy | Sky | Vodou loa
B | Baiame | Sky | Australia
B | Baldr | Sun | Norse mythology
B | Barsamin | Weather | Armenian mythology
B | Bassarides | Another name for bacchantes | Greek mythology
B | Bast | Sun | Egyptian mythology
B | Beelshamen | Sky | Mesopotamian mythology
B | Beiwe | Sun | Sami mythology
B | Bellona | War | Roman mythology
B | Belobog | Sun | Slavic mythology
B | Bendis | Moon | Thracian mythology
B | Benthesicyme | Sea nymphs | Greek mythology
B | Beten | Time | Polish mythology
B | Bona dea | Fertility, healing, virginity & women | Roman mythology
B | Bootes | Inventor of the wagon & the plough | Greek mythology
B | Boreas | The north wind & of winter | Greek mythology
B | Bridget | Inner flame of life & creation | Celtic mythology
B | Britomartis | Small game netting | Greek mythology
B | Brizo | Sailors | Greek mythology
B | Bromius | God of wine | Greek mythology
B | Bubona | Cattle | Roman mythology
B | Budda | Teacher of illumination | Hindu mythology
B | Bunjil | Sky | Australia
B | Bythos | Fish-tailed sea-centaurs | Greek mythology
C | Cabaguil | Sky | Maya mythology
C | Cabeiro | Sea nymphs | Greek mythology
C | Cabiri | Metalworking | Greek mythology
C | Caca | Ancient hearth | Roman mythology
C | Cacus | Fire | Roman mythology
C | Cadmilus | Rustic god | Greek mythology
C | Caelus | Sky | Roman mythology
C | Caicias | The northeast wind | Greek mythology
C | Calliste | Sea nymphs | Greek mythology
C | Camenae | Time | Roman mythology
C | Candelifera | Newborn into the light | Roman mythology
C | Capheira | Sea nymphs | Greek mythology
C | Carcinus | Cancer constellation | Greek mythology
C | Cardea | Health, thresholds, door hinges & handles. | Roman mythology
C | Carmanor | Harvest | Greek mythology
C | Carmen/carmina | Spell castings | Italian mythology
C | Carmenta | Childbirth & prophecy | Roman mythology
C | Carmentes | Childbirth | Roman mythology
C | Carna | Heart & other organs | Roman mythology
C | Cautha | Sun | Etruscan mythology
C | Cedalion | One of the cabri | Greek mythology
C | Cel | Death | Italian mythology
C | Centauri | Devotees of aphrodite | Greek mythology
C | Ceraon | The meal & wine | Greek mythology
C | Cercopes | Thievish demi-gods | Greek mythology
C | Ceres | Harvest | Roman mythology
C | Ceridwen | Moon | Celtic mythology
C | Cernunnos | Fertility and horned animals | Celtic mythology
C | Cetea | Monsters of the sea's depths | Greek mythology
C | Ceto | Water | Greek mythology
C | Ch'eng-huang | Moats and walls | Chinese mythology
C | Chandra or 'indu' | Moon | Hindu mythology
C | Chang-kuo lao | Hermit that could travel fast | Chinese mythology
C | Chang'e | Moon | Chinese mythology
C | Chaos | Wife of chiron | Greek mythology
C | Charun | Underworld | Etruscan mythology
C | Charybdis | Daemon of whirlpools and the tides | Greek mythology
C | Chia | Moon | Chibcha mythology
C | Chicomecoatz | Grain and harvest | Aztec mythology
C | Chie | Moon | Chibcha mythology
C | Chione | Snow | Greek mythology
C | Chiron | Teacher | Greek mythology
C | Chloris | Flowers | Greek mythology
C | Chons | Moon | Egyptian mythology
C | Chronos | Time | Roman mythology
C | Chu jung | Fire | Chinese mythology
C | Chup kamui | Moon | Ainu mythology
C | Cinxia | Marriage | Greek mythology
C | Circios | The north-northwest wind | Roman mythology
C | Clementia | Forgiveness & mercy | Roman mythology
C | Clitunno | Clitunno river | Roman mythology
C | Cloacina | Sewers in rome | Roman mythology
C | Clotho | Time | Greek mythology
C | Coatlique | Creator | Aztec mythology
C | Collatina | Hills | Roman mythology
C | Comus | Revelry, merrymaking & festivity | Greek mythology
C | Comus | Drinking & feasting | Italian mythology
C | Concordia | Agreement, understanding & marital harmony | Roman mythology
C | Coniraya | Moon | Incan mythology
C | Conisalus | Daemon of garden fertility | Greek mythology
C | Consus | Protecting grain storage | Roman mythology
C | Convector | Crops from the field | Roman mythology
C | Copia | Wealth | Italian mythology
C | Corvus | Messenger of god | Italian mythology
C | Corybantes | Rustic god | Greek mythology
C | Corymbus | Fruit of the ivy | Greek mythology
C | Coyolxauhqui | Moon | Aztec mythology
C | Cuba | Helping babies sleep | Roman mythology
C | Cunina | Infants in cradles | Roman mythology
C | Cupid | Love | Roman mythology
C | Cura | Created humans from clay | Roman mythology
C | Curetes | Guardian of zues | Greek mythology
C | Cyamites | The bean | Greek mythology
C | Cybele | Wildlife & caverns | Greek mythology
C | Cymopoleia | Giant storm waves | Greek mythology
D | Dactyles | Metalworking | Greek mythology
D | Dagr | Time | Day god(ess)
D | Dagr | Sun | Norse mythology
D | Dahomey | Sun | African mythology
D | Dalia | Time | Baltic mythology
D | Damia | Fertility | Greek mythology
D | Danu | Creativity | Celtic mythology
D | Dea dia | Growth | Roman mythology
D | Dea tacita | The dead | Roman mythology
D | Decima | Time | Roman mythology
D | Dei lucrii | Wealth, profit, commerce & trade | Roman mythology
D | Deipneus | Preparation of meals | Roman mythology
D | Delphin | Leader of the dolphins | Greek mythology
D | Demeter | Fertility, agriculture, grain & harvest | Greek mythology
D | Denke | Sky | Dinka mythology
D | Despoina | Mysteries in arcadia | Greek mythology
D | Dewi shri | Moon | Indoneian mythology
D | Di nixi | Childbirth & labor | Roman mythology
D | Diana | New moon, hunting, virginity, goddess of all witches | Roman mythology
D | Dianus | Fertility | Greek mythology
D | Dionysus | Wine | Greek mythology
D | Disciplina | Discipline | Roman mythology
D | Discordia | Discord | Greek mythology
D | Dius fidus | Oaths | Roman mythology
D | Djinn | Protector | Arabian mythology
D | Domiduca | Protects children on the way back home | Roman mythology
D | Domiducus | Brought brides to their husbands' houses. | Greek mythology
D | Domitius | Kept wives in their husbands' homes | Roman mythology
D | Doris | Water | Greek mythology
D | Dryads | Nymphs of the forest | Greek mythology
D | Dyaus pita | Sky | South asia mythology
E | Echidna | Sea nymphs | Greek mythology
E | Echo | Nymphs of echoes | Greek mythology
E | Edesia | Banquets | Roman mythology
E | Edusa | Solid food learning | Roman mythology
E | Egeria | Time | Roman mythology
E | Egesta | Grain | Sicillian mythology
E | Eheieh | Water | N/a
E | Eidothea | Sea nymph | Greek mythology
E | Eileithyia | Childbirth | Greek mythology
E | Ekhi | Sun | Basque mythology
E | Elagabalus | Sun | Roman mythology
E | Electra | Oceanides | Greek mythology
E | Elli | Old age god(ess) | Greek mythology
E | Endovelicus | Sun | Lusitanian mythology
E | Enlil | Wind | Mesopotamian mythology
E | Enyalius | War | Greek mythology
E | Enyo | Destructive war | Greek mythology
E | Eos | Sun | Greek mythology
E | Eosphorus | Morning star | Greek mythology
E | Epimelides | Nymphs of the forest | Greek mythology
E | Epione | Soothing of pain | Greek mythology
E | Epona | Horses, donkeys, mules | Roman mythology
E | Eris | Strife | Greek mythology
E | Erotes | Winged gods of love | Greek mythology
E | Esege malan | Creator | Mongolian mythology
E | Eunomia | Good order, springtime & green pastures | Greek mythology
E | Eunostus | Flour mill | Greek mythology
E | Euphrosyne | Good cheer | Greek mythology
E | Euronotus | The southeast wind | Greek mythology
E | Eurus | The unlucky east or southeast wind | Greek mythology
E | Eurybia | Water | Greek mythology
E | Eventus bonus | Agriculture | Roman mythology
F | Fabulinus | Children's speech | Roman mythology
F | Fama | Fame & rumor | Roman mythology
F | Fascinus | Protects against evil | Roman mythology
F | Father time | Time | Polish mythology
F | Fati | Moon | Polynesian mythology
F | Fauna | Vegetation | Roman mythology
F | Fauna/fawna/fana | Earth | Italian mythology
F | Faunus | Wildlife & fertility | Etruscan mythology
F | Faunus | Flocks | Roman mythology
F | Faustitas | Protected herd & livestock | Roman mythology
F | Febris | Protected against fevers & malaria | Roman mythology
F | Fecunditas | Fertility | Roman mythology
F | Felicitas | Good luck & success. | Roman mythology
F | Feronia | Woods & fountains. | Roman mythology
F | Fessonia | Who relieved weariness | Greek mythology
F | Fides | Loyalty | Roman mythology
F | Flora | Flowers | Roman mythology
F | Fontus | Wells & springs | Roman mythology
F | Forculus | Doors | Roman mythology
F | Fornax | Kitchens, cooking, food & domesticity | Roman mythology
F | Fortuna | Good luck | Greek mythology
F | Fortuna | Fortune | Italian mythology
F | Fortuna | Time | Roman mythology
F | Fraus | Treachery | Roman mythology
F | Frebruus | Purification | Italian mythology
F | Freyr | Sun | Norse mythology
F | Fulgora | Personification of lightning. | Roman mythology
F | Furrina | Robbers & thieves | Roman mythology
G | Gabriel | Archangel of the west, angel of the moon & inner vision | N/a
G | Gaea | Earth | Greek mythology
G | Gaia | Earth | Gaia mythology
G | Galatea | One of the fifty nereides | Greek mythology
G | Galene | Astroid | N/a
G | Geras | Time | Greek mythology
G | Glaucus | The fisherman's sea god | Greek mythology
G | Gleti | Moon | Dahomean mythology
G | Glycon | Snakes | Greek mythology
G | Gnomes | Earth | N/a
G | Gnowee | Sun | Australian aboriginal mythology
G | Graeae | Prematurely old sea daemones | Greek mythology
G | Grannus | Sun | Celtic mythology
H | Hadad | Sky | Ancient semitic
H | Halia | Sea nymph | Greek mythology
H | Hamadryads | Nymphs of the forest | Greek mythology
H | Hang nga | Moon | Vietnamese mythology
H | Harpocrates | Silence | Greek mythology
H | Hathor | Moon | Egyptian mythology
H | Hecaerge | Nymph of archery |
H | Hecate | Dark moon | Greek mythology
H | Hecaterides | Nymphs of dance | Greek mythology
H | Hecaterus | Grandfather of mountian nymphs | Greek mythology
H | Hedylogos | Sweet talk & flattery | Greek mythology
H | Hehsui-no-kami | Kitchens, cooking, food & domesticity | Chinese mythology
H | Helios | Sun | Greek mythology
H | Hemera | Sun | Greek mythology
H | Hemsur | Time | Egyptian mythology
H | Hephaestus | Metalworking | Greek mythology
H | Hepit | Sky | Hurrian mythology
H | Hera | Air & constellations | Greek mythology
H | Hercules | Strength | Greek mythology
H | Hermes | Roads & boundary stones | Greek mythology
H | Herne | Green wood | English mythology
H | Herse | Morning dew | Greek mythology
H | Hespera | Dusk | Greek mythology
H | Hesperus | Venus the evening star | Greek mythology
H | Hestia | Hearth, strength in women & bread baker | Greek mythology
H | Hina-kega | Moon | Polynesian mythology
H | Hina-uri | Moon | Polynesian mythology
H | Hippocamps | Fish-tailed horses of the sea | Greek mythology
H | Honos | Military honors & justice | Roman mythology
H | Horae | Time | Greek mythology
H | Horagalles | Sky | Sami mythology
H | Hors | Sun | Slavic mythology
H | Horus | Sun | Egyptian mythology
H | Hostilina | Crops | Roman mythology
H | Hrimfaxi | Time | Night god(ess)
H | Hubal | Moon | Arabian mythology
H | Huh | Time | Egyptian mythology
H | Huitzilopochtli | Sun | Aztec mythology
H | Huixtocihuatl | Salt | Aztec mythology
H | Hunahpu | Sun | Maya mythology
H | Hygieia | Cleanliness & good health | Greek & roman mythology
H | Hymenaios | Marriage & marriage feasts | Greek mythology
H | Hyperion | Sun | Greek mythology
I | Iah | Moon | Egyptian mythology
I | Iaso | Cures, remedies & modes of healing | Greek mythology
I | Ichnaea | Tracking | Greek mythology
I | Ichthyes | Pisces constellation | Greek mythology
I | Ichthyocentaurs | Twin sea-centaurs | Greek mythology
I | Ida | Fire | Hindu mythology
I | Igaluk | Moon | Inuit mythology
I | Igbo | Sun | African mythology
I | Ilazki | Moon | Basque mythology
I | Illat | Moon | Arabian mythology
I | Ilmatar | Sky | Finnish mythology
I | Imporcitor | Fields | Greek & roman mythology
I | Ina | Moon | Polynesian mythology
I | Indra | Weather | South asia mythology
I | Inmar | Sky | Udumurt mythology
I | Ino | Another name for leukothea | Greek mythology
I | Insitor | Sowing of crops | Roman mythology
I | Intercidona | Keeps evil spirits away from the child | Roman mythology
I | Inti | Sun | Incan mythology
I | Inuus | Fertility, sexual intercourse, protector of livestock | African mythology
I | Invidia | Envy or jealousy | Roman mythology
I | Ira | Sky | Polynesian mythology
I | Iris | Sky | Greek mythology
I | Ishtar | Time | Assyro-babylonian mythology
I | Isis | Moon & rivers of life | Egyptian mythology
I | Istanu | Sun | Hittite mythology
I | Ivenopae | Rice | Indoneian mythology
I | Ixbalanque | Moon | Maya mythology
I | Ixchel | Moon | Maya mythology
I | Iynx | The love charm | Greek mythology
I | Izanagi | Creator | Japanese mythology
I | Izanami | Creator | Japanese mythology
J | Jaci | Moon | Tupinamba mythology
J | Jana | Moon | Italian mythology
J | Janus | Custodian of the universe | Roman mythology
J | Jarih | Moon | Canaanite mythology
J | Jugatinus | Mountain ranges | Roman mythology
J | Jumala | Sky | Finnish mythology
J | Juno | Marriage | Roman mythology
J | Jupiter | Sky | Roman mythology
J | Justitia | Justice | Roman mythology
J | Juturna | Fountains, wells, & springs | Roman mythology
J | Juventas | Youth | Greek mythology
K | Ka-ata-killa | Moon | Incan mythology
K | Kairos | Time | Greek mythology
K | Kalfu | Moon | Vodun mythology
K | Kamba | Sun | African mythology
K | Kamui-fuchi | Fire | Japanese mythology
K | Kamuy | Creator | Ainu mythology
K | Kan-laon | Time | Philippine mythology
K | Karpos | Fruits of the earth | Greek mythology
K | Karraur | Sun | Australian aboriginal mythology
K | Kaskuh | Moon | Hittite mythology
K | Khepri | Sun | Egyptian mythology
K | Khronos | Time | Greek mythology
K | Kidili | Moon | Mandjindja mythology
K | Kikuyu | Sun | African mythology
K | Kinich ahau | Sun | Maya mythology
K | Kuan ti | War | Chinese mythology
K | Kusuh | Moon | Hurrian mythology
K | Kwan yin | Mercy and compassion | Chinese mythology
K | Kwannon | Mercy and compassion | Chinese mythology
L | Lachesis | Time | Greek mythology
L | Ladon | Hundred-headed sea-serpent | Greek mythology
L | Laima | Time | Baltic mythology
L | Lair bln | Moon | Celtic mythology
L | Lakota | Sun | Native american mythology
L | Lamia | Shark-shaped sea daemon | Greek mythology
L | Lan ts'ai-ho a | Wandering minstrel | Chinese mythology
L | Latobius | Sky | Celtic mythology
L | Laufakana | Sky | Tongan mythology
L | Lauma | Time | Baltic mythology
L | Lei kung | Thunder | Chinese mythology
L | Lethns | Earth | Italian mythology
L | Leucothea | Sailors in distress | Greek mythology
L | Levana | Fathers accepting newborn babies as their own | Roman mythology
L | Li | Fire | Chinese mythology
L | Li tieh-kuai l | Iron crutch | Chinese mythology
L | Liber | Male fertility, viniculture & freedom | Roman mythology
L | Liberalitas | Generosity | Roman mythology
L | Libertas | Freedom | Roman mythology
L | Libitina | Death, corpses & funerals | Roman mythology
L | Lima | Thresholds | Roman mythology
L | Limentinus | Lintels | Roman mythology
L | Lips | The southwest wind | N/a
L | Lona | Moon | Polynesian mythology
L | Losna | Moon | Etruscan mythology
L | Loxo | Archery nymph | Greek mythology
L | Lu tung-pin | Dragon slayer | Chinese mythology
L | Lucifer | Sun | Italian mythology
L | Lucina | Childbirth | Italian mythology
L | Lucina | Childbirth | Roman mythology
L | Lugh | Sun | Celtic mythology
L | Luna | Moon | Roman mythology
L | Lupercus | Shepherds | Greek mythology
L | Lupercus | Spring | Italian mythology
M | Maenads | Orgiastic female companions of the god dionysus |
M | Magec | Sun | African mythology
M | Mah | Moon | Persian mythology
M | Mahina | Moon | Polynesian mythology
M | Malakbel | Sun | Arabian mythology
M | Malina | Sun | Inuit mythology
M | Mama occlo | Kitchens, cooking, food & domesticity | Inca mythology
M | Mama quilla | Moon | Incan mythology
M | Mamitu | Time | Assyro-babylonian mythology
M | Mammetun | Time | Assyro-babylonian mythology
M | Mana genita | Presides over burials | Roman mythology
M | Manah | Time | Assyro-babylonian mythology
M | Manes | Souls of the dead | Roman mythology
M | Mani | Moon | Norse mythology
M | Mano | Moon | Sami mythology
M | Manu the great | Time | Assyro-babylonian mythology
M | Marama | Moon | Polynesian mythology
M | Marduk | Creator | Babylonian mythology
M | Marica | Agricuture | Italian mythology
M | Marici | Sky | East & southeast asia
M | Marishi-ten | Moon | Japanese mythology
M | Marishi-ten | Sun | Japanese mythology
M | Marquesan | Sun | Polynesian mythology
M | Mars | War | Greek & roman mythology
M | Mater matuta | Goddess of dawn, childbirth & mariners | Roman mythology
M | Matres | Time | Polish mythology
M | Matrones | Time | Polish mythology
M | Matton | The meal kneading dough | Greek mythology
M | Mawu | Sun | African mythology
M | Mayari | Moon | Philippine mythology
M | Mbombo | Creator | Bakuba mythology
M | Meditrina | Healing | Roman mythology
M | Meliae | Mountain nymphs | Greek mythology
M | Melicertes | Another name for the child sea-god palaemon | Greek mythology
M | Melisseus | Honey and bee keeping | Greek mythology
M | Mellona | Bees & beekeeping | Roman mythology
M | Mellona | Bees & beekeeping | Roman mythology
M | Men | Moon | Phrygian mythology
M | Meness | Moon | Latvian mythology
M | Meni | Time | Assyro-babylonian mythology
M | Menily | Moon | Cahuilla mythology
M | Mercury | Communication | Roman mythology
M | Meri | Sun | Brazilian mythology
M | Mestor | Growth & harvesting of crops | Greek mythology
M | Methe | Nymph of drunkness | Greek mythology
M | Metztli | Moon | Aztec mythology
M | Michael | Archangel of the south & warrior of the sacred flames | N/a
M | Minerva | Wisdom, war & the arts | Roman mythology
M | Mitra | Sun | Hindu mythology
M | Moirae | Time | Greek mythology
M | Molae | Grinding of the grain. | Roman mythology
M | Moneta | Memory | Roman mythology
M | Moros | Time | Greek mythology
M | Morta | Death | Roman mythology
M | Morta | Time | Roman mythology
M | Mug ruith | Sun | Celtic mythology
M | Mulungu | Sky | Nyamwezi
M | Murcia or murtia | Sloth & laziness | Roman mythology
M | Muta | Silence | Roman mythology
M | Mutunus tutunus | Fertility | Roman mythology
M | Myesyats | Moon | Slavic mythology
N | Nahundi | Sun | Persian mythology
N | Naiads | Nymph of fresh water | Greek mythology
N | Nanabozho | Creator | American mythology
N | Nanauatzin | Sun | Aztec mythology
N | Nanna | Moon | Sumerian mythology
N | Napir | Moon | Elamite mythology
N | Necessitas | Destiny | Greek mythology
N | Nefertem | Sun | Egyptian mythology
N | Negafook | Weather | Artic america
N | Nemesis | Revenge | Greek mythology
N | Nemestrinus | Woods & forests | Roman mythology
N | Nephelia | Clouds | Greek mythology
N | Neptune | Psychic flow | Greek mythology
N | Neptune | Sea, earthquakes, & horses | Roman mythology
N | Nereids | Band of fifty goddess nymphs | Greek mythology
N | Nereus | Bounty of fish | Greek mythology
N | Nergal | Sun | Mesopotamian mythology
N | Nerio | War | Roman mythology
N | Nerites | Sea daemon | Greek mythology
N | Nesi | Islands | Greek mythology
N | Neto | Sun | Lusitanian mythology
N | Ngai | Sun | African mythology
N | Ngalindi | Moon | Yolngu mythology
N | Nikkal | Moon | Canaanite mythology
N | Niksa | Fluid shape changer of inner worlds | N/a
N | Nodutus | Made knots in stalks of wheat | Roman mythology
N | Nona | Spinner of the thread of life | Roman mythology
N | Norns | Time | Norse mythology
N | Nortia | Time | Etruscan mythology
N | Nott | Time | Night god(ess)
N | Notus | The south wind | Greek mythology
N | Nox | Night | Roman mythology
N | Nuit | Skies | Egyptian mythology
N | Nut | Sky | Egyptian mythology
N | Nymphs | Female nature spirits | Greek mythology
N | Nysiads | Nurses of dionysus | Greek mythology
N | Nysus | Mount nysa | Greek mythology
O | Obarator | Agriculture & top-dressing of crops | Roman mythology
O | Occator | Crops | Roman mythology
O | Oceanids | Fresh water nymphs | Greek mythology
O | Oceanus | Fresh water | Greek mythology
O | Oeolyca | Sea nymph | Greek mythology
O | Okitsu-hime | Kitchens, cooking, food & domesticity | Japanese mythology
O | Olorun | Sky | South african mythology
O | Ops/opis | Fertility | Roman mythology
O | Orbona | Orphans | Roman mythology
O | Orchadis | Olive groves | Roman mythology
O | Orcus | Underworld | Roman mythology
O | Oreads | Mountain growing pine trees | Greek mythology
O | Orthannes | Fertility daemon | Greek mythology
O | Ouranos | Heavens | Greek mythology
O | Ourea | Mountians | Greek mythology
O | Oxylus | Mountain forests | Greek mythology
P | P'an-chin-lien | Prostitutes | Chinese mythology
P | Pa hsien | The eight immortals of the taoist tradition | Chinese mythology
P | Pah | Moon | Pawnee mythology
P | Palaemon | Sailors in distress | Greek mythology
P | Palatua | Guards the palatine hill | Roman mythology
P | Palici | Thermal springs and geysers on the island of sicily | Greek mythology
P | Pallas | Warrior sea nymph | Greek mythology
P | Pan | Shepards and flocks | Greek mythology
P | Panacea | Healing | Greek mythology
P | Panda | Generosity & charity | N/a
P | Pandia | Full moon & of dew | Greek mythology
P | Panes | Spirits of the wild | Greek mythology
P | Papare | Moon | Orokolo mythology
P | Paralda | Shape shifter | Greek mythology
P | Parca | Length of pregnancy | Roman mythology
P | Parcae | Destiny | Roman mythology
P | Pasithea | Rest & relaxation | Greek mythology
P | Patelana | Opening husks of grain | Roman mythology
P | Paventia | Comforts frightened children | Roman mythology
P | Pax | Peace | Roman mythology
P | Pele | Purification & upheaval | Polyenesian mythology
P | Pellonia | Protects against enemies | Roman mythology
P | Perkele | Thunder | Finnish mythology
P | Persephone | Spring growth | Greek mythology
P | Pertunda | Sexual love | Italian mythology
P | Phaenon | Saturn | Greek mythology
P | Phaethon | Jupiter | Greek mythology
P | Phales | Fertility daemon of dionysus | Greek mythology
P | Phaunus | Greek form of the latin faunus | Greek mythology
P | Phereas lamian | Guardians of the infant god dionysos | Greek mythology
P | Phoebe | Moon | Greek mythology
P | Phorcys | The hidden dangers of the deep | Greek mythology
P | Picumnus | Fertility, agriculture, matrimony, infants & children | Roman mythology
P | Pietas | Duty | Roman mythology
P | Pilumnus | Protects infants at birth | Roman mythology
P | Pirua | Grain and harvest | Peruvian mythology
P | Plutus | Wealth | Greek mythology
P | Poena | Punishment | Roman mythology
P | Pomona | Fruit trees, gardens & orchards | Roman mythology
P | Pomona | Orchids and fruit | Roman mythology
P | Pontos | Father of sea creatures | Greek mythology
P | Porrima | Future | Roman mythology
P | Portunes | Keys, doors & livestock | Roman mythology
P | Porus | Plenty | Greek & roman mythology
P | Poseidon | Water, oceanic consciousness, earthquakes, & horses | Greek mythology
P | Postverta | Past | Roman mythology
P | Potami | Rivers | Greek mythology
P | Potina | Children's drinks | Roman mythology
P | Priapus | Garden fertility & shade | Greek mythology
P | Promitor | Crops | Roman mythology
P | Prorsa postverta | Women in labor | Roman mythology
P | Proserpina | Grain | Roman mythology
P | Providentia | Forethought | Roman mythology
P | Psamathe | Sand beaches | Roman religion
P | Ptah | Creator & sun | Egyptian mythology
P | Pudicitia | Chastity | Roman mythology
P | Puta | Pruning vines & bushes | Roman mythology
P | Pyroeis | Areios, the planet mars | Arabian mythology
P | Pyrrhichos | Rustic dance | Greek mythology
Q | Quiritis | Motherhood | Roman mythology
R | Ra | Sun | Egyptian mythology
R | Radegast | Sun | Slavic mythology
R | Rangi | Sky | Maori mythology
R | Ranginui | Creator | Maori mythology
R | Raphael | Archangel of the east | Greek mythology
R | Ravi | Sun | Hindu mythology
R | Redarator | Second ploughing | Roman mythology
R | Rhapso | Sewing | Greek mythology
R | Rhea | Mother of all deities | Greek mythology
R | Rhode | Sea nymph | Greek mythology
R | Rod | Creator | Slavic mythology
R | Rumina | Breastfeeding mothers | Roman mythology
R | Runcina | Reaping & weeding. | Roman mythology
R | Rusina | Fields & farmland | Roman mythology
R | Rusor | Agriculture | Roman mythology
S | Sabazios | Sky | Thracian mythology
S | Salacia | Seawater | Roman mythology
S | Salamanders | Fire | Arabian mythology
S | Sancus | Trust | Roman religion
S | Saranyu | Dawn | South asia mythology
S | Saritor | Hoeing & weeding | Roman mythology
S | Saturn | Harvest & agriculture | Roman mythology
S | Satyrs | Daemones of wilderness fertility | Greek mythology
S | Satyrs hermeides | Messenger of dionysus | Greek mythology
S | Saule | Sun | Baltic mythology
S | Savitr | Sun | Hindu mythology
S | Scylla | Monstrous sea goddess | Greek mythology
S | Secia | Harvest | Roman mythology
S | Securitas | Security | Roman mythology
S | Segetia | An agricultural goddess | Roman mythology
S | Sekhmet | Sun | Egyptian mythology
S | Selardi | Moon | Urartian mythology
S | Selene | Full moon | Greek mythology
S | Semonia | Sowing | Roman mythology
S | Sentia | Oversees children's mental development | Roman mythology
S | Set | Storm and wind | Egyptian mythology
S | Setia | Agriculture | Roman mythology
S | Shamash | Sun | Mesopotamian mythology
S | Shango | Thunder | Yoruba mythology
S | Shapash | Sun | Canaanite mythology
S | Shi-tien yen-wang | Lords of death | Chinese mythology
S | Shu | Wind | Egyptian mythology
S | Silens | Drunken satry companions of the god dionysus | Greek mythology
S | Silenus | Dance of the wine-press | Greek mythology
S | Silewe nazarate | Moon | Indonesian mythology
S | Silvanus | Woodlands & forests | Roman mythology
S | Sina | Moon | Mesopotamian mythology
S | Sina | Moon | Polynesian mythology
S | Sirens | Sea daemon | N/a
S | Skeiron | The northwest wind | Greek mythology
S | Skinfaxi | Time (day) | Norse mythology
S | Socus | Rustic god native to the island of euboea | Greek mythology
S | Sol | Sun | Roman mythology
S | Sl | Sun | Norse mythology
S | Sol invictus | Sun | Roman mythology
S | Soma | Moon | Hindu mythology
S | Somnus | Sleep | Greek mythology
S | Sopdu | Sun | Egyptian mythology
S | Sors | Luck | Roman mythology
S | Spes | Hope | Roman mythology
S | Spiniensis | Prayed to when removing thorny bushes | Roman mythology
S | Stata mater | Against fire | Roman mythology
S | Statanus | Child's 1st attempt to stand up | Roman mythology
S | Statina | Protects children as they left home for the 1st time & returned | Roman mythology
S | Sterquilinus | Fertilization | Roman mythology
S | Stilbon | Mercury | Greek mythology
S | Strenua | Strength & endurance | Roman mythology
S | Stribog | Sky | Slavic mythology
S | Suadela | Persuasion | Roman mythology
S | Subigus | Wedding night | Roman mythology
S | Sudz | Time | Polish mythology
S | Sumarr | Time | Seasons god(ess)
S | Summanus | Nocturnal thunder | Roman mythology
S | Surya | Sun | Hindu mythology
S | Sylphs | Air | Greek mythology
T | T'shai-shen | Wealth | Chinese mythology
T | Ta'lab | Moon | Arabian mythology
T | Tama-nui-te-ra | Sun | Maori mythology
T | Tane-rore | Sky | Maori mythology
T | Tangaloa | Sky | Tongana mythology
T | Tarquiup inua | Moon | Inuit mythology
T | Tawhirimatea | Thunder | Maori mythology
T | Tecciztecatl | Moon | Aztec mythology
T | Telchines | Sea daemon | Greek mythology
T | Telete | Initiation into the bacchic orgies | Greek mythology
T | Tellus | Earth | Roman mythology
T | Tempestas | Storms | Roman mythology
T | Tenerife | Sun | African mythology
T | Tengri | Sky | Turkic mythology
T | Teoyaomicqui | Sun | Aztec mythology
T | Terminus | Boundaries | Roman mythology
T | Teshub | Storms | Hurrian mythology
T | Tethys | Water & clouds | Greek mythology
T | Thalassa | Sea | Greek mythology
T | Thalia | Banquets | Greek mythology
T | Thallo | Spring buds & shoots | Greek mythology
T | Thanatos | Death | Greek mythology
T | Thaumas | Water | Greek mythology
T | The zorya | Moon | Slavic mythology
T | Theia | Sky | Greek mythology
T | Thesan | Sun | Etruscan mythology
T | Thetis | Leader of the nereids | Greek mythology
T | Thoosa | Swift currents | Greek mythology
T | Thoth | Moon | Egyptian mythology
T | Thriae | Divination of pebbles | Greek mythology
T | Thyone | Bacchic orgies | Greek mythology
T | Thysa | Goddess nymph of the bacchic frenzy | Greek mythology
T | Ti-tsang wang | Mercy | Chinese mythology
T | Tiberinus | River god | Roman mythology
T | Tinia | Sky & time | Etruscan mythology
T | Tityri | Flute playing satyrs to dionysus | Greek mythology
T | Tohil | Sun | Maya mythology
T | Tonatiuh | Sun | Aztec mythology
T | Torngarsuk | Sky | Artic america
T | Tranquillitas | Peace & tranquility | Roman mythology
T | Triglav | Sky | Slavic mythology
T | Triteia | Sea nymph | Greek mythology
T | Triton | Herald of poseidon | Greek mythology
T | Tritones | Fish-tailed daemons of the sea | Greek mythology
T | Trivia | Crossroads & magic | Roman mythology
T | Tsao wang | Hearth | Chinese mythology
T | Tsukuyomi | Moon | Japanese mythology
T | Tu-ti | Minor gods of towns, villages and even streets and households | Chinese mythology
T | Tutelina | Harvest | Roman mythology
T | Tyche | Time | Greek mythology
T | Tychon | Fertility | Greek mythology
T | Tzacol | Sky | Maya mythology
U | Ubertas | Abndance in general | Roman mythology
U | Uenuku | Rainbow | Maori mythology
U | Ukko | Sky | Finnish mythology
U | Ul | Moon | Polynesian mythology
U | Umbria | Shadows | Italian mythology
U | Umvelinqangi | Sky | Zulu mythology
U | Uni | Witchcraft | Italian mythology
U | Unkulunkulu | Creator | Zulu mythology
U | Unxia | Marriage | Roman mythology
U | Upis | Hyperborean archer nymph | Greek mythology
U | Uranus | Sky | Greek mythology
U | Ursitoare | Time | Roman mythology
U | Usil, etruscan | Sun | Etruscan mythology
U | Utixo | Sky | Khoikhoi mythology
U | Utu | Sun | Mesopotamian mythology
V | Vacuna | Farmers' sheep | Roman mythology
V | Vagitanus | 1st cry at birth | Roman mythology
V | Vallonia | Valleys | Roman mythology
V | Varuna | Sky | South asia mythology
V | Venilia | Sea | Greek mythology
V | Venus | Love & beauty | Roman mythology
V | Veritas | Truth | Roman mythology
V | Verminus | Cattle worms | Roman mythology
V | Vertumnus | Season change | Roman mythology
V | Vervactor | 1st plowing | Roman mythology
V | Vesta | Hearth | Roman mythology
V | Vetr | Time | Norse mythology
V | Vica pota | Victory & competitions | Roman mythology
V | Victoria | Victory | Roman mythology
V | Viracocha | Creator | Inca mythology
V | Virbius | Forest | Greek mythology
V | Virbius | Outlaws | Italian mythology
V | Viriplaca | Marital strife | Roman mythology
V | Virtus | Military strength | Roman mythology
V | Vishvakarman | Creator | Vedic mythology
V | Volturnus | Water | Roman mythology
V | Volumna | Nurseries | Roman mythology
V | Voluptas | Pleasure | Roman mythology
V | Vulcan | Forge of faith | Etruscan mythology
V | Vulcan | Fire | Roman mythology
W | Wadd | Moon | Arabian mythology
W | Wala, | Sun | Australian aboriginal mythology
W | Wi | Sun | Native american mythology
W | Wuriupranili | Sun | Australian aboriginal mythology
X | Xamaba | Sky | South african mythology
X | Xiuhtecuhtli | Sun | Aztec mythology
Y | Yahweh | Sky | Canaanite religion
Y | Yemaya | Moon | Yoruba mythology
Y | Yeng-wang-yeh | Lord of death | Chinese mythology
Y | Yhi | Sun | Australian aboriginal mythology
Y | Yoolgai asdzaan | Moon | Nanajo mythology
Y | Yu-huang-shang-ti | Sky | Chinese mythology
Z | Zagreus | Son of dionysus | Greek mythology
Z | Zephyrus | The west wind | Greek mythology
Z | Zeus | Sky | Greek mythology
Z | Zoroastrian | Time | Asian mythology
Z | Zorya | Sun | Slavic mythology
Z | Zorya polunochnaya | Sun | Slavic mythology
Z | Zorya utrennyaya | Sun | Slavic mythology
Z | Zorya vechernyaya | Sun | Slavic mythology
Z | Zurvan | Time | Asian mythology