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AAardvarkdiligence, fearlessness, lunar energies,
protection, ancient wisdom,
overcoming obstacles and barriers
AAdderTo see an adder - bad luck
To kill an adder - good luck
A live adder on the doorstep - a death in the household
AAlbatrossAn albatross flying around a ship in mid ocean - bad weather
To kill one brings bad luck to those who killed them
AAlpacahardiness, gentle nature, warmth,
kindness, personal aspirations, generosity,
interdependence, earth energy
AAntStepping on ants brings rain
Ants signify bad weather when they are very agitated
Ants building a nest near the door to your house
is a clear sign of financial security in the future
AAntelopeaction, speed, adaptability of the mind
AArmadilloboundaries, space, healthy empathy, protection, safety, endurance, expansion.
BBadgeraggressiveness, reliance, self-expression
BBansheeHeard mostly at night when someone is about to die
BBarn OwlThey reflect the ability to the heart and the mind
BBarred/Spotted OwlThey can appear threatening on the outside, but are actually very benign.
BBatA bat means long life and happiness, a good omen.
If a bat lands on your head, you should hope the Cricket sees rain coming
because the bat won't get off until it hears thunder
When you see a bat, you might actually be seeing the Devil, a witch, a ghost, or Dracula
Bats have always had a connection with witches,
and can have good or bad connotation, depending on the tradition
If a bat flies three times around a house,
it is a death omen
When bats come out early and fly about playfully, it is a sign of good weather to come.
BBearThe bear breeds only once every seven years and it always seems to fall
on the time that the cattle would be giving birth to their young,
The Native Americans believe that every part of the bear has great spiritual power.
BBeaverDream building, home comforts, architecture,
security, family togetherness, earth resources
BBeeIf a bee enters your home, it's a sign that you will soon have a visitor
If you kill the bee, you will have bad luck, or the visitor will be unpleasant
It is still considered unlucky in some places to kill a bee
If a bee flies into the house it is a sign of great good luck,
or of the arrival of a stranger
However, the luck will only hold if the bee is allowed to
either stay or to fly out of the house of its own accord
A bee landing on someone's hand is believed to foretell money to come
While if the bee settles on someone's head it means that person will rise to greatness
BBeetleWalking over a person's shoe - an omen of death
Crawling out of a discarded shoe - ill omen.
Devil's coach horse beetle raising it's tail - a curse
Throwing beetles into a lake produces rain
A dead beetle tied around the neck - cure for whooping cough
BBirdA bird that flies into a house, foretells an important message
The white bird foretells death
A bird call from the north means tragedy
From the south is good for cropsr
From the west is good luck; from the east, good love
BBlack PantherSensuality, passion, secrecy,
reclaiming personal power, predatory nature,
ancient wisdom, nocturnal energy cycles
BBlack-Throated Honeyguidehope, helpful nature, cooperation, opportunities, advantages, contradictions
BBlackbirdConsidered a bad omen
Dreaming of a blackbird may be a sign of misfortune
for you in the coming weeks
It also means you lack motivation
and that you are not utilising your full potential
However, the sight of two blackbirds sitting together
is a symbol of peace and a good omen.
Dreaming of a flying blackbird is said to bring good fortune.
BBluebirdTwo bluebirds guard the house of the Gods.
A bluebird in the yard presages happiness in the households.
Bluebirds are often connected with puberty rites of young women. The bluebird is also
considered a very lucky sign,
particularly when seen in the spring
If a Blue Bird nests outside your door then it's good luck
If the Blue Birds don't make another nest
outside your door the following year it's bad luck
BBoar/PigGet rid of warts involves rubbing a peeled apple and giving it to a pig
Pigs can see the wind (Ireland)
When they are seen hurrying about their stye or
carrying a bunch of straw in their mouth
then there is a storm on the way
It is unlucky to have a pig cross your path - turn your back till it is gone
and if it begins to make a rather strange whining noise
then there is to be a death in the family.
Once worshiped in Crete and Egypt
Driving pigs indoors on Beltane morning - Good omen
BBuffaloCourage, reclamation, parental energies,
tempestuous nature, wildness, freedom, choices
BBullCourage, reclamation, obtuse behaviors,
tempestuous nature, creation-destruction cycle,
productivity, stubbornness
BButterflyGoddess new life after death, metamorphosis,
embracing life, creativity, beauty
CCalfTo stroke a calf on the back
bad luck to both the person and the animal.
Twin calves - bad luck.
Giving mistletoe as a gift to the first calf of the year
good luck to the herd.
If the first calf born during the winter is white,
the winter will be a bad one.
CCamelReplenishment, survival, positive outlooks, respect
CCanaryPower of song and voice
CCardinalRecognizing your self importance.
CCatCats were exceedingly swift and surely possessed by the Devil
After serving Freya for seven years, the cats were rewarded by being turned into witches, disguised as black cats
This seems to have led to the belief in the Middle Ages that black cats were familiars of witches, and after seven years, became witches themselves
They believed if a black cat crossed your path, Satan was taking notice of you
Butter your cat's feet when you move to keep it from running away from the new house
If a cat crosses or jumps over the coffin, the dead person's spirit will return as a ghost
A black cat is lucky or unlucky, depending on where you live
In Egypt it was believed that a black cat crossing one's path brought good luck
If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it
Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child
A cat on board a ship is considered to bring luck
Good weather may be expected when the cat washes herself,
but bad weather may be expected
when she licks her coat against the grain
or washes her face over her ears,
or sits with her tail to the fire
Cenataurpassion, aggression, defense, sexual energy, strong at heart, soaring spirit, creativity, industrious nature, variety, complexity, fulfillment, and power
CChac & Tapirbalanced energy use, agility, growth, abundance, cyclical nature, diligence, fearlessness, ancient wisdom, overcoming obstacles and barriers
CCheetahspeed, focus, quick response, balance, agility, flexibility, achievement, strong bonds
CCicadacommunication, fertility, abundance,
summer season, building cycles, rebirth, indifference,
patience, self-reliance, inner wisdom,
finding the path, stamina, overcoming adversity,
pack behavior, wildness, primal power,
CCockerelWhite cockerel - good luck
Black cockerel - evil spirits
A cockerel standing in a doorway - a visitor
It is believed that the cockerels will all crow on final day to awaken the dead
CCockroachAdd a few drops of Citronella to cotton and place in the back of cupboard
An additional drop of Peppermint or Lemongrass can be added for extra strength
CCowhealing, birth, fertility, motherhood, unity, nourishment, earth energy
CCoyoteThey are very adaptive to new situations and have close-knit families, especially when children are involved
CCrabemotions, nurturing, protection, regenerative love, lateral advancement, ebb and flow nature.
CCricketA cricket is a lucky house spirit that takes it's luck away when it leaves
A cricket can tell of oncoming rain, death, and x-lovers
It's bad luck to kill a cricket.
CCuckooFirst sound of a cuckoo in spring coming from the right - good luck
First sound of a cuckoo in spring coming from the left - bad luck
Hearing the first cuckoo on the 28th of April - Excellent luck
Hearing the first cuckoo on the 6th of April or after midsummer - bad luck
Your condition on hearing the first cuckoo will remain all year
CDeergrace, agility, softness, innocence, freshness, tenderness, secrets, sensitivity
DDogHowling dogs mean the wind god has summoned death, and the spirits of the dead will be taken
A dog eating grass – rain
A howling dog at night means bad luck or somebody close to you will be very sick or worse
A dog with seven toes can see ghosts
When a dog is staring intently, at nothing, for no apparent reason, look between the dog's ears and you'll see a ghost.
DDolphinbreath and sound
DDonkeyTo see a dead donkey means great good fortune,
It was considered a good-luck charm to leap over
the carcass of a dead donkey three times
DDovepeace, love, purity,
divine inspiration, sexuality,
feminine energies, maternity, prophecy,
beauty, divine inspiration,
sexuality, feminine energies, maternity
DDragonmagic, trickery, cunning, protection, elemental energies, transformation, change, dominance, infinity
DDragonflyFinding a dead dragonfly
means there will be sad tidings in the future
The wings of a blue dragonfly placed in a missal or
a book of gospels is believed to bring good luck
It is also considered bad luck to kill such a dragonfly
Anyone who catches a dragonfly will marry in a year.
DDuckLaying dark brown eggs - bad omen
DDust MiteMix 5 drops of Eucalyptus oil to the
rinse cycle of your washing machine
Decant into a spray bottle 8 oz
methylated spirits
and 40 drops Eucalyptus oil
Add 6 oz
water and lightly spray under beds
EElephantlove, wisdom, intellect,
preparedness, removal of obstacles, generational awareness,
being, art and creativity, memory, ancient power, strength, royalty
EEweseasonal abundance, earth energy, purity, community, solutions, assistance.
FFalconvision, rebirth, healing,
spirituality, freedom, high-mindedness,
solar and lunar energies, hunting prowess, victory,
mental speed, agility and grace
FFirefly hope, life, attraction, light in the darkness, creativity, spiritual inspirations
the symbolic meaning of the firefly of course deals with light, illumination and the like.
FFishBurning fish bones is unlucky
To ensure good luck and safety,
It is said that a fish should always be consumed from the head towards the tail
FFlamingoHeart healing
FFleaSuddenly leaving a body who was infested - death of the host
Flea bite on the hand - a kiss or good news
Person leaping over the midsummer bonfire - riddance of fleas
Pennyroyal oil is specific against fleas
For a spray, place 20 drops into a spray bottle and add 4 oz
One to two extra drops of Cedarwood, Citronella, Lemongrass or Lavender may also be added
Lightly spray your animal (without saturating and avoiding eyes) and its bedding areas
FFlypersistence, self-nurturing, confronting difficult feelings,
opportunities, ego
Place a handful of dried cloves in a bowl and
sprinkle with a few drops of Clove and Lavender,
Citronella or Peppermint oil
Recharge with additional oil from time to time
FFoxsharp senses, adaptability, clear observation, trickery, stealth, cunning, camouflage, walking between realms.
FFox Spiritmental dexterity, sharp senses, adaptability, shape shifting, warrior spirit, clear observation, trickery, stealth, cunning, camouflage, walking between realms
FFrogA frog brings good luck to the house it enters.
GGnatWhen allowed into a sick room - removal of ailments
Flying close to the ground – rain
Flying high - good weather
GooseGoose eaten on Michelmas day - good luck
Brown tinted meat - mild winter
White meat - harsh winter
Geese leaving a farm - omen of a fire
A goose laying two eggs - bad omen
GGrasshopper They are uncanny and leaps forward never backward
GGreat Horned OwlThey are a fierce protector
GGriffin (Gryphon)Guardian of hidden treasures and gateway to spiritual enlightenment
GGrousesacred spiral, sacred dance grouse medicine is the medicine of personal power
HHellbenderemotional security, protection against toxic situations, fire energetics, unique being, nocturnal energy cycles, defense, sensitivity
HHenA hen with tail-feathers like those of a rooster is considered to be unlucky; previously these birds would be killed on most farms
Hens which roost in the morning are said to be foretelling a death, usually that of the farmer or someone in his household
A hen which enters the house is an omen that a visitor will arrive, and this is also the case if a rooster crows near the door or comes inside
HHeronSeeing a heron near the house - bad luck
Killing a heron - extremely bad luck
HHogsfertility, abundance, growth, wealth, prosperity, luck, balance, trickery, determination
HHometIf the hornets build their nests high in trees during the summer, it will be a bad winter
If they build their nests low in bushes, it will be an easy winter
HHorseA white horse could warn of danger, and lived longer than a dark horse, so was considered a living amulet against early death
Spotted horses are magical
Grey horses and horses with four white socks are unlucky
Inhaling a horses breath - cure for whooping cough
HHummingbird joy, magic, solar enegies, beauty, war and victory, dance, the solving of riddles, magic, comfortable movement
JJackal endurance, loyalty, independence, survival, resourcefulness, pack behavior, path finding, family oriented, and live together in packs
JackdawSettling on the house - an omen of death
On the roof - a new arrival
Seeing one jackdaw - bad omen
JJaguarwholeness, divinity, and rebirth
JJellyfishsimplicity, trust, rest, careful communications, balance, transparency, truth
KKing Whale protection, versatility, determination, harmony, life magic, communication
KKomodo Dragonsurvival instincts and impulses
lLadybugIf a young girl catches a ladybug and then releases it,
the direction in which it flies away will be the direction from which her future husband will come
LLambFirst lamb of spring (black) - Good omen
First lambs of spring (twin white) - Excellent fortune
LLionpride, warrior spirit, victory, conservation of energy, friendship, solar energies, family, vitality
LLobsterconcentration, moving forward, survival, territoriality, shapeshifting, hidden depths, secrets
LLynxsecrets, clairvoyance, solitude, reservation, vigilance, mystery, knowledge
MMagpieThe best way to avoid bad luck when you pass a magpie is to doff your hat (England)
MManateecuriosity, gentle nature, trust, emotional balance, serenity, female energy patterns
MMatamatspatience, ancient wisdom, stability, earth energy, longevity, pacing, shapeshifting, camouflage
MMinkstealth, secrets, observation, playfulness, caring, sleek design, balance, nocturnal cycles, dreams
MMockingbird sacred songs, helpfulness, life mission, inner talents, generosity, mimicry
MMonkeycommunication, progressiveness, expression, social interaction, hierarchy
MMothAdd a few drops of Cedarwood to cotton and
place in wardrobes and drawers
An extra drop of Spearmint, Lavender, Citronella
or Peppermint can be added for reinforcement
MMouseAdd a few drops of Peppermint, Eucalyptus or Spearmint to
cotton and place in the ceiling and
anywhere mice might enter the house
NNautilusbeauty and proportional perfection
NNightjar (whippoorwill)Heard after dark - premonition of death
First call in spring - A wish made will come true
OOctopusintelligent and camouflage well
OOstrich They stay grounded with speed and willingness to learn and grow and are a unique being
OOwlAny man who eats roasted owl will be obedient and a slave to his wife.
OOysterOysters should only be eaten in months with an R in them
Oysters have aphrodisiac properties (dating back to Roman times)
Carrying an oyster shell - good luck
PParrotsharp visions, spiritual perceptions, high level of intelligence, language, vibrancy, alertness, bravery, calm demeanor, style
PPeacockPeacock feathers indoors - Bad luck
Hearing a peacock cry - Storms approaching
PPenguingrace in emotions and actions, thoughtfulness, attention, endurance in extreme circumstances
PPhoenix death and rebirth, transformation and regeneration, protector of all fire, creation, solar energies, shape shifting, hope, personal renewal, sacred rites
PPigeonA lone white pigeon perching on a chimney is said to be a death omen
PPorpoiseHarbinger of good luck
Seen swimming north - Fine weather
Seen swimming south - Bad weather
PPraying Mantis They use their inner stillness to focus their healing power
RRabbitfertility and new life
RRatThey have a pronounced drive for success,
a great ability to adapt to almost any environment,
cunning and shrewd, and can defend
themselves aggressively when necessary,
restless and nervous and need to
be careful of these traits
RRattlesnake venomous nature, venoms that become healing medicine, transformation, wisdom, respect and understanding of the life-death-rebirth cycle, and an energetic vision that stretches to eternity
RRavenAn ill-omened bird, able to predict the future, particularly death
Welsh belief - A raven on a chimney is good luck to those within
Ravens leaving The Tower of London - The United Kingdom will fall
Flying towards the Sun - fine weather
RRed Kites vision, death and rebirth, healing, spirituality, determination, and freedom, passion, adventure, sensuous nature, secret paths, ancient ways, patterns and symmetry, controlled power, magic, mystical energies, devotion
RRhinocerosprotection, achievement, heightened senses, earth energy, freedom, stability, grounding
RRobinThe robin is perhaps the most loved of all wild birds and dire are the omens if you should kill one
Killing a robin - extremely bad luck
Causing a robin injury - a similar injury to the perpetrator
Entering a house or church - omen of death
RRoosterWhen a cock crows at midnight a spirit is passing
It is a death omen if one crows three times between sunset and midnight
Crowing at other times is often a warning against misfortune
If a cock crows while perched on a gate, or at nightfall, the next day will be rainy
A white rooster is considered very lucky,
and should not be killed as it protects the farm on which it lives;
black cocks, however, were more ill-omened, being often associated with sacrifice.
SSalamanderFire energetics, transformation, unique being, defense, sensitivity, nocturnal cycles
SScarablife, recycling, repurposing, using that which is discarded, seeds of creation
SScorpion protection, justice, transformation,
mystery, magic, endurance,
ferocity, passion, intensity,
dignity, expression, heightened awareness, wildness, elusiveness, variety, complexity, fulfillment, power
SScreech OwlThey are very courageous and ferocious,
this Owl teaches you how to be a fierce individual with an ability to cooperate with others
SSea Horse chivalry, bravery, dominance,
duty, honor, mastery, wearing an
outward armor for protection (symbolic or literal),
water energy patterns
SSeagullThree seagulls flying together, directly overhead, are a warning of death soon to come
Killing a seagull - bad luck
Seen far inland - bad weather.
SSheepA shepherd counting his flock - bad luck
Sitting still on the grass is fine weather
Walking about and bleating - bad weather
To meet a flock of sheep on a journey is an omen of good luck
An old Manx belief states that sheep cannot be counted accurately unless the person counting them
has washed his or her eyes under running water first
Peaceful sheep, lying in the field, are said to herald fine weather,
but rain is foretold if they are restless
and baa for no apparent reason
The knuckle-bone from a piece of mutton was once thought to be a preventative
charm against rheumatism if carried about in the pocket;
similarly, a certain T-shaped bone from a sheep's head was believed to protect its carrier from bad luck and evil
The knuckle-bone from a piece of mutton was once thought to be a preventative charm against rheumatism if carried about in the pocket; similarly, a certain T-shaped bone from a sheep's head
was believed to protect its
carrier from bad luck and evil
A strip of sheepskin on a horse's collar was once used as a prevention against the evil eye,
and a rather gruesome method of breaking a curse was to stick a sheep's heart
full of pins and roast it at midnight in a room where all doors, windows
and openings had been firmly closed
Parts of sheep were often used in folk cures;
a sheep's lung was once applied to the feet of a pneumonia sufferer, and was thought to draw the disease downward into itself
People could be wrapped in the skin of a freshly-killed sheep
in an attempt to cure an adder bite;
children with whooping-cough were
thought to be cured by letting a sheep breathe on them
If sheep gnash their teeth during round-up in the autumn, the winter will be hard
If sheep gnash their teeth somewhere else, it presages very bad weather
SShort-Eared OwlThey give you the ability to show up at the right place – to take advantage of opportunity
SSilk Mothmetamorphosis, embracing life, creativity, beauty, rebirth
SSparrowCarries the souls of the dead, it's unlucky to kill one.
SSphinxperplexing nature, merciless, ravenous, treacherous, benevolent, guardianship, pride, solar enegies, vitality, illumination, power
SSpiderWhen the spiders build their webs high, it's going to rain soon
A spider with syrup cures fever
Seeing a spider run down a web in the afternoon means you'll take a trip
You'll meet a new friend if you run into a web
A spider is a repellent against plague when worn around the neck in a walnut shell
They are creative and Weaver of Fate and teaches you balance between past and future, physical and spirit, male and female
SSpongesimplicity, efficiency, environmental sensitivity, emotional release
SSquidintelligence and camouflage
SSquirrelprecociousness, cunning, balance, preparedness, sustenance, living in the moment, bounty, change, earth energy
SStarfish inspiration, mental speed and agility
SStarlingworth, daring, ability, warning, group
SStingrayplanning and counter-planning, protection, emotional and mental balance, sensory talents, creating fundamental realities, awareness
SStorkStorks deliver babies
If a stork builds a nest on your roof, you have received a blessing and a promise of never ending love from Venus
Aristotle made killing a stork a crime, and Romans passed a stork law, saying that children must care for their elderly parents
Killing a stork - bad luck
Builing a nest on the roof - good omen
Seeing two storks - omen of pregnancy
Thai Water Dragonenvironmental sensitivity, keen senses and awareness, escaping dangers, productive dream states, transformation, water and earth energies
TTiger darkness
TToadCrossing the path of a bride on the way to the church - prosperous and happy union
Seeing a toad - end of drought or good fortune
Thought to be the familiars of witches
Killing a toad – rainstorms
Carrying a dried toad - protection against plague
Handling toads - causes warts.
TTurtleKilling a tortoise - bad luck
Wearing a tortoiseshell bracelet - protection against evil.
VVampire Battranscending failures, limitless future, possibilities, strength, speed, agility, stealth, cunning, intellectual prowess, earth energy, striving, rebirth
VViolet Sea Snaildirection, adaptation, purpose, unique being, emotional buoyancy, trust
VVulturedeath and rebirth, the mother symbol, and represents purification
WWaspKilling the first wasp of the season - good luck
WWeasleThe following folklore tale about the weasel originated from south-west Ulster
Some people say the weasel is enchanted
Some say it is very unlucky to destroy a weasel
Here is a story I heard which was told to me as true
There were two or three men mowing a meadow for a man
It would be about three miles away from here and it was away back in the time of the scythe mowing
These men came It is bad luck if one crosses your path and appears near your home making its distinctive squeaking sound
WWerewolf wildness, primal power, true nature, rawness, intensity, breaking through the confines of social structure and approved image
WWolfA horse that stepped in a wolf print would be crippled
The gaze of a wolf was once thought to cause blindness
The breath of the wolf could cook meat
It was believed that Wolves sharpened their teeth before hunting
Dead wolves were buried at a village entrance to
keep out other wolves
(some farmers continue to
shoot predators and hang them on
fence posts to repel other predators.)
WWrenIt is now very unlucky for a sailor to kill one
ZZebraagility and individuality, blending into a
crowd without losing your individuality
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