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Katy's Selfies
If you have written of theses thank you for your contribution. I honor my achievements and dedicate myself to even higher success. I harness all my energies toward my purpose and I experience true victory once my spirit has found a focus through which it can release its total force. I control and direct my energy rather than allowing it to take me wherever it wants to go. My inner resources always overcome any adversity as the love in my heart unites with my spirit, heart, and body ~ and produces harmonious action. Love is the source of my strength. I trust that my patience will build my dreams. I focus all my energy on maintaining harmony between the material world and the spiritual world. I look for any opportunity to bring opposing sides together. I confront my fears, experience the grief and allow myself to heal. I concentrate on what is most important for me to complete. I trust in myself and the course I have committed to. I invoke the power of higher love from the depth of my essential being and unite with the One Love and Power in creation. I release all lower attachments of neediness and excavate the energies of true fulfilment from the One Love and Power within my eternal god-self. I radiate abundant love and goodwill to all souls who cross my path, recognizing that each is a fragment of divinity awaiting to be revealed. I attune to the infinite, abiding, and eternal qualities of truth, beauty, goodness, and love, and align my emotional nature wholly within these. In attunement to divine Venusian qualities, I bind my soul to the infinite and eternal Power of Love. In releasing all assumptions and all that binds me to lower vibrations I become receptive and fertile ground to cosmic impulses for the renewal and upliftment of this creational realm. I am becoming an anchor point of cosmic impetus as cause for a new cycle to be birthed in humanity. In releasing all assumptions from consensus reality, I open to true understanding from the One Source and Power of Love In forgiveness and release of all that has me stuck, I open to highest potentials of being for myself and the whole world. In freeing myself to truth and love. I become a high vibratory influence on the collective unconscious and support a higher order reality in life. I liberate my consciousness to dwell in the Mind of the Gods, and wield ever greater love in freedom: the most potent force of creation. I remain strong and always seek a positive direction. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I concentrate on my self-discipline and take the time to understand the motives of the people around me. I trust and believe that the obstacles in my life will soon be removed and I will see things in a new light. I choose to believe things are changing. I fully experience my feelings and allow myself to love deeply. I awaken to the world and all its possibilities. I always expect that there will be a positive change and I stop worrying. I allow my feelings to flow freely. I love what I have to give to the world. I give my spirit freedom and discover an endless source of new life through my creativity. I am motivated by goals that have deep meaning and dreams that need completion. I observe, celebrate, and give thanks for my blessings-for I know that I will always see positive improvement if I just keep trying. I am willing to operate from a place of integrity as I move forward. I climb higher and gain perspective. I am assured in my mind that my heart, mind, and spirit are in balance; and I am clear on how I wish to handle upcoming situations I go beyond the surface to reach the core of truth that lies beneath. I climb out of a dark place and remember that the Universe will always do what is best for me. I balance my emotions and participate in life! Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I go deep within myself now and regenerate my energy as I search for a deeper meaning in life. I allow my Higher Self to search and find my inner need as I seek spiritual fulfillment. I withdraw from the outer world to activate my unconscious mind and awaken my inner self. I confront and pass through the darkness and mystery that is being presented and enter into the light. It's only by illumination of my failures in this personal quest for truth that I can start to measure success or recognize an opportunity for trusting my heart and stepping back into circulation. I am now ready to reflect on the outside what I am feeling on the inside so the two remain in constant balance. I receive and give with love and openness, and my spirit will be renewed. I am connected to the secret and subconscious power of feelings. I am true to myself. I never compromise my visions and I will find that which I seek. I use my intuition and receive spiritual inspiration for I know within my unconscious mind, there is pure knowledge from the past. My dreams and meditations bring to the surface the hidden, subconscious past and future. I analyze my goals and desires and trust that meditation will give me the answers. I move one step at a time, and follow that which has heart and meaning. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I KNOW and recognize what I want what really matters to me, then I channel my energy into useful purposes. I face my fears and have the courage now to release them. I allow myself to feel the renewed energy, spirit and vitality. I honor and listen to my own intuition. My original seeds were well-planted; now my harvest is wonderful and it is time to reap the benefits! Love and beauty flow through my life in a limitless stream. I give my loving heart, my creative mind, my physical energy and my spiritual understanding to help myself and others unfold. I will just be myself, develop the creativity that comes from my center and allow myself to enjoy it. I am willing to express myself completely and trust in the Power that gave it to me. I accept the mystery and magick of the Universe, I have faith in the inexplicable and I see beyond the physical eye. I am growing toward harmony - balance between the material and the spiritual things of the mind. Every vision is an "illusion" until it has become a reality and my reality is dependent on my point of view. I am mindful, fair and honor my mind, my heart, my body, and my spirit. I use wisdom from my inner self to pierce through the illusion of an event to find the deeper meaning. I am the actions I have taken in the past and I form my future by the actions I take now. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I bring unresolved contradictions and tensions under control. I choose to remain focused on the positive messages given to me by my Inner voice, which will remove the negative in a graceful, positive peaceful way in which everyone will benefit. I prove my abilities and in doing so, I prove myself. I look beyond superficial appearances to go deeper into the truth and meaning of a situation. I release myself from restrictions and use my imagination creatively to find practical solutions to my problems. The freedom of my imagination is my ultimate power. I sever myself from unpleasant, frustrating situations so I can know peace of mind and harmony, like sunshine after a storm. I recognize that by staying calm, I waste neither energy nor opportunity. I stabilize myself; I rest and take this time to think of new plans. I take the time to renew both my physical and mental energies and establish my thoughts. I trust and believe that the obstacles in my life will soon be removed and I will see things in a new light; I choose to believe things are changing. I fully experience my feelings and allow myself to love deeply. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I will have extra patience and persistence to get to the point where I can accomplish something. I overcome obstacles and I know victory as I recognize that negativity confines my Spirit. I live in the radiance of my Spirit and I am ready to soar! I believe in myself and when it appears nothing is happening, I prepare my mind for an exciting turn of events. I awaken to the world and all its possibilities. I rise above my problems - I detach myself from them, rather than trying to meet the opposition head on. I explore new ideas, seek new realizations and insights - and continue to grow. I learn from everything every experience, every moment is new. I alter my mind and I immediately alter my reality. I am open to change, as change is the only constant in life. I follow my enthusiasm, put my spirit into action, and seek within myself the courage and strength to take the first step! I am a generous soul who is friendly, affectionate, solid, steady and can be of great help. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I am satisfied with my life, my capabilities, and my achievements; and I remain joyful and at peace with the world and myself. I explore all aspects of life, I ask questions and seek the answers within, then I listen to my inner voice and know without fear. Even when everything seems negative, I expect the impossible! I change my perspective in order to remain true to my heart. My personal integrity and strong will power come from valuing my feelings. My inner sense of balance comes from the knowledge of my unity with nature. I know myself and I do what comes naturally to me. I confront my fear of success and begin to move forward and grow. I experience the unfamiliar and grow in understanding. I see with greater clarity my subconscious fears, my intuitive wisdom and my personal power. I am at home anywhere. I am versatile, adaptable, and flexible. I am kind to myself and I lighten my load whenever I can. I cooperate with others to achieve balance, and I feel the sense of harmony that creates exciting new possibilities. I awaken to my self-awareness and release my confined spirit. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I will be more open, more generous, and more aware that fear solves nothing. I let go of the fear and I open myself up in a way that is real and honest. I reach out and speak my heart. I brainstorm new ideas without judgement or censorship. I focus all my energy on making my point. I communicate my thoughts, philosophy and ideas. I speak out and tell people how I feel. I harness my own healing energy and power and help myself. I rise above my circumstances. I visualize the possibilities and see clearly in my mind the good things for the future. My power today lies in possibility. I keep my options open and I am empowered by desire for meaning. I keep my clarity and my focus even amidst doubt, distractions, and confusion. I maintain my mental balance and I will KNOW the truth. I will remain balanced, fair and non-judgmental today. I have persistence of vision with clear priorities and commitments; and my mind, heart, and spirit are moving in the same direction. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I combine my spiritual understanding and technical skills with energy and desire, and rise to higher levels to create my best work. I am proud of what I do and how I do it. I am a generous soul who is friendly, affectionate, solid, steady and can be of great help. I am satisfied with my life, my capabilities, and my achievements; and I remain joyful and at peace with the world and myself. Hope directs my spiritual growth into the world. I pour my energy out freely. I feel my confidence. I know and trust that Life will continually supply me with new energy. I will have extra patience and persistence to get to the point where I can accomplish something. I overcome obstacles and I know victory as I recognize that negativity confines my Spirit. I live in the radiance of my Spirit and I am ready to soar! I seek my solution through my inner guidance the answers will be provided and vivid peace restored. I allow my higher consciousness to decide on an action according to the higher laws and values of the Universe. I say "yes" to myself and the life I lead. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I accept the unique individuality of my body, mind, and spirit. I bring my inner light into consciousness and I experience a bright mind, a warm heart, an active body, and a fiery spirit. I place myself in a position to receive and the force of life overpowers me with spiritual wonders! Love gives me a feeling of abundance that I share with no fear of running out, for I KNOW now that it is an infinitely renewable resource. I liberate my spirit and set it free to experience new adventures, renewal and new beginnings. I allow myself to experience life just for itself, free of external pressures. I take the tiger by the tail! I go deep within and seek peace. I move through the distortions and fears into the light of truth. I am changeable and allow myself to flow with the different phases of life. I am willing to listen to my inner voice, and I flow naturally with the direction presented. I make every single move count! I turn my gaze to the stars, as I open my heart and allow my spirit to experience the awe and beauty of the cosmos. I am self-motivated; I am objective and I take command of my situation. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I organize things in my life and I communicate my inner desires. I seek healing, inspiration, and enrichment. I am open to new experiences. I am innocent and spontaneous, curious and playful. Mentally, I am inquisitive. Emotionally, I express my feelings without reserve. Physically, I have fun with life. Spiritually, I search for truth and seek to grow. I think carefully before I move ahead, and ask myself "Is this what I really want?" I calculate my odds, sow the seeds most likely to grow then I let go of my expectations and cultivate patience. I maintain balance on all levels and take care that I do not hurt anyone in the transition. I surrender myself to the greater forces of the cosmos and let them do with me what they will. I know I must seek solitude wherever I find tension for in solitude I live, and develop spiritual temperament, breath spiritual air, quench my spiritual thirst and satisfy my spiritual hunger. I face challenges with courage and honesty, for I know that in challenges lie opportunities. My mind is balanced, receptive and has moved through doubt and confusion into expanded awareness. I experience the presence of healing, revitalizing, renewing, regenerating emotional pleasure! During this Full Moon, I enjoy the harmony of natural forces without effort or strain. I cut through the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that are creating blocks to my movement. I trust that my patience will allow me to restructure my relationships so that they move in new directions that are unlimited and less restrained. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I alter my mind and I immediately alter my reality. I cooperate with others to achieve balance, and I feel the sense of harmony that creates exciting new possibilities. I awaken to my self-awareness and release my confined spirit. I maintain equilibrium between my mind and my body, so that I do not act until I need to and this self-discipline, combined with my intuition-will bring success! I have realized the physical reality of the spiritual path and I am dedicated to it. I use my skills of negotiation and acute observation. I am honest, fair and just in my decisions, and I free myself from old ideas and concepts about myself. I allow new thoughts and ideas in - with no judgment or censorship. In the Name of the Maiden- I will banish negative thoughts with positive ones. I don't get pulled into the "what-ifs" and the "could-have-beens", I stay in the present and handle things as they come up. I remain positive and look ahead for I know my present situation is never permanent. I find the "force" within me through a quiet and receptive state of mind. I am receptive to both the negative and the positive, and I control and balance them. I then allow my soul to direct my body. I look at my deepest desires and recognize which goal is essential...then I focus all my energy on it! I believe and trust that I am on the right track for I know success will be mine. I follow my instincts instead of the crowd. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I rise above my circumstances. I visualize the possibilities and see clearly in my mind the good things for the future. My power today lies in possibility. I keep my options open and I am empowered by desire for meaning. I think before I act, I reflect on things and take a good look at my situation. I am patient for I know time and reflection will reveal what my next move will be. I am responsible for my own decisions and take on only what I can handle based upon that which I value. I am empowered by choice and my asset is negotiation. Today, I will have extra patience and persistence to get to the point where I can accomplish something. I live in the radiance of my spirit and I will soar! I free myself from my self-made limitations by seeing myself accurately. When things are not working for me, I take the time to reevaluate my situation. I slow down and carefully observe my surroundings. I know and trust that a slight adjustment can and will change everything. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home When things are not working for me, I take the time to reevaluate my situation. I slow down and carefully observe my surroundings. I know and trust that a slight adjustment can and will change everything. I have the ability to always look on the bright side of things, using my sensitivity and relying on intuition rather than common sense. I have perception - the ability to see ahead and believe. I heal and bring life to myself and others through feeling fully and deeply, and expressing the beauty of my heart. I will experience my inner, intuitive mind - the center of all knowledge, memory and clairvoyant information. I seek it because it contains the answers to all my questions. I am willing to still my mind and allow the information to flow freely - I trust the deepest core of who I am. My most precious knowledge is my sense of my inner self. I go deep within and seek peace. I move through the distortions and fears into the light of truth. I am changeable and allow myself to flow with the different phases of life. I listen to good counsel and let my life flow. I do not let my ego get between me and good, common sense. When I feel stuck, I swallow my pride, stop what I'm doing and take the time to think things over. I change my attitude and things begin to look better! I keep my clarity and my focus even amidst doubt, distractions, and confusion. I maintain my mental balance and I will KNOW the truth. I will remain balanced, fair and non-judgmental today. I set achievable goals, so I can attain them and get inspired! I take care of the little things, and the big things will all fall into place. I trust that hidden horizons will always be expanded and I do not resist when the higher consciousness motivates me to better things. I am prepared to face the unknown! No matter how trapped I feel, I can find a way out because I believe it is possible! I find my clarity of thought and purpose and use them to take my first step towards freedom! Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home Spell Caster’s Affirmation There is one Presence and Power in the Universe That manifests to me as Goddess and as God It guides the stars and the planets It guides me and moves through my life For I am a perfect incarnation of God/dess And a perfect priest/ess of God/dess I am a complete manifestation of this power I release all imbalanced energy and it’s effects I harness harmonious energy And shape it for the good of all In accordance with free will With ease and with joy With love and kindness So mote it be I am silent and I listen to receive a revelation from the Universe. I release my ego, get rid of those things which are already dead in my life and accept the change. I free myself from what is hanging me up and holding me back. I create a space for new opportunities to come in. I follow my heart and I will know joy; my hopes will be complete and there will be a happy conclusion! The emotional riches I experience are shared with friendship and hospitality. I inspire others with my belief in them and in their capabilities. When I experience frustration and indecision, I follow my conscience and act accordingly. I allow myself to experience the unlimited, inspired creativity that wants to be expressed and allow it to flow freely. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I am versatile and adaptable and I strive for mastery over my mind, heart and body. I liberate my spirit, and I realize I have the power to influence, transform, and heal. I am capable of doing anything. I follow my heart and I will know joy; my hopes will be complete and there will be a happy conclusion! The emotional riches I experience are shared with friendship and hospitality. I inspire others with my belief in them and in their capabilities. I open my heart as I give and receive love. I stabilize and balance my mind. My belief system is my mental foundation from which I can take great leaps of consciousness, then return to regroup and renew. I have the ability to take the potential "sting" out of any situation by thinking ahead and preparation-using my ability to take care of details. I stabilize myself; I rest and take this time to think of new plans. I take the time to renew both my physical and mental energies and establish my thoughts. I do not analyze so much, I am spontaneous and allow my inner emotional contentment to radiate out in all aspects of my life, then I know satisfaction. I appreciate the things I have and I show those I love how important they are. I look at my deepest desires and recognize which goal is essential...then I focus all my energy on it! I believe and trust that I am on the right track for I know success will be mine. I follow my instincts instead of the crowd. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I use my skills of negotiation and acute observation. I am honest, fair and just in my decisions, and I free myself from old ideas and concepts about myself. I allow new thoughts and ideas in - with no judgment or censorship. I am versatile and adaptable and I strive for mastery over my mind, heart and body. I liberate my spirit, and I realize I have the power to influence, transform, and heal. I am capable of doing anything. I think things over, put aside my anger and allow a new perspective to develop. I am receptive to "limiting" feelings I allow myself to feel deeply I transform any "limiting" feelings and maintain my inner balance. I recognize that I am capable of experiencing great happiness even in the dreariest of times. I will be more open, more generous, and more aware that fear solves nothing. I let go of the fear and I open myself up in a way that is real and honest. I reach out and speak my heart. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home The Earth is my church. It's sacred, created by the Gods. It's all around me, all the time, therefore I am at church with every breath I take. I always seek the inner truths, and I look beneath the surface of the situation for the real truth. I face my inner demons and find that I am in control of my life, and I free myself from any restrictions that are holding me back. I hold the keys to my own freedom, and the freedom of my imagination is my ultimate power! I know Goddess would never give me more than I could handle. It's just that sometimes, I wish she didn't trust me so much. Hope directs my spiritual growth into the world - it allows me to see that each day is a unique event which will never be repeated. I pour my energy out freely - I feel my confidence - I know and trust that Life will continually supply me with new energy. I learn from my successes and my mistakes for they represent areas for personal growth and breakthrough. I have a keen sense of originality, I am not afraid to undertake new ventures because I have an open mind. I accept the responsibility of truly finding my own way and I form my own original ideas. I adapt to ever-changing realities and I remain flexible, versatile and adaptable. I focus on self-improvement and determination by taking the time to learn a new skill; be it magickal or mundane. I seek my solution through my inner guidance the answers will be provided and vivid peace restored. I allow my higher consciousness to decide on an action according to the laws and values of the Universe. I am proud of my beliefs and values. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I set achievable goals, so I can attain them and get inspired! I take care of the little things, and the big things will all fall into place. I trust that hidden horizons will always be expanded and I do not resist when the higher consciousness motivates me to better things. I am prepared to face the unknown! I allow myself to be treated in the way that I treat others. I accomplish what I have in mind. I am committed to spiritual growth I become enlightened and enlighten others. I am positive and optimistic, and see no reason or value in lies. I do not limit myself, I remain versatile and adaptable. My physical energy and my spiritual understanding to help myself and others unfold. I reassess my priorities, my loyalties and my commitments. I move toward that which has vitality, heart and meaning. I seek to find my solution by forgiving and extending compassion. I establish my own sense of order and harmony. I take the time to renew my physical, mental, and spiritual energies and gather my thoughts. I am not concerned now with the outcome, for I know it will be as it was meant to be. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I stretch myself in my search for knowledge and with diligence I will develop wisdom. I go deep within and seek inner counseling. I allow myself to experience the peace as I let go and rest in the presence of my inner strength. I release myself from restrictions and use my imagination creatively to find practical solutions to my problems. The freedom of my imagination is my ultimate power. My spiritual vision is awakening. I see through the eyes of my soul. I have persistence of vision with clear priorities and commitments; and my mind, heart, and spirit are moving in the same direction. I combine my spiritual understanding and technical skills with energy and desire, and rise to higher levels to create my best work. I am proud of what I do and how I do it. I receive the seed of inspiration that brings me focus and concentration. I am now one-pointed in creating my purpose in each moment. I am spontaneous as I follow the beat of my heart, and my life gives me everything I need to be happy. I experience the state of lasting happiness and the success I desire through the realization of my personal hopes and dreams. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I allow my inner Self to experience the surge of Joy..... and I recognize the valuable qualities that exist in every situation. I let go and do not fight the inevitable change in my present circumstances. I accept my situation and have the courage to start over. I connect with my inner world filled with happiness and joy. The blood of my ancestors courses through my veins and I am important! I am self-motivated, and I take command of the situation. I use my gifts of communication, healing and inspiration and align with my inner Self. I am open to new ideas, new adventures, and new ways of thinking. I receive the divine seed of inspiration that brings patience. I am peaceful and patient, knowing that all happens in the perfect time and in the perfect way. I will be original, and trust my creative potential. I check everything and look for any weak areas in my plans and make them carefully. I take hold of myself, see through the illusions and find a balanced sense of my reality. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I live an inspired life. New ideas and opportunities flow into my mind. I experience joy, transcendent love and happiness. I live life in all its ups and downs I am totally living and loving. I am emotionally honest I feel my deep spirituality and love completely. I place myself in a position to receive and the force of life overpowers me with spiritual wonders! Love gives me a feeling of abundance that I share with no fear of running out, for I KNOW now that it is an infinitely renewable resource. I free myself from whatever it is that keeps me from being all I can be. I rise above my present situation and I feel a sense of completion and renewal when opposing energies finally come together. I celebrate and I show appreciation to those who supported me. I do not resist change because I have experienced many lessons in my lifetimes, and I trust that I have learned from them. I have faith in the unexplainable because I see beyond the physical eye. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I use my skills of negotiation and acute observation. I am honest, fair and just in my decisions, and I free myself from old ideas and concepts about myself. I allow new thoughts and ideas in - with no judgment or censorship. It is my spiritual work which leads me to recognize the magick in normal things. I allow myself to experience the ultimate balance mental, emotional, spiritual and physical success resulting in a joyful life. I bring together all my internal and external resources and talents. My tools are My spirit the light which illuminates, My body healing, wealth and success, My mind brilliant, sharp and creative, and My soul healing and beautifying. That Combined they represent the creative power which transforms any obstacle into creative expression and clear communication. I am strong and independent! I will gain a better understanding of myself and my motives. I recognize that strategic review, regrouping and realignment are all necessary steps of forward progress. I channel all my thoughts and energy into my spiritual development, for it is here I will find rest and relief. I have choices and I have power! I replace denial with awareness, negative thinking with positive thinking - and the doors will open so I can do as I choose! Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I see things clearly and use my powers to transform my situation. I know I am an enlightened being, and I live life to it's fullest! I change and expand to see beyond the superficial, material reality. My mental strength is provided through deep understanding and insight. I rid myself of mental clutter and let go of outdated ideas, and restrictive, oppressive, limiting attitudes and beliefs. I then create a space for new opportunities to come in. I release my sense of "self" now so that I can merge with the Universe. My hands may be tied, but never my mind! I surrender myself to the greater forces of the cosmos and let them do with me what they will. I know I must seek solitude wherever I find tension~for in solitude I live, and develop spiritual temperament, breath spiritual air, quench my spiritual thirst and satisfy my spiritual hunger. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I go deep within, seek spiritual guidance and through meditation I see my world in a new light. I join forces with my True Self in a journey as the love in my mind creates peace, joy and illuminates the possibilities. I always seek the inner truths, and I look beneath the surface of the situation for the real truth. I face my inner demons and find that I am in control of my life, and I free myself from any restrictions that are holding me back. I hold the keys to my own freedom, and the freedom of my imagination is my ultimate power! I calculate my odds, sow the seeds most likely to grow then I let go of my expectations and cultivate patience. I think carefully before I move ahead. I accept my Karmic lessons and understand my burdens. I stay in the present and handle things as they come up. I don't give up, I look for new opportunities created by my set-backs. I fulfill my spiritual need to go deep within and seek inner council. I am prepared to face the unknown; Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I trust that hidden horizons will always be expanded and I do not resist when higher consciousness motivates me to better things. I take care of the little things, and the big things will all fall into place. I have empathy for those less fortunate. I never think this is all there is. I remain loyal to my purpose, to myself and to others. I remember who I am and I do not lose myself in my desire for achievement. I look beyond the surface for I know everything is not as it seems. I rise above my circumstances. I visualize the possibilities and see clearly in my mind the good things for the future. My power today lies in possibility. I keep my options open and I am empowered by desire for meaning. I allow myself to experience the wild vibrant universe existing in the very center of the ordinary. Then I return and destroy the negative in my house and re-establish harmony. My life is filled with abundance and all my needs are met, and more! I can seek, I can ask, I can knock at any door-but I can't open the door by force. I wait patiently for it to be opened. I dare to ask, I have the will to seek, I remain silent and listen long enough to know when the door has opened to me. I come to know a greater meaning and deeper significance to life as I give up part of my ego which controls and isolates me from people and from life itself. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I embrace difficult situations, for I know that opportunities for growth come in the guise of a problem. I look deeper into the situations that surround me so that I can fully understand them. I trust and believe that all change will eventually be more beneficial. I hold on to what I believe and trust the I have the knowledge, wisdom and strength to see it through. I know and respect myself. I am true to myself and I value myself by walking my own path. I keep my clarity and my focus even amidst doubt, distractions, and confusion. I maintain my mental balance and I will KNOW the truth. I will remain balanced, fair and non-judgmental today. I seek purity of heart. I love, I have compassion and I show tenderness. Life is my teacher every experience is a lesson. Through intuition I become united with the Universe . I learn to hold the two opposing forces of life in balance. I am able to use my talent well and be happy at work or at home. I know and believe in myself and the magick of my life. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I join forces with the Universe and allow it to flow through me into my daily life. I awaken my awareness, my desire for adventure and greater advancement-which adds the meaning back to my goals. I aim to do something a little differently each time and bring some spontaneity into my life! I focus on the magick and seek to discover the real source of my strength. I have learned to compromise, to release my worry and problems by concentrating on simple ordinary pleasures. I manifest my potential by creating my own reality with the gift of my creative imagination. I feel the spirit of life as I create with my talents and manifest my magick. I have persistence of vision with clear priorities and commitments; and my mind, heart, and spirit are moving in the same direction. I combine my spiritual understanding and technical skills with energy and desire, and rise to higher levels to create my best work. I am willing to listen to my inner voice, and I flow naturally with the direction presented. I make every single move count! I turn my gaze to the stars, as I open my heart and allow my spirit to experience the awe and beauty of the cosmos. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I trust that I have the faith and wisdom to move through the fears generated in my mind; and I accept input from others without letting it destroy my own perspective. I call on the spiritual strength inside me for guidance. I use my skills of negotiation and acute observation. I am honest, fair and just in my decisions, and I free myself from old ideas and concepts about myself. I allow new thoughts, and new ideas in - with no judgment or censorship. Archangel Michael , angel of protection and light. Archangel Raphael beloved angel of healing. Please release and cut all cords of negativity that are draining me of energy. Please cut cords of addiction and cravings from me. I release, let go and allow myself to heal. I fully release any and all patterns of addictions, failure and dis-ease in my life now and forever. I completely embrace my freedom and physical health now. I never think this is all there is. I remain loyal to my purpose, to myself and to others. I remember who I am and I do not lose myself in my desire for achievement. I look beyond the surface for I know everything is not as it seems. I know the connection between sorrow and wisdom by facing sorrow with courage, acceptance, and honesty.... I find wisdom. I am at peace with myself and I accept whatever happens without losing my composure. My life is a constant and glorious exploration, and I maintain a balanced mind. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I am willing to further my skills and knowledge as I go out and meet success! I experience my inner child's playfulness, I take the pressure off myself and enjoy my journey. When I do what I love to do; I find my genius, my passion, and my success! I deliberately and consciously release excess. I let go of restrictive, oppressive, limiting attitudes and beliefs. I create a space for new opportunities to come in. My hands may be tied, but never my mind. I think things over, put aside my anger and allow a new perspective to develop. I am receptive to "limiting" feelings I recognize that I am capable of experiencing great happiness even in the dreariest of times. I find something that fills my heart with joy and gratitude every single day. I learn from past experiences. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I accept my loss and accept the support from others. I take the time to "see" what remains important to me in the face of sorrow or pain, for it is the solid basis of my life. I withdraw from the outer world to activate my unconscious mind and awaken my inner self. I sever myself from unpleasant, frustrating situations so I can know peace of mind and harmony, like sunshine after a storm. I waste neither energy nor opportunity. I think with an open mind, and investigate all the possibilities. I experience joy, transcendent love and happiness. I live life in all its ups and downs. I am totally living and loving. I am emotionally honest. I feel my deep spirituality and love completely. I enjoy the harmony of natural forces without effort or strain. I experience the presence of healing, revitalizing, renewing, regenerating emotional pleasure! Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I will freely give tender words and a caring touch to those I love. I have learned to compromise, to release my worry and problems by concentrating on simple ordinary pleasures. I manifest my potential by creating my own reality with the gift of my creative imagination. I feel the spirit of life as I create with my talents and manifest my magick. I am versatile and adaptable and I strive for mastery over my mind, heart and body. I liberate my spirit, and I realize I have the power to influence, transform, and heal. I am capable of doing anything. I always trust and believe in who I am, even when everything appears to be wrong. My greatest wealth is knowing that I am complete within myself. My major goal is to discover as much as I can about my "Self", then work on improving the quality of my own life. I remain strong and always seek a positive direction. I concentrate on my self-discipline and take the time to understand the motives of the people around me. I learn from others, but always listen to my own thoughts and intuition no matter what. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I have persistence of vision with clear priorities and commitments; and my mind, heart, and spirit are moving in the same direction. I combine my spiritual understanding and technical skills with energy and desire, and rise to higher levels to create my best work. I am proud of what I do and how I do it. I am prepared to face the unknown; I trust that hidden horizons will always be expanded and I do not resist when higher consciousness motivates me to better things. I take care of the little things, and the big things will all fall into place. I have empathy for those less fortunate. It is my spiritual work which leads me to recognize the magick in normal things. I allow myself to experience the ultimate balance mental, emotional, spiritual and physical success resulting in a joyful life. I bring together all my internal and external resources and talents. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I do not analyze so much. I am spontaneous and allow my inner emotional contentment to radiate out in all aspects of my life, then I know satisfaction. I think carefully before I move ahead, and ask myself "Is this what I really want?" I calculate my odds, sow the seeds most likely to grow then I let go of my expectations and cultivate patience. I maintain balance on all levels and take care that I do not hurt anyone in the transition. I sever myself from unpleasant, frustrating situations so I can know peace of mind and harmony, like sunshine after a storm. I recognize that by staying calm, I waste neither energy nor opportunity. I adapt to ever-changing realities and I remain flexible, versatile and adaptable. I focus on self-improvement and determination by taking the time to learn a new skill; be it magickal or mundane. I control and direct my energy rather than allowing it to take me wherever it wants to go. My inner resources always overcome any adversity as the love in my heart unites with my spirit, heart, and body and produces harmonious action. Love is the source of my strength. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I am willing to listen to my inner voice, and I flow naturally with the direction presented. I make every single move count! I turn my gaze to the stars, as I open my heart and allow my spirit to experience the awe and beauty of the cosmos. I find the calming center in a hurricane's eye and bring everything into balance and harmony. I seek the advice of my inner Self - allowing myself to be quiet and experience the stillness - if I listen, the answers will be provided. I rise above my problems - I detach myself from them, rather than trying to meet the opposition head on. I explore new ideas, seek new realizations and insights and continue to grow. I learn from everything every experience, every moment is new. I am quick, sharp, and ready for assertive action. I overcome obstacles or conflicts by getting right to the point, even if it means going against the grain. I bravely face opposition and refuse to compromise my principles, it is my honor to defend my perception of the truth. It is my spiritual work which leads me to recognize the magick in normal things. I allow myself to experience the ultimate balance mental, emotional, spiritual and physical success resulting in a joyful life. I bring together all my internal and external resources and talents. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I am committed to spiritual growth. I become enlightened and enlighten others. I am positive and optimistic, and see no reason or value in lies. I do not limit myself, I remain versatile and adaptable. I brainstorm new ideas without judgement or censorship. I focus all my energy on making my point. I communicate my thoughts, philosophy and ideas. I speak out and tell people how I feel. I will express my emotions and allow the power of these emotions to release me as I rise to the emotional level of my situation. I am patient and I trust that things will clear up if I wait. I allow myself to experience my fears of the unknown and watch them turn to wonders as the gateway opens to new adventures. I choose wisely! I concentrate my strength, and act with will and determination. I share what I have and I accept gratefully what I am given. I pull back and go deep inside to seek peace and allow my inner voice to direct me. No matter how trapped I feel, I can find a way out because I believe it is possible! I find my clarity of thought and purpose and use them to take my first step towards freedom! I am will to express myself completely and trust in the Power that gave it to me. I have faith in the inexplicable and I see beyond the physical eye. I trust that I have the faith and wisdom to move through the fears generated in my mind; and I accept input from others without letting it destroy my own perspective. I call on the spiritual strength inside me for guidance. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I hold onto my beliefs and I feel the power inside me. I know that what I seek I will find. I tap into my feminine power because I know that much can be achieved through nurturing and generosity. Telling others you love them to obtain their love is a lack of self worth. When you have self worth you are able to give love endlessly with no expectations of receiving anything back. This is ultimate wealth. I keep my clarity and my focus even amidst doubt, distractions, and confusion. I maintain my mental balance and i will know the truth. I remain balanced, fair and non-judgmental today. I accept that problems as well as joy are Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home a natural part of the life experience. I allow my inner self to explore and find a purpose. I experience my emotional balance and I am willing to nurture, support, comfort and heal myself in equal proportions to how I would nurture, support, comfort and heal another. I explore all aspects of life. I ask questions and seek the answers within, then I listen to my inner voice and know without fear. Even when everything seems negative, I expect the impossible! I change my perspective in order to remain true to my heart. I rise above my circumstances. I visualize the possibilities and see clearly in my mind the good things for the future. My power today lies in possibility. I keep my options open and I am empowered by desire for meaning. I possess the finest of "quieter" qualities...greatness of heart, strong intuition and instinct. I know and believe in myself and the magick of my life. I join forces with the Universe and allow it to flow through my daily life. I go deep within and seek peace. I move through the distortions and fears into the light of truth. I am changeable and allow myself to flow with the different phases of life. I will trust my instincts! Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I demonstrate my self-trust and do not abandon myself in any way. I see with intensity and remove any obstructions to my clear view. I bridge the conscious and the subconscious and decide which avenue will produce the best results for everyone concerned. I learn from my successes and my mistakes for they represent areas for personal growth and breakthrough. I have a keen sense of originality, I am not afraid to undertake new ventures because I have an open mind. I accept the responsibility of truly finding my own way and I form my own original ideas. I cooperate with others to achieve balance, and I feel the sense of harmony that creates exciting new possibilities. I awaken to my self-awareness and release my confined spirit. I follow my enthusiasm, put my spirit into action, and seek within myself the courage and strength to take the first step! I ride the currents of life to keep from drowning. The ocean will support me as long as I swim with the flow. I hold onto my beliefs and I feel the power inside me. I know that what I seek I will find. I tap into my feminine power because I know that much can be achieved through nurturing and generosity. I trust myself, and I am confident that I have been given the abilities and opportunities to realize my goals and dreams. I will succeed! I observe my thoughts with loving detachment. I know I am not my thoughts, but the self that creates them. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I receive the seed of inspiration of divine love. I express compassion, tolerance, loving kindness, and good will to everyone I meet. money flows in my life. I am prosperous. The Universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good. I seek out the meaning of events taking place in my life, so that I may develop a greater understanding of myself and my life. I insist on being the best in all that I think and do, and then I am able to see what is of this world and what is not; what is passing and what is lasting. Feel Divine's light shining within you and take a step to inspire someone else to shine. As you share this vision today with just one soul, that reaches ten lives that touch a thousand. I follow my heart and I will know joy; my hopes will be complete and there will be a happy conclusion! The emotional riches I experience are shared with friendship and hospitality. I inspire others with my belief in them and in their capabilities. I acknowledge the presence of other faiths on my planet, indeed, right here in my city/town/village. I acknowledge that the followers of these faiths feel as strongly, maybe more so, than I do about mine. I forgive the other faiths and wipe clean the slate between us. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I cannot hold a person responsible for the acts of their faith, I cannot hold a faith at fault for individual practitioners. It is not my place to convert, or otherwise alter a person's religion. I invite discussion of beliefs without judgment of those holding them. I am the vast beauty of the desert, and the ever flowing waters of the Nile. I am the power of the sacred womb, the beginning and soul of creation. For I am Goddess Isis, Divine Mother of all and Mistress of Magick and change. It is my will that change be granted for without change nothing is born. It is in wisdom of this truth you must embrace all new beginnings for you are the magick of your own creations. ~ Goddess Isis I reassess my priorities, my loyalties and my commitments. I move toward that which has vitality, heart and meaning. I seek to find my solution by forgiving and extending compassion. I put plans into action and strike while the iron is hot! I blend all my opposite traits and skills into a harmonious whole, as one foot walks on the foundation above in Spirit, and the other foot walks on the foundation below on Earth. As above, So below... Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I experience joy, transcendent love and happiness. I live life in all its ups and downs ~ I am totally living and loving. I am emotionally honest ~ I feel my deep spirituality and love completely. I am a generous soul who is friendly, affectionate, solid, steady and can be of great help. I am satisfied with my life, my capabilities, and my achievements; and I remain joyful and at peace with the world and myself. I break through the blocks that prevent me from achieving my highest potential. I move through my old fears of failure as I evaluate the results of my work and assess my mistakes so that I can learn from them. I share what I have and I accept gratefully what I am given. I break through the blocks that prevent me from achieving my highest potential. I move through my old fears of failure as I evaluate the results of my work and assess my mistakes so that I can learn from them. I share what I have and I accept gratefully what I am given. I am willing to further my skills and knowledge as I go out and meet success! I experience my inner child's playfulness, I take the pressure off myself and enjoy my journey. When I do what I love to do; I find my genius, my passion, and my success! Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I will gain a better understanding of myself and my motives. I channel all my thoughts and energy into my spiritual development, for it is here I find rest and relief. I repair my nets so I will be ready when when the fish come! I have faith in the inexplicable and I see beyond the physical eye. I am a generous soul who is friendly, affectionate, solid, steady and can be of great help. I am satisfied with my life, my capabilities, and my achievements; and I remain joyful and at peace with the world and myself. I free myself from whatever it is that keeps me from being all I can be. I rise above my present situation and I feel a sense of completion and renewal when opposing energies finally come together. I celebrate and I show appreciation to those who supported me. I set achievable goals, so I can attain them and get inspired! I trust that hidden horizons will always be expanded and I do not resist when the higher consciousness motivates me to better things. My tools are My spirit~the light which illuminates, My body~healing, wealth and success, My mind~brilliant, sharp and creative, and My soul~healing and beautifying. Combined they represent the creative power which transforms any obstacle into creative expression and clear communication. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I am strong and independent! I accept new situations. I quickly adapt to them and seek their true meaning and value. I pierce through the mystery of the event to find a greater understanding of life. I let the process of destiny work through me, so events of great significance can manifest. I hold on to what I believe, and trust that I have the knowledge, wisdom and strength to see it through. I know and respect myself, I am true to myself and I value myself by walking my own path. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I will be original, and trust my creative potential. I check everything and look for any weak areas in my plans and make them carefully. I take hold of myself, see through the illusions and find a balanced sense of my reality. I break free from past obligations that are holding me back and I pursue new goals and dreams. I liberate my feelings and I liberate my spirit! I freely give, I share from the heart and stop measuring out what I feel I can afford to lose. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I place myself in the position to receive and I stop cutting myself off spiritually. I feel the healing energy all around me. I pay attention to the needs of my body and I revel in the delights of being alive on planet Earth! I am careful not to overlook important details, but I make sure I don't fail to see the big picture! I hold on to what I believe and trust the I have the knowledge, wisdom and strength to see it through. I know and respect myself. I am true to myself and I value myself by walking my own path. I look deeper into my situation I go deep within myself and use the divine power that is available to me. I am receptive to guidance, I change my attitude and trust that my true hearts desire is always beneficial to others. I recognize that strategic review, regrouping and realignment are all necessary steps of forward progress. I channel all my thoughts and energy into my spiritual development, for it is here I will find rest and relief. I see who I really am as opposed to who I am supposed to be or taught to be. I establish a clear awareness of my self through a peaceful mind and a calm heart. I have the energy I need to move in new directions now. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I seek purity of heart ~ I love, I have compassion and I show tenderness. Life is my teacher ~ every experience is a lesson-learning opportunity for growth and the solid understanding that conflicts are openings for new beginnings. Through intuition I become united with the Universe. I learn to hold the two opposing forces of life in balance. Success and Victory enter my life like welcome friends! I trust myself, and I am confident that I have been given the abilities and opportunities to realize my goals and dreams. I will succeed! When things are not working for me, I take the time to reevaluate my situation. I slow down and carefully observe my surroundings. I know and trust that a slight adjustment can and will change everything. I accept my reality and I am at peace with myself. I look within through meditation and restore my faith in myself. I know this difficult time will pass. I don't get pulled into the "what-ifs" and the "could-have-beens" I stay in the present and handle things as they come up. I remain positive and look ahead for I know my present situation is never permanent. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I am able to use my talent well and be happy at work or at home. I know and believe in myself and the magick of my life. I join forces with the Universe and allow it to flow through me into my daily life. I will experience my inner, intuitive mind-the center of all knowledge, memory and clairvoyant information. I seek it because it contains the answers to all my questions. I am willing to still my mind and allow the information to flow freely. I trust the deepest core of who I am. My most precious knowledge is my sense of my inner self. I allow myself to take joy and pleasure in the little things. I clarify things in order to prevent any misunderstandings and I do not allow anyone or anything to dominate my thinking. I remain balanced and in harmony with the energy that surrounds me. I will make an effort to understand my life's Higher Purpose as I move toward balance and harmony. From the source of my being I am regenerated and reborn as I recognize the true freedom that comes from the realization that I shape my own reality. I allow my imagination freedom, it is my window of perception through which flashes of insight, intuition and the sudden solutions to my problems arise. I dare to know, then remain silent so that I might hear. Go to Top Personal Main List Main Index List Random Madness Home I have learned to compromise, to release my worry and problems by concentrating on simple ordinary pleasures. I manifest my potential by creating my own reality with the gift of my creative imagination. I feel the spirit of life as I create with my talents and manifest my magick. I go deep within, seek spiritual guidance and through meditation I see my world in a new light. I join forces with my True Self in a journey as the love in my mind creates peace, joy and illuminates the possibilities. I master my creative power by finding the ability to enjoy studying. I approach activities with fascination and involvement. I experience my own inner child's playfulness. By doing what I loved to do as a child, I find my genius, my passion and my success. I reassess my priorities, my loyalties and my commitments. I move toward that which has vitality, heart and meaning. I seek to find my solution by forgiving and extending compassion. Affirmation Page Declarations Gratitude Page Incantations Meditations Music Quotes Katy's Selfies
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