Katy's Selfies
This page is dedicated to everyone on it.
I sincerely thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
My universe would not be the same without you in it.
There's and halo in my pocket
that belongs upon your head.
You're my gift from God
but here on Earth instead.
You don't have wings to fly
and that's okay by me.
You're my earth bound angel
for all the world to see.
God and Goddess: Thank you for letting be a part of your world.
Thank you for allowing me to see the beauty you provide within the earth and everything in it and above it.
My Family:
Mom: You and Dad are the reason I was birthed in this life.
You guys have been through a lot with me and I know
I would not be half the person I am without you standing by me and
providing for me all these years. Thank you for being you good,
bad and otherwise. I know things weren't always a piece of cake with me and you never gave up on me.
There are not enough words to say how thankful I am but I will always trying to show you.
I never pass up a genuine chance to go pee is one of my lessons are one of the MANY words of wisdom from you. Thank you!
Dad: You have always been a great provider and a wonderful father. I know you work hard and I am a product of that.
You are a man of many names Hose B, Pat the Carpenter, First National Bank of Dad, Poo and Papa Bear are just a few but
Father sums them up. I'm glad to be half you and half mom. I could do a LOT worse. Thank you for explaining things to me in
a way that I understand. It's not always what you know but who you know is one of the major lessons that I have learned from you. Thank you!
Michael: You are the best brother a sister could ever ask for and I wouldn't change that for one second. You are not only that but a great friend. I'm glad that if I have a bad day you are always there for me. If I am having a great day we feed off each others energy. I'm VERY happy you found someone that makes you happy and that I love. I'm a proud sister-in-law and Lucas and Lily's best aunt ever!
My Extended Family:
If I call you brother sister mama or dad even though you you arent blood related, this one's for you. In life people come and people go. I don't give up on blood family or extended family. Blood runs thicker than water but there's the extended family somewhere in between there. Love you guys. Namaste!
Allie girl: You've been my best friend for about 20+ years. We have seen each other through 7 births and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I thank you for so many things. These are just a few. Sarah McLachlan, found a peanut, the halleluiah night, drawing up my tattoo
Wait I gotta put my eyebrows on. Potty EMERGENCY!! The crazies always win. Shadowed Child's Strange World. Among other things
4 you are a lol in my head a lot of days. I miss you but I know you are up there chillin with Prince looking down on me and Your kidlets.
Give your dad a hug for me.
George: You left this world way too soon. I'm sad that I never got to say goodbye. I know you are in good hands. Miss you lots!!
Joseph: Thanks for being a good friend and a great "lil bro". I love you. I trust you with my life every time I get in your car.
Thank you for not scaring me.
Wicked Witch: You brought the magickal realm in to my life that I was so desperately lacking. You taught me to love things that
I didn't know existed inside me. You always encouraged me to be me and be true to myself and the universe will be there for me.
The most important thing is you taught me Goddess! I know the only way for me to show you how much I love you is to just keep on
doing what I am doing. You rock more than you realize. Namaste Mama Witch!!
Al: You are my soul mate. I love you to the moon and back. You keep me on my toes. You make me laugh when
I just can't seem to do it on my own.
You make me wiggles and squirm like no one else.
I'm here for the taking and here for you ALWAYS.
Taz: You're my big bro. It's a sister's job to worry.
You are the Preacher Man. Don't EVER forget that.
IRC Peeps:
These are not in any order.
Aris, Chel, Pam, Peezy, PJay, Crzymky BMartin and Chrism
You guys make me lol everyday.
Thanks for keeping it light and doing it right.
My 1st Responder Peeps:
Ang - Gm 911 EMS
Katydid - GM Cencom Dispatcher
Ortiz - GM Dispatcher
Sue - Communication
Kev - Fire
TJ - Ambulances
Bridgit - Lights
MG - Road Crew
Joe S - GM Patrol Officer
Audra - GM Detective
Magoo - K9 unit
Foy - Cheif
My Helpers:
Nettie: You are my GM Helper. Thanks for taking care of the girl's hours and for being a good friend. Love ya Miss Price.
Stacy: Glad you are here. That's what she said :) You're awesome. That's funny!!!
Judy: Thanks for beating on me! You do truly listen to me :)