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Full Moon History Full Moon Cleansing Ritual
Magic Blessing Of Full Moon Water Magic Full Moon Oil
A Full Moon Fruitation Spell Done During the Full Moon
Full Moon Communication Spell Full Moon Old Sayings & Lore Ritual
Love Boon Luck and Joy Spell
Full Moon History The Full Moon lasts about three days. It is a very intense phase. Many women still ovulate with the Full Moon. This is the time to apply the most powerful herbs. Use cayenne capsules to treat infections of any kind. Goldenseal is a well-known herbal antibiotic. Echinacea and lomatium are anti-viral. Dong quai is an excellent herb for female hormonal fluctuations. Energy healing work during the Full Moon is very powerful. On the energetic level, it acts like a magnifying mirror. The strong lunar energy pulls everything out of hiding and reflects it back at us. This is often the time during an acute illness when people feel their worst. The Full Moon intensifies whatever else is going on. Often people aren't even aware that they're sick until the Full Moon hits. This is also an excellent time for psychological therapy. Emotions seem closer to the surface than usual and social inhibitions melt away. Agendas that have been simmering under the surface tend to come out under the light of the Full Moon. This is a time to strengthen relationships and reaffirm bonds. Never underestimate the healing power of simply holding someone's hand and listening. This is not the time for isolation or introspection . The Full Moon draws all of life toward it. Even the solid ground rises several inches when the Full Moon passes overhead! Go To Top Main List Random Madness Full Moon Cleansing Ritual The monthly lunar cycle gives you many chances to do rituals to mark a personal turning point or let go. At the New Moon, you can go into the dark and be symbolically reborn. New Moon rituals help you summon your whole Self, and in that magic moment, commit to intentions. At the full Moon, the energy builds and builds. There's an explosive outgoing aspect to it. All of nature grows and is more vital at the full Moon. This surge allows you to take action on behalf of those new Moon intentions you set two week prior. A full Moon ritual might involve taking one solid step, with a symbolic action. And it can be a powerful time to release, cast out, unburden yourself, purge, etc. You celebrate your emergence by stepping out of an old skin, identity, behavior, attitude, relationship. The ritual helps you by marking this inner transformation in a formal way. A full Moon ritual might involve purification by one of the elements. Most often, it's fire, and done by casting something you don't want into the flames. One idea: 1) Write what you're releasing down on a stick. 2) resolve to let go as you throw it into the fire. 3) Throw the stick into the fire. This can be done as a group, with everyone sitting 'round the fire...or in your own private ceremony. Each person can seal their action of letting go by speaking it aloud, if there's trust in the circle. Water can be used to cleanse in rituals. Part of the full Moon ceremony fill a bowl with water and some rose petals. write down what you want to draw into your lives on a piece of paper. After you read them aloud, put your hands in the bowl to signify the cleansing of the old, and to open to the new. If you live near a beach, go down to the beach and write in the sand, all that you release, watch as the water goddess, washes away all that you release. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Magic Blessing Of Full Moon Water Timing: Full Moon This spell can be used on the Full Moon, to bless the Holy Water you have made You can then save it and use to bless candles etc. You Will Need: 1 bowl, jar or cup filled with the Holy Water compact/small mirror Procedure: Put a compact mirror or small mirror in the Bowl so the moonlight glints off it with the silvery light of the Goddess. Say: Oh Great Ones, My Goddess and my God, I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.) Bless this water, With you power, With you purification, With you healing powers, Bless this water. Put bowl down. You have made Full Moon blessed water and you can now use the water for power, purification and healing. Say: With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, So mote it be and blessed be . **The water is charged in the light of the full moon overnight** Go To Top Main List Random Madness Magic Full Moon Oil You Will Need: 13 drops of sandalwood essential oil 9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract 3 drops of jasmine essential oil 1 drop of rose essential oil Procedure: Mix prior to a full moon. Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full moon. Use to anoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel like you need the moons energy. Go To Top Main List Random Madness A Full Moon Fruitation Spell Purpose: A Full Moon is the perfect time to bring things to fruition. If you have something in your life that is hanging in the balance, this is the spell for you. Timing: Full Moon You Will Need: parchment dragons or doves blood ink brown candle springling herbs or spell powder Procedure: Fireproof vessel (cauldron) On the Full Moon, gather your ingredients and depending on your needs will determine what herbs, and ink you will need. For example: if you have a house closing that is just not going through, use parchment for earthly matters,herbs may by powdered bayleaf or earth spell powder, and ink, doves blood. Carve into your candle three symbols for the moon, light candle. Write in "blood Ink" on parchment your name and date of birth along with any other appropriate symbols. Sprinkle a SMALL amount of herbs or spell powder on your parchment. Focus on seeing your need fulfilled. Light tip of parchment in candle flame and place in vessel, and as it burns recite this incantation. Say: On this right and ready hour, I call upon the mystic powers. Secret parchment, ancient fires, Bring me to my hearts desires. Let the wheels in motion roll, All I seek will now unfold. Let candle burn down, or snuff if leaving. **NOTE** In cases where I cannot stay to watch a candle completely burn down, I make sure it is put in a container that will protect the surroundings if candles begins to melt down to fast, tall glass vases are great for leaving a candle unattended. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Done During the Full Moon Timing: Full Moon You Will Need: 1 cauldron water silver coin Procedure: Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver. Say 3 times: Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver and gold. All you give, my purse can hold. When finished, pour the water upon the Earth. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Full Moon Communication Spell Timing: Full Moon You Will Need: 1 pale blue or yellow candle Procedure: The December Full Moon is in Gemini, which rules communication. Use this time to examine how you communicate with others. What about your communication style would you like to change? Burn a pale blue or yellow candle. Write down everything you know about your communication style. Use the energy of the candle to visualize how you would change the way you relate to others. Work consciously on this for one week. Eventually, you will communicate more effectively, and people will respond to you more favorably. Full Moon Old Sayings & Lore Ritual Whatever the weather is like the first twelve days of January indicates what the weather will be like for the next twelve months, with each day equal to one successive month. Purpose: To wish on the Moon in order to see a specific person soon, look at the Moon. Say: I see the Moon, the Moon sees me. The Moon sees (name of person) who I want to see. To get rid of warts, rub the flesh side of an apple slice against the wart while looking at the Moon. Say: What I see is growing, What I rub is going. Bury the apple piece, and the wart will disappear as the apple rots. If the New Moon falls on Saturday, there will be twenty days of wind and rain. Look at the first Moon of the New Year through a silk handkerchief. The number of Moons showing through it indicate the number of months (Moons) of single life. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Love Boon You Will Need: 1 journal 1 green candle 3 drops of rose oil 1 green stone. This spell taps into the fertile power of the moon, ruled by the beautiful Greek Goddess Selene. She influences the reproductive energies of plants, animals and people. Procedure: Begin by writing on a blank page of your journal what you want to focus the energy of this full moon love spell. It could be anything from a new love relationship to strengthening your love with your beloved. Be clear as to your desires, and make sure your spell is truly for the greater good–everyone 's greater good, not just your own. Dress the candle with the three drops of rose oil. As you rub the oil over the surface of the candle, focus your mind on your desire. Wipe the oil from your hands, and place the candle in a candleholder. Light the candle, and imagine the candlelight fueling your magickal pattern. Imagine the magickal fire energizing every aspect of your being and then direct it toward your specific love desire. Say 3 times: I am the light that shine bright Within this magickal moonlight night. Put the green stone on an altar tile or plate on your altar. Then carefully pick up the candle and hold it over the stone. Angle the candle so that three drops of wax spill onto the stone. Say: Maid, Crone, and Mother Your light shines like no other On this bright night of the full moon Please grant me this true love boon. {State what you desire.} So be it! Blessed be! Allow the candle to burn safely down, and set the stone in the windowsill to absorb the energy of the full moon. Afterward put the stone one your altar for twenty-eight nights (a moon cycle) to draw the love you desire into your life. Go To Top Main List Random Madness Luck and Joy Spell Timing: Full Moon You Will Need: 2 candles 1 white one for you and 1 blue one for friends and family Procedure: As the full moon is rising, light the candles. Say: I light these candles for luck for me, and for my friends and family, So they will burn by day and night, and bring us joy by their bright light. Allow the candles burn until they are done. If something happens and you must put them out, pinch each flame out. Say: Little flame wait for me I'll be back and bright you'll be. Don't blow them out it will stop the spell. Be sure to relight the candles later when you can allow them to burn completely down.
Full Moon History Full Moon Cleansing Ritual
Magic Blessing Of Full Moon Water Magic Full Moon Oil
A Full Moon Fruitation Spell Done During the Full Moon
Full Moon Communication Spell Full Moon Old Sayings & Lore Ritual
Love Boon Luck and Joy Spell
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