Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revieved romantic relationship Can indicate clairaudience
Dark/Murky Pink
Dark and murky pink immature and/or dishonest nature
Red Orange
Confidence, creative power
Behind the genitals
Sacral Center
reproductive organs, emotions Vitality, vigor, good health and excitement lots of energy, stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature currently experiencing stress related to apetites and addictions
Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness optimism and hopefulness positive excitement about new ideas.
Bright Lemon Yellow
Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power
Clear/ Gold Metallic
Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened an inspired person.
Dark Yellow/Gold
A student, or one who is straining at studying overly analitical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once
Solar Plexus
Tiger's Eye
Spleen and life energy, Awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going
Over Heart
heart and lungs
Very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature teacher, social
Yellow Green
Yellow-green: creative with heart, communicative
Dark Green
Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity, low self-esteem lack of understanding personal, responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism
Relates to the immune system. Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist
Bright Emerald Green
A healer, also a love-centered person
Base of throat
Throat Chakra
Throat, thyroid, cool, calm, collected, caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive
Soft Blue
Peacefulness, clarity and communicationr Tuthful, intuitive
Royal Blue
Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming
Dark Blue
Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth
Between/above eyebrows
3rd Eye
Lapis Lazuli
visual and pituitary gland Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling
Crown Chakra
Intuitive color in the aura, reveals psychic power of attunement with Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.
Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it
Purity and truth angelic qualities.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeAura CleansingPurpose:
To get rid of negativity and to cleanse your aura.
Before you step into the shower, imagine your aura being concealed
and absorbed in total darkness, until there is no light emitting from you.
As you step into the shower, adjust the water to a relaxing temperature.
As you cleanse yourself, imagine all your negativity being washed away.
Enjoy the peace and tranquility of the water.
Allow yourself to relax.
When you have reached a relaxed state, imagine white light emitting from you,
healing you, and the water helping you in the process.
Let the water purify your aura with the power of your inner radiant light.
After you feel the moment is right, absorb the white light,
and openly release your true vibrant colors.
Exit the shower, knowing that being true to yourself is the best thing possible.
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Healing with color requires a basic understanding of the specific function
of a particular color. Of course, the list below is quite simple,
revealing mostly primary colors, but it's a great starting point.
Red: Stimulating, strengthening, warming.
Used for circulatory system, sexuality, anemia, stimulating the over
all energy of the metabolism, and for most blood conditions.
Do not use red in cases of hypertension or if bleeding is a problem.
Orange: Activating, constructing. Orange creates balance.
In times of stress, or after a shock or a surprise,
orange can help the body to return to a state of balance.
Used for spleen, pancreas, stomach, food assimilation,
eliminative system, and most conditions related to the naval chakra.
Yellow: Awakening, mental stimulation,
used for most conditions related to the solar plex chakra,
especially the digestive system, stomach, intestines, adrenal function, and bladder.
Yellow enriches, stimulates, lightens and activates many of the systems of the body.
It tends to encourage orderliness and clarity.
It can act as a mild sedative to relieve many fears and give a mental uplift.
Gradual and consistent exposure to yellow light decreases blood pressure
and heart rate and increases energy and endurance.
Green: General healing, growth. Green helps to restore balance and equilibrium.
Used for circulatory system, emotional conditions, and conditions related to the heart chakra.
Do not use this color for cancerous or tumor-like conditions since green is a color of growth.
Blue: Blue acts as an antiseptic and cooling agent,
and enhances the natural flow of energy.
Excellent for inflammations including those of internal organs,
also good for cuts and burns. Cooling, calming, cleansing, restructuring.
Used for respiratory, eyes, ears, nose, asthma, high blood pressure.
Indigo: Purification. Used for endocrine system, lymph system,
immune system, blood purifier, conditions of the ears, nose, throat.
In a depressed state, indigo is to be avoided as it can easily deepen the mood.
Indigo is a slight narcotic removing fears and reassures those afraid of the dark.
Good for emotional problems, deafness, and especially good for the eyes, even cataracts.
Violet: Violet is the door to the unseen.
Exposure to violet light is good for emotional problems, rheumatism, epilepsy,
reducing pain, deep tissue work, and bones. Purification, cleansing.
Used for skeletal system, nervous system, balancing of physical and spiritual energies.
Pink: Soothing, nurturing. Used for the immune system,
thymus gland, skin conditions, inflammation,
and helping to soothe emotional disturbances.
Gold: Restructuring, strengthening.
Used for cardiac system, the entire immune system.
White: Purification, stabilizing, the all purpose color.
Use this color when you are not sure which color to use.
It is beneficial to all systems in the body.
Black: Grounding, protection. Black gets a bad rap.
Black is actually a protective color.
Avoid using too much of this color as it could bring on depression.
This color is never used alone, but with a combination of colors.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeHealing with Color Meditation
Choose the color you feel is most appropriate for your needs.
For this meditation either sit in a chair or stand.
Imagine an egg shaped bubble around you.
Breathe in deeply from your nose imagining
that color entering your feet and filling your entire body.
When you exhale image the color exiting your
body into your visualized egg shaped bubble.
Continue to do this until the egg shaped
bubble is filled with the color.
When you are complete take a few moments
to come back into the room.
If you can find a light bulb in your color of choice,
you can bathe yourself and the room with color.
If no light bulb is available, consider putting colored cellaphane over the window.
Use your imagination and creativity.
Find a piece of cloth, paper, or other object in the required color.
Spend time before the meditation staring at it, taking in the color.
Wear clothing, or cover yourself with a blanket
or sheet that is the color you've chosen.
Alternatively, you could wrap ribbon or yarn around your wrists.
Drink water that has been charged with the color:
Fill a glass bottle with water, wrap it with colored tissue paper
or cellaphane and set it in the sun for several hours.
After the meditation, eat some food of the same color.
For example: Green beans, Red cherries, Purple plums, Blue berries.
Note: For best results, the meditation should be repeated twice a day
until the symptoms begin to subside.
After that, you can gradually taper off - paying attention to your body's response.
If you feel that you have taken in too much of one color,
you can easily balance yourself with a meditation on green, and/or black and white
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How to Start to See AurasFirstly some background:
An aura is definitely also know as the bioetheric energy field
surrounding people, animals, plants along with even inanimate objects
(though there is actually some contention around the last one).
Some people are natural at being at able to see aura's.
They normally appear as a fuzzy outline around the person
(object or other living creature) that is definitely coloured in some way.
In order to see this specific 'aura' as it is actually known,
there are several methods that can be used.
There is definitely a process called Kirlian Photography
that is actually able to take a snap shot of the energy
field around an object or living thing.
That is actually also why there is contention about the
subject of a non-living thing having an energetic field about it.
Many debate (especially scientists) that the
energetic field is certainly limited only to living objects.
However, I believe that the energetic field exists
everywhere because at the most basic level,
everything is actually made of energy.
This valuable theory is also supported by physicists
in a theory know as 'String Theory'.
Moreover, because all objects are imbued
with this kind of energy, it makes sense
that they would have an aura.
Random Madness Home PageReturn to top of pageHow to See an Aura
There are many different techniques that advise how to see an aura,
however the most common appears to be looking
past the object of attention.
It is difficult to describe in creating
but an attempt will be made regardless.
Pick an object, a plant is a good judge.
Look at the plant at all angles as well
as then 'stare' past the plant, making your eye's lose focus.
If you start to see a fuzziness around the plant,
that is definitely indication that you are doing well.
However, despite the statement, some people are able
to view it differently, generally speaking,
if you are able to see colours around the plant
that are not there, then you are successful in
discovering the aura of the plant.
Moreover, many recommend that you place a white sheet of
paper behind the object when beginning as it will cause
the least amount of interference. It is actually suggested
that if you are truly interested in learning more about
aura's you have a look at a book by Robert Bruce called
'Training To See Auras'.
The book mentioned has a very thorough depiction
on how to actually see the aura,
and also is actually able to mention a much broader analysis.
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