Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeInsomniac?Insomniac? Learn How to Get a Good Night's Sleep, Naturally
Nearly half of all Americans suffer from insomnia.
Worry, anxiety, stress, and major or minor health
problems can all affect your quality of sleep.
But you don't need to take sleeping pills -- which
can actually make you feel more tired and groggy
the next day -- to help you rest easy. You can heal
your insomnia using natural therapies like aromatherapy
(see our recipes below), homeopathy, and herbal remedies
(try drinking a soothing chamomile or linden blossom
herbal tea before bed). Of course if your insomnia
lasts, you're advised to seek medical help and support.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeWhat is sleep and why is it important?
In the dark, our pineal gland secretes the hormone called melatonin,
which is responsible for inducing sleep. Sleep is a building process
that restores the body's energy supplies that were depleted through
the day's activities. It is a time to replenish mental energies,
emotional energies, and spiritually connect with our higher self.
But we're not just relaxing during our sleep. In fact we are quite active.
We use this precious time not just to refuel, but also to evaluate,
resolve, and release many of our issues. So you can see that when
you're not getting sufficient sleep, you're like an eight-cylinder
car that's running on four cylinders.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeHow much sleep do we really need?
The amount of sleep each person needs varies. Most people require around
eight hours each night, but various factors can affect how much more
or less you might need, including your weight, age, muscle mass,
exercise during the day, healthy lifestyle, and of course stress!
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeAromatherapy Blends for Insomnia
In a 10 ml bottle, pour the essential oils in the following
recipes first and then add your organic vegetable oil.
Calming a Nagging Mind: Enjoy a Quiet Night
Do you feel agitated in your sleep? You subconsciously process
your thoughts and emotions during your sleep, which is what
makes it restless. Massage the blend below on your temples,
forehead, and your nostrils (breathe it in easily)
before going to bed:
You Will Need:
7 drops basil
6 drops petitgrain
4 drops roman chamomile
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeEase Worries and Nervous Tension: Gain Calm and Peace
Massage the blend on your temples, forehead,
at your nostrils (breathe it in easily), before going to bed.
You Will Need:
7 drops lavender
7 drops marjoram
4 drops roman chamomile
Other Tips to Help Your Insomnia:
Cut back on coffee, tea, and other sources
of caffeine, especially in the evening.
Avoid alcoholic drinks in the late evening.
Alcohol may help sleep onset,
but cause early morning wakefulness.
Avoid eating large, late-evening meals and heavy,
fatty foods before going to bed.
Take a walk or perform mild exercise such
as yoga or Qi Gung before going to bed.
Don't use your bedroom as a place to work.
Have a cup of warm milk before going to bed.
Milk products contain an amino acid
precursor that boosts serotonin in the brain.
Take a warm (not hot) bath
(not a shower) before going to bed.
Avoid naps if they interfere with
your normal sleep pattern.
If unable to fall asleep within 20-30
minutes of lying down, get up and do
something else until you feel sleepy.
This way your body does not associate
your bed with wakefulness.
Exercise during the day.
If you continue to suffer from insomnia
or lack of sleep, seek medical advice
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeDreaming the AnswersProcedure:
On Halloween night take a letter from your partner
which has a particularly strong statement
of love in it. Fold the letter nine times, pin it together,
and put it under your pillow. The dreams which you have
will tell you the truth about your partner. If you dream
of silver, gems, glass, castles or clear water,
then your lover is true and genuine. However, if you dream
of linen, flowers, wood or uniforms it unfortunately
means that your chosen man is false and deceitful.
•There is an Old Country superstition that on Halloween,
a single lady should eat a salty sardine before bedtime.
In theory, the future husband should appear in the dream,
with a glass of water to quench her thirst.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeDream Problem Solving
Your dreams are "written" in your own private vocabulary;
that's why their meaning is often unclear (and why dream
books you buy at the corner newsstand won't explain your
own visions). Moreover, the language of dreams is sensory
and visual, whereas the language of daily life is verbal.
You need to translate a dream much
as you would a foreign language.
Unfortunately, the same force s that make us disguise
problems in our dreams are likely to hinder our recognizing
them when we're awake. Even Freud had trouble
with self-analysis. So an impartial listener -
attained therapist - can help.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't explore your dreams
alone or with a partner. People who keep dream journals
say that over time, patterns often emerge.
Try This:
Program yourself to wake up after every REM period.
Put a notebook and pen or tape recorder at your bedside.
At bedtime, select a problem and sum it up with
a question, such as "Should I take this new job?"
Write it down and list possible solutions.
Turn off the lights and reflect on these solutions.
Stick with it until you drift off to sleep.
When you wake up - during the night
or in the morning - lie still.
To jog your memory, pretend you're
a detective interviewing an eyewitness.
What's the last thing you remember?
Before that? Going backward can help
you more easily reconstruct a dream.
Write down or tape record all that you
remember. Do it before you shower and have breakfast.
If you have trouble catching dreams,
try sleeping late on weekends.
The longest dreams occur in the last part
of sleep and many of us cut
sleep short on week nights.
In her dream-therapy study, Cartwright asks
participants to examine and try to change
repetitive, troublesome dreams along seven dimensions:
Time orientation:
Do all your dreams take place in the past?
Try positioning them in the present or future.
Competence to affect the outcome:
Try finding a positive way to resolve a dream.
In your dreams, do you hold yourself responsible
when things go wrong? Must you?
Relation to former role:
If your divorced, do you still dream of yourself
as married? If you have lost your job, do you
still see yourself at work? Consider alternatives.
Do you dream of being nurtured?
Can you think of a way to take care of yourself?
What would make a dream more pleasant?
Dream roles:
Do you like the part you play in your dreams?
What role would you prefer?
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeLucid DreamingPower Trips: Controlling Your Dreams
A number of techniques facilitate lucid dreaming.
One of the simplest is asking yourself many times
during the day whether you are dreaming. Each time
you ask the question, you should look for evidence
proving you are not dreaming. The most reliable test:
Read something, look away for a moment, and then read it again.
If it reads the same way twice, it is unlikely that you
are dreaming. After you have proved to yourself that
you are not presently dreaming, visualize yourself
doing what it is you'd like. Also, tell yourself
that you want to recognize a nighttime dream the next
time it occurs. The mechanism at work here is simple;
it's much the same as picking up milk at the grocery
store after reminding yourself to do so an hour before.
At night people usually realize they are dreaming
when they experience unusual or bizarre occurrences.
For instance, if you find yourself flying without
visible means of support, you should realize that
this happens only in dreams and that
you must therefore be dreaming.
If you awaken from a dream in the middle of the night,
it is very helpful to return to the dream immediately,
in your imagination. Now envision yourself recognizing
the dream as such. Tell yourself, "The next time
I am dreaming, I want to remember to recognize that
I am dreaming." If your intention is strong
and clear enough, you may find yourself in a
lucid dream when you return to sleep.
Even if you're a frequent lucid dreamer,
you may not be able to stop yourself from waking
up in mid-dream. And even if your dreams do reach
a satisfying end, you may not be able to focus
them exactly as you please.
During our years of research, however,
we have found that spinning your dream body
can sustain the period of sleep and give you
greater dream control. In fact, many subjects
at Stanford University have used the spinning
technique as an effective means of staying in
a lucid dream. The task outlined below will
help you use spinning as a means of staying
asleep and, more exciting, as a means of
traveling to whatever dream world you desire.
Before retiring, decide on a person, time,
and place you would like to visit in your
lucid dream. The target person and place
can be either real or imaginary, past, present,
or future. Write down and memorize your target
person and place, then visualize yourself
visiting your target and firmly resolve
to do so in a dream that night.
To gain lucidity, repeat the phrase describing your
target in your dream, and spin your whole dream body
in a standing position with your arms outstretched.
You can pirouette or spin like a top, as long
as you vividly feel your body in motion.
The same spinning technique will help when,
in the middle of a lucid dream, you feel the dream
imagery beginning to fade. To avoid waking up,
spin as you repeat your target phrase again
and again. With practice, you'll return to
your target person, time, and place. When
spinning, try to notice whether you're moving
in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeSpell To Dream Of The Future
Dream divination is the power to see the
future and enhance clairvoyance through dreaming.
To foresee an event in the future through
a dream, try this powerful dream ritual.
Decide what subject your prophetic/psychic
dream will be about:
Does it involve you, or someone else?
What is the subject you need information
on? (Money, love, etc.)
How far or near in the future do you wish to see?
Do you have a specific question to ask,
or just a general topic?
How do you want the question answered- by
a guide, symbols, emotions, etc.?
Once you are sure you know what exactly
the prophetic dream should be able, you
can gather your items and prepare your
working. Lay out a square of pale blue cloth.
In the middle, places a mixture of ash
leaves, bay leaves, cinquefoil, heliotrope, holly,
jasmine flowers, marigold flowers, mimosa,
mugwort, onion, and/or yarrow (however
many you can find).
Bring the corners towards the middle and tie
it all together like a small bag with
a string, ribbon, or piece of yarn.
Then, on a white piece of paper,
briefly explain what you need to see in the dream,
using the guideline above to tell the main
ideas/questions you need prophecies about.
Place the herbal bag and the note
beneath your pillow, and make sure you record your
dream in a notebook or journal as
soon as you awake, so you do not forget it.
Use what you learn to prepare you for the future.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeSpell To Have Dreams Of The Deceased You Will Need:
1 white candle
1 picture of the deceased
1 pentagram
Light the white candle and stare
at the flame for a few minutes.
Then put the picture at eye level and say:
You are gone forever, But through this spell,
My dreams to which you will come.
Place the picture under your pillow.
Let the candle burn to a stub, blow it out,
and place it under your pillow also.
Sleep with them under your pillow for
three nights to receive the dream you want.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeSpell To Give Someone A DreamYou Will Need:
1 dish of earth
a cup or cauldron of water
1 candle
(check color correspondences for whatever kind
of dream you will be sending) and some incense
(any kind, this is just to symbolize air).
If you have an altar it should go in the middle
of wherever you are placing these objects.
Put the earth to the North the incense
to the East the fire to the South
and the water to the West.
Then sit in the middle by your altar or just in the middle.
Visualize the dream you wish to give
and after you're done visualizing
Lord and Lady I ask of thee
Give me the ability to send forth this dream
Across the Earth or water's bound
Whether he/she be in the sky or on the ground
By the powers of fire to let it shine bright
By the powers of earth and air to send it tonight
By the powers of water to sweep within dream's door
And by the powers of 3 shall _____ remember it evermore
Sleep in the knowledge the dream will be
projected to the person you have visualized.
Be sure to go through every detail of what you wish to send.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeDream Magick
If you find you need a little help in lucid dreaming,
or you want to learn the answer to a
specific problem, this charm bag is a great tool.
It soothes the waking mind
and helps your sleeping mind to focus.
Make or buy a small draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep.
You Will Need:
A pinch or two of...
lemon verbena
During the full moon, put the bag together,
then consecrate and charge it.
Make certain it is tied tightly.
Before sleep each night, rub the bag over
your third eye (center of forehead) and concentrate
on the question, problem or situation.
Then place the bag under your pillow.
Continue to concentrate on
the situation as you drift off.
When you wake, jot down whatever
you remember in your dream journal.
Your question should be answered
within the first few nights.
Remember dreams can be symbolic or literal.
This pouch can also help increase your
skill at lucid dreaming, by keeping
your mind focused on the fact
that you are just dreaming.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeDreaming in the Garden
Dreams can be merely entertaining or intense and prophetic.
Many natural aids to dreaming can be found in the garden!
If you want peaceful dreams that are relaxing,
place a vase of jasmine by your bed.
If you are having nightmares and wish them stopped,
place morning glories in the vase instead.
If you need to learn something in a dream,
place a bay leaf under your pillow and ask for the knowledge.
If you just want nice dreams, use a sachet of lavender.
If you want to send a psychic dream to a loved one,
blow the seeds off the top of a dandelion in his
or her direction and project your wish, then go right to sleep.
If you want your dreams to come true,
you can do one of two spells:
At midnight on a Friday, in silence, gather nine
small non-spiny holly leaves and wrap them in a cloth.
Place them under your pillow, make your wish,
and go to sleep. Your dreams will come true.
Another ancient spell is to scatter marigold
flowers under your bed, make your wish.
Wish I want and wish I may
Come to me through dream so fair
Come by night and come by day
Come, thou wish, and ride thee here.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeGypsies and Dreaming
Gypsies hold much stock in dreams and are renowned
dream interpreters. Although Tunisian and Algerian
Romanies are the recognized experts in this field,
English Gypsies certainly have been practicing
dream interpretation for many generations.
In common with all Gypsies, the English Travelers maintain
that through dreams they are being given secret knowledge
that could affect their future, positively or negatively.
They believe dreams come from the spirits of their ancestors.
Gypsies are actually very observant and, in some ways,
very prosaic. The first thing a knowledgeable Romani
will do when asked about the significance of a particular
dream is to inquire about the person's general health
and eating habits. Most of us, Gypsies included,
are aware that a lot of dreaming is simply the
result of excesses in eating and/or drinking.
Charles Bowness, in Romany Magic, says: "Apart from those
dreams brought on by stomachic derangement there are also
those occasioned by some bodily excitation due to a
previous pleasant or unpleasant experience.
Another cause is tension owing to brooding
over some problem or fear of a future event.
To categorize further, dreams of terror can be due to a
slight and temporary disorder of the heart. Similarly,
a defect in the lungs can be responsible for a dream
of bloodshed. To experience some enormous difficulty
in a dream, such as hacking a way through a jungle,
or trying to penetrate a wall indicates disorder of
the liver. Dreaming of sharp pains, knife stabs in the
back and the like, is because of kidney disorder.
If a dream contains some element of hypnotic regularity
such as the swinging of a pendulum, then there
may well be a tendency to anaemia."
It is obvious that one cannot simply take any dream and say,
"Oh, yes. That means such-and-such." The question is, then,
which dreams can be interpreted? The Gypsies say any dream
that is especially vivid; one that stays with you after
you wake. Additionally, it should be one that is dreamed
when you are in good health and have
not overindulged the night before.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeMake Someone Dream of YouYou Will Need:
pen and paper
square of fabric, batting
Determine precisely what it is you want
that someone to hear, or perhaps feel.
Write down your wish on a piece of paper in a simple form.
Make a dream pillow using a small square
of fabric and a little batting.
Throw in a pinch of lavender and rosemary.
Put in the piece of paper last, then sew up the end.
Put the dream pillow on your altar.
Do an altar devotion to center yourself, then create sacred space.
Center yourself, then hold your hands over the dream pillow.
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,
I stand before your sacred shrine.
This person won't listen or hear
My words tickle at deafened ear.
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,
Send a dream, awaken the mind.
Through his/her vision he/she lives
The nightmare/passion/lesson
he/she so freely gives.
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine
Send them your enchanted design
Clear out the cobwebs, tear down walls
Carry my message through spirit calls.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeDream of One Who Has Passed Through the VeilYou Will Need:
1 white candle
A picture of the deceased
A pentagram
Lavender in a natural bag (cotton, muslin)
Light the white candle and stare at
the flame for a few minutes.
Then put the picture at eye level
You have passed through the veil;
But with this spell,
I will dream of you soon,
This I foretell.
Place the picture under your pillow.
Let the candle burn to a stub, extinguish
& place it in the bag of Lavender.
Sleep with these items under your pillow
for three nights to receive the dream you want.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeStop Nightmares SpellYou Will Need:
1 scarf (white or cream colors work best)
4 cloves
pinch of basil
pinch of ground sage
lavender or vanilla oil (whatever you find more soothing)
black marker
white ribbon
Lay the scarf out. You will be putting spices into it.
Place the spices (ground sage, 4 cloves, basil)
into the scarf and add 2 drops of oil.
Gather the scarf at the top (like a moneybag)
and tie it with the ribbon.
On the outside of the scarf draw the nightmare
that plagues you (e.g. spiders, falling, whatever).
Place the scarf under your
pillow and sleep with it there.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeDreaming True SpellPurpose:
To acquire prophetic dreams without
resorting to any form of conjuration.
Take a warm bath prior to going to bed in
which you have added a few drops
of the following mixture:
oil of thyme
oil of lavender
oil of rosemary
oil of peppermint
jasmine or sandalwood incense
crushed rowan leaves or crushed, dried Rowan berries
Light incense of jasmine, Sandalwood
Take a bath
Before you lay down to sleep
write your question on a white piece of
paper and place it in a small sachet
with crushed Rowan leaves or crushed,
dried Rowan berries.
If the spell works then you should
have your answer within a week.
Sleep Classes