Moon ChartsThe Lunar Phases
Lunar Plants
Lunar Facts
What is a Wind Moon?
Ring around the Moon
Working with the Moon's Energies
Moon Void of Course
Blue Moon
Moon Signs
Moon Phases for Love
Moon Phases for Money
Moon Phases for Protection
Drawing Down the Moon
Moon Gods and Goddesses
Moon Water Tonic
Full Moon Incense Explained
The Lunar Phases
Every time the Moon enters a new phase -- lasting for about 3-1/2
days each there's a shift in the electro-magnetic field of Earth.
Learn the characteristics of each phase and you'll be guided
into taking appropriate action, whether in personal or business relationships.
The power and consciousness behind each lunar phase is awesome.
Let the Moon support you. It will show you how to stay emotionally
and physically balanced and also put money in your pocket.
The Moon governs the general public, sales, and business in general.
The overall cycle of the phases governs the acceleration
or deceleration of growth and momentum.
Ideally, start projects and build them when the Moon is increasing
in light "waxing" from New Moon to Full Moon.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeLunar Plants
The whole plant world is especially subject to the Moon.
Especially strongly lunar are
Acanthus mollis acanthus
Agnus castus monk's pepper
Atriplex silvestris atriplex, orache, all-seed, notchweed
Bellis perennis daisy
Brassicae all kinds of cabbage, brassicaceous plants
Cardamine pratense lady's smock, cuckoo flower
Carica papaya papaya
Cheiranthus cheiri wallflower
Cucumis sativus cucumber
Cucurbita Pepo pumpkin, gourd
Curcuma longa turmeric
Galium aparine galium, cleavers, goose grass
Hieracium pilosella hawkweed, mouse-ear
Hyssopus officinalis hyssop
Iris florentina Florentine iris (with Saturn)
Iris germanica German iris (with Saturn), dark blue flowers
Iris pallida pale iris (with Saturn), pale blue flowers
Lactuca sativa cabbage-lettuce
Lenticula palustris duckweed
Ligustrum vulgare privet
Lilium album white lily
Lysimachia nummularia moneywort
Myristica fragrans nutmeg
Nasturtium officinale watercress
Nymphaea alba water lily
Papa ver rhoeas corn poppy (with Saturn)
Papaver somnifrruni opium poppy (with Saturn)
Ruta lunaria moonwort
Salices all kinds of willows
Saxifraga saxifrage
Sedum acre sharp stonecrop, wall-pepper
Sedum telephium orpine
Stellaria media chickweed
Telephium vulgare sedum
Tilia lime-tree (with Venus)
Trapa natans water chestnut
Veronica officinalis speedwell
Vinca minor myrtle, periwinkle
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Lunar Facts
She was called Luna by the Romans, Selene and Artemis by the Greeks...
When will the next Halloween have a Full Moon?
In the year 2012 at midnight Eastern Standard Time, the moon will be 150
% illuminated on October 29th and 30th, and 98% illuminated on the 31st.
This 98% of Full Moon will probably look indistinguishable from
a Full Moon to most people. In 2020, there will be a
98% illumination on October 30th, and 150
% on the 31st which is a genuine Full Moon and the first
one that is technically Full as well as apparently so.
What is the significance of the 'crescent moon-star'
symbol seen on flags and ancient drawings?
On April 23, 1998 we will see a similar conjunction with Venus
and Jupiter within 1 degree of a crescent moon.
These kinds of conjunctions between the crescent moon
and a a bright planet like Venus or Jupiter are not that rare,
but are very spectacular! Even more interesting is that around 1054 AD,
a supernova in the constellation Taurus, which produced the famous
'Crab Nebula', may also have been the most spectacular during the
time of a crescent moon phase. Some Native American petroglyphs show
a crescent and a bright star together, and this event must have
been simply dazzling, not to mention the many possible
mythological/religious interpretations of this sign.
How much brighter is the Full Moon than the half Moon?
The Full Moon is about a factor of 10 times
brighter than the Half Moon phase.
What are the two New Moons in a month called?
A "Blue Moon". The names that would coincide with
'Blue Moon' are Secret Moon, Spinner's Moon, and Finder's Moon.
How often has a Full Moon happened on May 31?
This is always a Blue Moon. The last one was on May 31, 1988.
The next one will be on May 31, 2026.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home What is a Wind Moon?
In April, the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside,
and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes,
spreading life all around from one place to the next. In fact,
this lunar cycle is often known as the Seed Moon.
Trees have buds on them, spring daffodils and tulips abound,
and the birds are nesting once more. Much like March,
this is a time of conception and fertility and new growth.
Colors Bright primary colors red, yellow,
blue and their combinations
Gemstones Quartz, selenite, angelite
Trees Hazel, forsythia, lilac, willow
Gods Ishtar, Tawaret, Venus, Herne, Cernunnos
Herbs Dandelion, milkweed, dogwood, fennel, dill
Element Air
This is a good time to work on magic related to new beginnings.
Looking to bring new love into your life,
or conceive or adopt a child?
This is the time to do those workings.
It's the time to stop planning, and start doing.
Take all those ideas you've had brewing for the past couple of months,
and make them come to fruition. Also Known As Seed Moon
Willow celebrated the Wind Moon by planting some seeds in small cups of soil.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Ring around the Moon
A "ring around the Moon" indicate that there is a layer of
microscopic ice crystals high in the atmosphere.
The ring around the Moon is caused by the refraction of Moonlight
(which of course is reflected sunlight) from ice crystals
in the upper atmosphere. The shape of the ice crystals results in a
focusing of the light into a ring. Since the ice crystals typically
have the same shape, namely a hexagonal shape,
the Moon ring is almost always the same size.
Less typical are the halos that may be produced by different
angles in the crystals. They can create halos with an angle of 46 degrees.
Folklore has it that a ring around the moon signifies bad weather is coming.
The ice crystals that cover the halo signify high altitude,
thin cirrus clouds that normally precede a warm front by one or two days.
Typically, a warm front will be associated with a low pressure
system which is commonly referred to as a storm.
It is believed that the number of stars within a moon halo
indicate the number days before bad weather will arrive."
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Working with the Moon's Energies
Whether doing a full Moon esbat, a dark Moon meditation, or a spell casting, one should know
and understand the Moon's influences in each of its particular phases.
Working with the moon's energies instead of against them only helps to
ensure the best results for your efforts.
However, emergencies often arise that can't be postponed until the proper Moon cycle.
The question then becomes how to work with the current Moon's energy to bring
about that which we need to have happen. The essence of the answer to
this question lies in the basics of magick.
Essentially, all magick can be broken down into two types, drawing and banishing.
During the waxing Moon cycle, our work should be concentrated on
drawing what we want towards us. During the waning Moon,
our work should be pivoted primarily towards banishing that
which we want out of our lives.
Therefore, if a sudden illness strikes during the time of the waxing Moon,
work to draw health rather than banish illness. If an emergency situation
calls for a heavy prosperity spell during the time of the waning Moon,
work towards banishing poverty and need. As you can see in these situations,
the immediate need is accomplished by working with its opposite.
In this way, you utilize the energies from the current Moon cycle
(either drawing or banishing) to ultimately realize your goal.
There are, of course, other lunar energies beyond simple waning and waxing Moons.
These include each of the phases of the Moon within the cycle,
as well as special Moons, such as the Blue Moon or the Harvest Moon.
It's also a good idea to craft your working towards the correct
astrological placement of the Moon.
None of this is absolutely necessary. By sheer will and personal energy alone,
especially if you live in constant awareness of the sacred in everything,
you can set events in motion. I liken it to going through a locked door, though.
You can ram the door enough times with your body that eventually it will open.
However, opening the door is much simpler
(and less harmful to the body) if you have a key. The lunar energies we work
with are simply keys that we can use to craft our workings
for the best assurance of success.
Moon Void of Course
As the Moon orbits the Earth, it passes in and out of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
A void-of-course moon is the time period when the Moon makes no major aspect with
other planets before entering another sign. The duration of this period can be as
little as a few seconds or it can be longer than a day.
The Moon rules the emotions, so one can expect to experience
feelings of "disconnectedness," as well as emotional upsets, turnarounds,
and variability. Therefore, it's a good rule of thumb not to sign contracts,
start rituals, cast spells, or begin anything that would require any degree
of emotional commitment until the Moon is aspected once again.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Blue Moon
A Blue Moon is that wonderful occurence when the Full Moon
shows us her face twice in one month. Also known as a Goal Moon,
it's an excellent time to set new goals for yourself.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Eclipses
As Lunar Eclipses represent the perfect union of the Sun and Moon,
any type of magick worked or energy sent out
during this time will be amplified.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Moon Signs
The moon circles the Zodiac every 28 days, merging the influences
of each of the astrological signs with its own lunar nature.
It manifests those influences in subtle ways through an
individual's emotional nature, and through the general vibratory level
present in daily life. In order to assure the best chance of success,
one should work with these vibratory influences when planning
a ritual or a magickal working.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Moon Phases for LoveWAXING MOON (small crescent to full Moon)
Magic can be practiced at any time, but by knowing the phases of the Moon,
and aligning your spell casting to them, you can be a more powerful witch.
As the Moon increases from a small crescent to a full Moon
(between seven to fourteen days after the new Moon), it affects family,
love, fertility, sex, healing, good luck, education and wealth.
The most powerful time to cast a love spell is during the full Moon,
especially if done on a Friday when you will have the
influence of Venus the planet of love.
There is psychic energy during the phase of the full Moon,
(this is from fourteen days after the new Moon).
This is a perfect time for new beginnings and any
project begun at this time will have the energy to
project it forward. The full Moon expends the most psychic
energy and it is a perfect time to practice rituals for healing
and divination purposes. After this time the psychic
energy begins to dissipate.
GIBBOUS MOON (ten to thirteen days after the new Moon)
This is a good time to complete things or to bring things to a head.
During this time you may feel the need to quietly commune
with your inner being, to meditate and to be still.
If there is anything unfinished around you this is the time to attend to it.
By understanding the phases of the Moon and familiarizing
yourself with the ebbs and flows of energy you become more attuned
to the natural energies and integrate them into your life.
You can integrate other forms of energy intensifying items,
such as crystals, talisman, amulet or runes.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Moon Phases for MoneyWAXING MOON
(going from small crescent to a full Moon,
from three to seven days after the new Moon)
When you are chanting a money spell, the time of the waxing Moon going
from a small crescent to a full Moon, is the most powerful for anything
materialistic, your money magic will be at its most effective during this time.
This phase is three days after the new Moon, up to the seventh day.
Anything to do with business, career and matters to do with finance
are all enhanced by spell casting during this phase of the Moon.
(from day one today three after the new Moon, a time for new beginnings)
If you have a new business venture and you want it to be financially viable,
try chanting your spell around the time of the new Moon. You may also want
to chart your emotions and see how the various moon phases affect you.
Many people believe they are affected by the Moon and are sensitive to
the waxing and waning of the Moons energies.
(Ten to thirteen days after the new Moon)
A gibbous Moon is a good time for chakra balancing and is particularly
good for meditation and centering. You could also align your spell
casting to the movement of the planets, such as performing a money
spell on a Thursday when you will have the influence of
the outgoing planet Jupiter, which is an especially helpful prosperity planet.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Moon Phases for ProtectionGIBBOUS MOON (Ten the thirteen days after the new Moon)
If you chant your protection spells during the gibbous Moon, you are
working with the energies of protection, meditation, healing and centering,
this is ten to thirteen day after the new Moon phase.
It is when the Moon is at the particular intensity associated with protection,
and also helps you to be more courageous in your life.
Cast your protection spells during the phase of the crescent Moon,
which is between three and seven days after the new Moon.
By following the phases of the Moon you can attune your spell
casting to align with the Moon's particular energy, at any given time.
Whether your spell is for protection, love or money.
The dark Moon is eleven to fourteen days after the full Moon
and is perfect for protection spells and psychic enhancement spells.
Many people feel they are affected by the phases of the Moon
and if you become familiar with the Moon phases you will understand how
and when you react, or respond. As such you can chant your spells
at any time, although I do suggest that you always chant in the evening
when the Moon is out. The energy of the Moon creates more power for
your spell casting. When you are casting your spells you may also
choose to work your magic, not only aligning with the Moon, but understanding
the planets and their movement. If you cast your protection spells on a
Saturday you will have the influence of Saturn, and the energy of protection,
whether your spell is for mind, body, or spiritual protection.
From full Moon through the last quarter, or the dark of the Moon,
is the best time for killing weeds, thinning, pruning, mowing,
cutting timber, and planting below-ground crops.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Drawing Down the Moon
Stand holding your athame, legs slightly apart, arms at your side. Breathe deeply.
Raise the athame to your lips, holding it with both hands, and then point it toward
the moon. Feel the energy of the moon move through the athame, down your arms
and into your whole being.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Moon Gods and Goddesses
Westerners are familiar with (female) moon goddesses. Our word lunar,
as in the lunar cycle of full, crescent, and new moons,
comes from the feminine Latin Luna. This seems natural because
of the association of the lunar month and the female menstrual cycle,
but not all societies envision the moon as a woman. In the Bronze Age,
the East, from Anatolia to Summer and Egypt, had (male) moon gods
[Source "The Myth of Europa and Minos,"
by P. B. S. Andrews. Greece & Rome, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Apr., 1969), pp. 60-66].
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Moon Water TonicTiming
Tonic waters containing the energies of a clear night,
preferably on or right before the full moon
The moon embody very powerful healing benefits that bring
about integral balance and wholeness throughout the body, mind and soul.
Clear quartz crystal catalyzes the absorption of lunar
energies as well as amplifies the healing benefits.
To Prepare Moon Water
Put your crystal in a clear glass and cover with one cup of purified water.
Check an almanac for the exact time of sundown on the day you have chosen.
At sundown, place the glass out of doors in a moonlit place
(cover the glass with clear plastic wrap).
Remove the glass at dawn. The water is now filled with lunar potency.
Drink the Moon water every morning to prepare your body,
mind and spirit for the stress of the day.
Go to TopBOS Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home Full Moon Incense Explained
This incense is used in many rituals and is a common spell component.
It is an incense of increase that is deceivingly easy to make.
Use all of your focus and energy, your will and intention,
while making this scent. It is used over charcoals
(the one's specifically made for incense) or over a ritual fire.
CAUTION! Warning and Yikes! If used over a ritual fire,
flames will leap up along the dust trail of this incense powder!
There will be sparkling (sparks) of incense outside
of this trail of flames as well! This is an impressive effect,
but dangerous if you are not practiced at it! Start out small
and toss about 1 teaspoon of it over the glowing coals or flames,
all at once, don't trail the dust or sprinkle it.
Stand away from the fire, and upwind.
Use in areas that do not require burn permits,
and have something to douse the fire nearby.
Do not use if you are wearing gauzy
or loose ritual robes and costumes.
Moon ChartsThe Lunar Phases
Lunar Plants
Lunar Facts
What is a Wind Moon?
Ring around the Moon
Working with the Moon's Energies
Moon Void of Course
Blue Moon
Moon Signs
Moon Phases for Love
Moon Phases for Money
Moon Phases for Protection
Drawing Down the Moon
Moon Gods and Goddesses
Moon Water Tonic
Full Moon Incense Explained