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Kitchen ClassesThe Origin of the Kitchen Witch
Rules of a Witch's Kitchen
Kitchen Witch Altars
Kitchen Witchery
A Kitchen Witch's List Of Planetary Correspondences
Kitchen Blessing
Kitchen Witchery Supply List
Laundry and Clothes
Kitchen Witch Superstions by Intent
Kitchen Witch Herbs and Use

The Origin of the Kitchen Witch

A kitchen witch, sometimes called a cottage witch or a 
"Scandinavian" kitchen witch doll, is a poppet or homemade 
doll resembling a stereotypical witch or crone displayed 
in residential kitchens as a means to provide 
good luck and ward off bad spirits.

There is some debate over the exact country in which 
the kitchen witch originated, some claiming Norway 
and others Germany, but consensus points 
to it stemming from older European customs.
The poppet is supposed to depict a "good" witch 
who inspires productivity and safety in a kitchen, 
but also counteracts any ill-will directed to the home. 
It is considered good luck to give a kitchen witch 
to a friend or family member. So that those unfamiliar 
with the kitchen witch can understand its meaning, 
sometimes a note will be hung around the 
witch's neck stating something similar to:

"The Legendary Secret of Goof-Proof Cooking: 
The Famous Kitchen Witch

For centuries, Norwegians have hung this good 
witch in their kitchen. They believe she has the 
power to keep roasts from burning, pots 
from boiling over, and sauces from spilling."

In England-
Although largely unknown in modern England, 
the Kitchen Witch may have been known in England 
in Tudor times. The will of a John Crudgington, 
of Newton, Worfield, Shropshire, dated 1599, 
includes amongst his household possessions 
"one witche in the kytchyn". 

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Before you chop veggies, offer thanks.
Cut mindfully, gratefully.
Do all preparations in a loving spirit.
Energize food with good thoughts.
Feast gratefully.
Give and share what you can spare.
Home and hearth are sacred.
Invoke blessings of Goddess on all food.
Join hands with friends often.
Keep a mortar and pestle for protection.
Love goes into every dish.
Mindfully gather ingredients.
No wasting, recycle, compost, feed animals.
Open your senses, enjoy your surroundings.
Play as well as work.
Quench thirst, thinking of clear, clean rivers.
Resolve to be grateful and waste not.
Smell fragrance and anticipate flavors.
Thank the universe and Goddess for health.
Use utensils carefully, then clean up.
Value time spent with loved ones.
When possible, grow and harvest your food.
Xtra salt will prevent hunger.
Yearly rituals and feasts build traditions.
Zestful living in every area is our goal. 

Every Kitchen Witch should have a lunar 
calender or chart that shows the phases of the moon 
and its position in the wheel of the zodiac. 

A rope of Garlic, Pentagrams, potted herbs 
and Sun catchers (or those quartz crystals 
to hang in the window) will offer protection 
and magickal energies to your kitchen. 

Keep an Aloe Vera plant in the kitchen, 
it's juice offer instant cooling 
and healing to injuries...
It is also said an Aloe plant in 
your house protects from injuries. 

An Amethyst placed on or near the stove 
keeps negative energies from entering 
the pot while you cook. 

For better tasting food: Place a quartz 
crystal on or near the stove while cooking. 

Grow a pot of basil herb in your 
kitchen to keep the area safe 
from evil forces and negative spirits. 

A well-stocked witch's kitchen should 
not only contain herbs, but also essential oils, 
a mortar & pestle, candles of various 
colors, different types of incense, 
an up to date lunar calendar, & a 
cauldron for brewing potions. 
smudge your kitchen with a sage bundle 
if you sense negativity. anoint utensils 
& appliances with essential 
oils to bless & charge them with 
powerful vibrations. 

Always stir food in a clockwise direction, 
& be sure to invite the goddess & her 
consort into your new magickal workplace.

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Creating a kitchen altar honors the goddess 
and provides a focal point for magic, 
cooking and sacred living in kitchen witchery.

Kitchen witches spend much of their time in 
the kitchen, combining magic and cooking 
to create sacred food, spells and herbal 
remedies. The kitchen is therefore an ideal 
place to set up an altar, both for kitchen 
magic and honoring the goddess of hearth and home.

Depending on the size of the kitchen, 
an altar can be anything from the corner of a shelf, 
to a dedicated table. The ideal spot for a 
focal point also needs to be practical and safe. 
A witch does not want an altar where spillages 
or accidents can occur, but at the same time 
needs it to be within easy reach and view.

Most kitchen witches will work with several 
goddesses, but also have a dedicated goddess of 
hearth and home. The kitchen altar should recognize 
the chosen goddess, perhaps with a figurine 
or picture, or with a selection of items that 
represent them, such as symbolic charms, 
certain foods, or candles and 
ribbons in associated colors.

There are many sources offering statues 
and artwork to buy, but crafty witches 
might like to make their own 
representation of the goddess, 
by sculpting her from salt dough 
or polymer clay. Once baked, 
the clay statue can be painted 
and embellished accordingly.

Other ideas include making corn dolls 
or wheat sheaves and wreaths, 
to represent the goddesses of grain and harvest.

Magical Items for the Kitchen Altar
Special utensils and tools, such as bowls and spoons 
(try carving or painting symbols onto wooden spoons 
for extra magical utensils)
A miniature cauldron Representations of 
the witch's personality
Crystals and shells. Stones that are particularly 
useful in the kitchen include clusters of clear 
or smoky quartz to combat radiation 
given off by electrical appliances, 
citrine in the eating area to aid digestion, 
and rose quartz or amethyst to promote harmony. 
Rose quartz also brings blessings to food 
preparation and inspires extra creativity when cooking
Figurines or other representations of other 
harvest and hearth goddesses, the ancestors, 
house faeries and the spirits of place
Family photos or mementos to promote the kitchen 
as the centre of the family home
Bottles, either decorative or filled with magical ingredients

Offerings for the Kitchen Altar
In addition to the above, the altar should
also house items in the form of offerings, 
which change according to the days, seasons, 
festivals and magical intents. 
Perishable items will need to be changed 
regularly to avoid going stale. 

Ideas include:
Food offerings, such as grain, rice and herbs
Bundles of dried herbs
Natural items such as feathers, 
acorns and stones from the garden or outings
Fruit and vegetables harvested from the garden
Milk, honey or mead for the house faeries

Creating Seasonal Altars
As the seasons change, so too does the focus 
of the kitchen witch's altar. The items upon 
the altar should reflect the changing 
wheel of the year accordingly.
Use seasonal food for offerings, 
such as winter root vegetables or summer fruits
At harvest time, make corn dolls 
or use wheat and grain as decoration
Decorative items can be seasonal too“ 
such as beach shells in summer, snowflake 
shapes in winter, leaves in autumn or blossom sprigs in spring
Use appropriate offerings to celebrate 
the festivals of the year, such as pieces of Lammas bread
The kitchen witch's altar provides a focus for intent. 
It gives thanks to the goddess in the form of offerings, 
serves as a sacred workspace for working ritual magic, 
and offers a place of quiet contemplation 
in the kitchen witch's sacred haven. 

The kitchen is an important place for every 
witch it is the heart of every home. Not only that a 
good witch will often spend much of his 
or her free time experimenting 
with food and potions.

A witch's kitchen will never make 
the cover of home and gardens but that being 
said a witch's kitchen is a friendly 
space somewhere something is always going on.
You will often find herbs hanging, 
home baked bread or biscuits 
and a kettle that is always on the boil.

But in this modern age with modern kitchens 
and fast-pasted life kitchen witchery is a 
dieing art to some extent. People don't have 
the time to experiment most recipes come 
from books; most potions have been handed down. 
Now it not a bad idea to use other people 
recipes whether that is for a meal, potion, 
spells or medicine when you start out but if 
you rely on others information you'll 
never gain any new knowledge.

The fun part about kitchen witchery is the 
experimentationœthe science behind the witchcraft†
why does this work this way and not that?

Throughout the history of man it is our 
experimentation that has cause us to develop and advance. 
As witches we are metaphysical scientists 
we work with elements and energies some of witch 
science can explain other it just learning 
about and some that science will never truly 
understand. If we want to advance in our 
magickal skills we must learn to experiment 
rather that repeat those experiments that 
have already proved to work.

Like scientist the kitchen witch will 
have some knowledge's of their ingredince they know 
that if you X to Y the you get A as a 
witch you should look new ideas and develop your own.

A kitchen witch will take a basic recipe 
add a twist of this and a dash of that and create 
something new out of this experimentation 
something will develop for example a witch takes a 
basic biscuit mix and adds some extra fibre 
and fennel seeds and makes a nice biscuit and give 
some to a friend whose a little blotted 
and they work wonders and the friend ask for recipe 
a cure for friends blotted belly comes
from adding that personal touch.

I know it a very basic example but kitchen 
witchery does not have to be complicated and it 
level of experimentation will depend on your 
confidence in trying new things. Of course a 
witch can get it wrong but you can learn just 
enough from getting it wrong.

For a witch the kitchen is not only a place 
when magick is preformed but also a meeting 
place for social chitchat a place for pets 
to sleep or eat a place filled with machinery 
and electromagnetic fields so where ideally 
magick should not be preformed. So why does or 
at least do you treat a kitchen as a magickal 
place? For myself I see the kitchen more as a 
temple a constant place of the gods. The kitchen 
and related area has so many gods and goddess 
you can dedicate your kitchen. Here is a list.

Goddesses Associated with Hearth and Home
Brighid (Celtic)
Chantico (Aztec)
Dugnai (Slavic)
Hestia (Greek)
Vesta (Roman)

Goddesses Associated with Grain and Harvest
Ashnan (Babylonian)
Ceres (Roman)
Chicomecoatz (Aztec)
Corn Mother
Demeter (Greek)
Pirua (Peruvian)

Goddesses Associated with Fire
Agnayi (Hindu)
Brighid (Celtic)
Ida (Hindu)
Kamui-Fuchi (Japanese)
Li (Chinese)
Pele (Hawaiian)
Sekhmet (Egyptian)
Saule (Slavic)

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Goddesses Associated with Kitchens, 
Cooking, Food & Domesticity
Annapurna (Hindu)
Baba Yaga (Slavic)
Brighid (Celtic)
Cerridwen (Celtic)
Fornax (Roman)
Freya (Norse)
Frigg (Norse)
Hehsui-no-kami (Japanese)
Huixtocihuatl (Aztec goddess of salt)
Ivenopae (Indonesian goddess of rice)
Mama Occlo (Inca)
Okitsu-hime (Japanese)
Pomona (Roman goddess of orchards and fruit)

Other related Goddess
Athena (Greek goddess of weaving)
Gaia (Mother Earth)
Lakshmi (Hindu goddess of plenty)
Nehallennia (Norse goddess of abundance)
Ops (Roman goddess of earth)
Sarasvati (Hindu goddess of creativity)
Vasudhara (Hindu goddess of abundance)

Kitchen Gods
Agni (hindu)
Bes (Egyptian god of household protection)
Hyang kehen (Indonesian god of hearth fire)
Oki-Tsu-Hiko-no-Kami (Japanese child of the Harvest God)
Oki-Tsi-Hime-no-Kami (Japanese child of the Harvest God)
Tsao Wang (Japanese god of hearth and kitchen)
Sanpo Kojin (Japanese god of hearth and kitchen)
Zao Jun (Chinese kitchen god)

To create your temple you need to show 
honour to the God(s) and or Goddess(s) 
unlike a circle you don't call the deity 
in to being you create the space to honour 
them place offerings on a fixed altar pay 
respects to the goddess and or god for the 
chores you do, request their assistance 
in the chores. Every thing that you do to the 
home is done to clear the flow to the temple.

The kitchen will become the true heart of 
the home and the deities it will be 
come the fountain of inspiration and magicks. 
Things that you should have in your kitchen-
Small altar, a simple one, could just be a shelf.
Pictures and statues that invoke the image of you deity
Herbs and flowers sacred to the deity
Small offering bowl
Choose colours to honour the deity this can include plates walls etc.
Each time you enter the kitchen you should acknowledge the deity each 
time you work in the kitchen or clean the house invoke the deity and 
ask them for assistance and inspiration.

If you are new to kitchen witchery it make take some time for things to 
settle in to routine but once you do you will have a powerful magickal 
working area that will allow free flowing magick and inspiration as well as a 
healing area where you can replenish your energies in divine work. 

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A Kitchen Witch's List Of Planetary Correspondences

Many people use planetary influences in their spellwork 
and Kitchen Witches need be no different. 
Simply choose your ingredients according to 
their influential planets. 
You may also want to choose the timing for 
your magical meal based on planetary days and hours. 
I am only including the 7 "classical" 
planets here because Neptune, 
Pluto and Uranus are problematic. 
They do not have many associations 
and those they have are rather loose. 
Further, none of them have anything the other 7 don't.

Jupiter foods are nutritious and 
satisfying leaving one sedate and happy. 
These foods enhance magical intentions 
focused on politics and law 
as well as faith and religion. 
Jupiter supports healing of the 
liver and digestive system as well as 
alcoholism and other additions and eating disorders. 
These foods help increase optimism 
and opportunity. Jupiter foods can 
also be used to help neutralize Saturn influences. 
Jupiter's day is Thursday.
Some Jupiter foods include: 
Allspice, Licorice, Mulled Cider, 
Dandelion Wine, Buckwheat

If you are a victim of a love spell, 
a Mars meal might help loosen the bind. 
(Mars neutralizes Venus) Mars is also 
useful for increasing strength and courage. 
Its energy is very male. In healing, 
Mars foods are used to increase the sex drive, 
to purify and strengthen the blood 
and to reduce inflammation. Mars foods are often 
spicy hot and/or red in color or come 
from prickly plants. Mars's day is Tuesday.
Some Mars foods include: Mustard, Dandelion 
Punch, Extra Hot Chocolate, Asparagus, Carrot Cake

Mercury foods have a zing and a sharp scent. 
Plants have leaves that are finely divided. 
Mercury rules over communication and travel. 
Prepare a Mercury meal to share with someone 
you are having trouble communicating with 
or to get ready for a long trip. 
Also for communicating over distances, 
astral travel and communicating with the dead. 
Mercury foods are suitable offerings 
to Gods of communication and travel and 
Underworld deities and find a place at 
the table during festivals honoring the dead. 
Mercury's day is Wednesday. Some Mercury 
foods include: Licorice, Almonds, Oregano, Anise

The Moon
Moon foods are juicy, cooling, 
soothing and lightly fragrant. 
These foods are useful for astral 
travel, dream work, clairvoyance and exploring 
emotions and the subconscious. 
They are also useful for treating 
illnesses related to hormone imbalances, "feminine" 
issues, and the lymphatic system. 
Moon foods are also appropriate offerings 
to Moon deities and may be served at lunar observations. 
The moon's element is water and her day is Monday.
Some Moon foods include: Anise, Lentils  and Banana.

Saturn energy is useful for breaking 
hexes and also for breaking bad habits, 
increasing self-discipline and 
accepting rules and boundaries. 
Saturn's day is Saturday.
Some Saturn foods include: 
Cheese, Beets, Beet Greens
The Sun
The sun is associated with the element of fire. 
Sun foods are warming and relaxing or are made 
from plants that resemble 
the sun in shape and color. The sun's energy 
is male in nature and provides 
prosperity and protection. Use Sun foods for 
protection, job-seeking, money drawing and 
other prosperity magic. Sun foods 
are also appropriate offerings 
for Sun deities and should be served 
at festivals in celebration of the sun! 
The Sun's day is¦ Sunday.
Some Sun foods include: Dandelion Wine, 
Extra Hot Chocolate, Spiced Milk and Honey, 
Springtime Quiche, Corn

Venus foods have a rich, strong fragrance 
and are delightful to the senses. 
These foods find their place on our 
tables when working to increase love and romance 
in relationships and also fertility. 
Remember that Venus comes from the same root as Vino, 
wine, and include a fine glass at your 
table. Venus energy can also be 
used to neutralize the energy of one who 
would attack you (Venus neutralizes Mars). 
Venus's day is Friday. 
Some Venus foods include: 
Oregano, Banana, Tomato, 
Avocado and Extra Hot Chocolate

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Kitchen Blessing

To bless your kitchen, wash three stems 
of basil and tie them together to form a small "wand." 
Facing east, hold the basil in your 
power hand and gently shake it as you move clockwise 
around your kitchen. As you do so..

Bless the pantry and every pot.
Bless the oven which cooks my food and keeps it hot.
Bless each appliance, cupboard, and drawer.
Bless this kitchen, forever more!
Hang the basil to dry, and use it as needed 
in recipes to bless your food also. 
After the basil has been used, you can 
repeat this spell if you wish.

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Kitchen Witchery Supply List

For Magic
assortment of herbs
selection of stones and crystals
container of salt
small material pouches
ties or ribbon
mortar and pestle
jars and labels
wooden matches
parchment and pen
mixing utensils
cauldron or favorite pot
incense and essential oils
your journal or shadows

For Cooking
assortment of culinary herbs
favorite wooden utensils
recipe books and journals
favored pots and pans
salt - for cleansing
candle near the stove
hearth goddess representation

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Ants ~ Use cinnamon oil, 
not the powdered spice, to paint a thin line around 
all possible ant entrances. Your kitchen will 
smell wonderful and ants will not cross the line. 

Mice ~ To keep mice out of 
your home, plant Marigolds all the way around your 
property. Mice detest the smell.
Flies and Moths ~ If you need 
moth repellents for your linens and woolens, 
avoid toxic commercial mothballs made of 
naphthalene. Natural essential oils such as lavender, 
lemongrass, Canadian red cedar, or rosemary 
can just as effectively repel moths and 
other insects.  You can make a sachet by 
placing several drops of essential oil on a cotton ball. 
Wrap and tie this in a small handkerchief 
or square of cotton. Hang this cloth in storage areas 
or add it to your chest of linens. Refresh 
as often as necessary.  You can put this sachet 
in your bureau drawers to keep your clothes 
freshly scented. Lavender and rose are classic 
scents. For children's sleepwear, Roman chamomile 
is especially fragrant and relaxing.  
Flies and moths dislike Lavender oil. 
Sprinkle it on the outside of your window frames.

Gnats and Mosquitos ~ 
Plant mints around doorways and windows: ie; 
catnip, basil, pineapple mint and so on any mint 
will do, peppermint, spearmint, etc.
Citronella is used to dispel mosquitoes 
and other picnic pests. Drop a few drops of 
Citronella oil on the melted 
wax of a candle or place 
a few drops on the Bar-B-Q hot coals.

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Laundry and Clothes

Instead of using toxic and irritating 
softening sheets in your dryer, place a washcloth 
dampened with 10 drops of lavender, lemon, 
melaleuca, bergamot, or another essential oils. 
While the oils will not reduce static cling, 
they will impart a distinctive fragrance to your 

Laundry ~ A pot of basil herb 
grown in your kitchen keeps the area 
safe from evil forces and negative spirits.
Candles keep their shape better and longer 
when chilled thoroughly in the refrigerator.

Essential oils may be used to enhance the 
cleanliness and fragrance of your laundry. 
As unpleasant as it seems, dust mites live 
in your bedding, feeding from the dead skin 
cells you constantly shed. Recent research 
has shown that eucalyptus oil kills dust mites. 
To achieve effective dust mite control, 
add 25 drops of eucalyptus to each washing machine 
load, or approximately 1/2 oz 
to a bottle of liquid detergent.  
You may also add several drops of essential oils 
to the rinse cycle, such as fir, 
spruce, juniper, lavender, cedarwood, 
wintergreen/birch, or rosewood.

Because clothing, like everything else, 
has a frequency, consider moving toward natural 
fabrics instead of synthetics. Cotton, 
linen, silk, and wool possess energy frequencies 
harmonious to the human body.  Always, 
spray your fabrics with the powerful scent of 
therapeutic-grade essential oils. 
You want to breathe in nature, not synthetics - 
and not synthetic oils either!

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Kitchen Witch Superstions by Intent

Alertness ~ The fragrance of Caraway is refreshing 
to the conscious mind. Sniff to enhance alertness and 
to strengthen the memory. To smooth an ongoing 
relationship, smell and visualize the two of you 
working out your problems and communicating.
Alertness and Memory ~ Rosemary promotes alertness 
and stimulates memory. Inhale occasionally during 
long car trips and while reading or studying.
Baby Teething Pain ~ Use 1 drop of Chamomile 
oil on a washcloth wrapped ice cube to relieve 
teething pain in children.
Banishing ~ Osha Root can be used in charms 
and spells to protect against negative and/or 
evil spirits. This plant was revered by all 
Native American healers for it's powerful 
healing abilities. Used to treat respiratory 
and rheumatic complaints. Incredible butterscotch 
and celery scent permeates the room with magick.  
Smudge your kitchen with a sage bundle if you 
sense negativity.  Salt water left out in the 
center of a room all night will absorb negativity. 
Wash it away with flowing water the next morning. 
If you are on a septic tank, either pour the water 
into the woods or into a body of running water.  
Braids of garlic, onions, or peppers make a lovely 
decoration for your kitchen and also ward off negativity.  
To keep away ghosts, negativity, unwanted guests 
and the evil eye - plant Lilies in your garden.  
To ward off evil spirits; on Halloween, hollow 
out Turnips and place candles inside. Put the lit 
turnips in windows or carry as you trick or treat!  
Mix Flax seeds with red pepper, put the mixture in 
a box and place it somewhere in your house.
Bread ~ It is considered unlucky in certain 
countries to wash a bread-knife on a Sunday, 
cut both ends of a loaf of bread, leave a knife 
stuck in the loaf, or take the last slice of bread. 
Accidentally dropping a slice of bread with the 
buttered side down is also said to be a bad omen; 
however, it is a good sign if the dropped bread 
lands with the buttered side up. If you and another 
person reach for the same slice of bread at the same 
time, an unexpected visitor will soon appear.
Business Success ~ Burn Benzoin with 
cinnamon for business success.
Cooling Bath ~ 6-8 drops of Eucalyptus oil in the 
bath cools the body in summer and protects in winter.
Copper Polish ~ 1 drop of Lemon essential oil on 
a soft cloth will polish copper with a gentle buffing.
Courage ~ Inhale Ginger before magickal rituals 
of any kind while you visualize the scent stimulating 
your physical body, to excite muscular contraction 
which will produce bioelectrical energy. Inhale Ginger 
and visualize to promote courage, confidence, 
aggression (needed for self-survival), 
purification and success on all levels. Because 
of its vibrant scent - it is best not to inhale 
before you go to bed, that is unless you plan on 
being up most of the night.  Rub your hands on 
Columbine or carry it with you to induce courage and daring.  
Cuts ~ Apply true Lavender oil and Tea Tree 
oil directly to cuts, scrapes or scratches.  
1 or 2 drops will promote healing.
Damaged Hair ~ Mash a ripe banana with a few drops 
of almond oil and massage into hair. Leave it for 
about 15 minutes. Rinse with soda water 
and then shampoo and condition.
Depression ~ With proper visualization, 
Take a whiff from the bottle, or place a few 
drops of Orange oil on a cotton ball or in a 
diffuser for self-purification, for transforming 
depression into peace- even happiness- 
and to produce an increase in energy for 
both physical and magickal tasks.  
*NOTE* Too much orange oil can cause an overwhelming 
desire to sleep. Inhale straight Lemon Balm from the 
vial, or place a few drops on a cotton ball to help 
relieve depression and calm raging emotions.
Dish Washing Soap ~ To add fragrance or to improve the 
antiseptic action of your liquid soap, add several drops 
of essential oils such as lavender, Melaleuca 
alternifolia, fir, spruce, pine, lemon, bergamot, and orange.
Dish Water ~ A few drops of your favorite oil or 
blend in the rinse water of your hand 
washables makes for pleasant results.
Engagement ~ If you are engaged or wish to get married, 
according to an old belief once common in England, 
you should take care to never sit on a kitchen table, 
for this will break the engagement 
and also prevent you from ever being wed.
Fever ~ To bring fever down, sponge the body with cool 
water to which 1 drop each of Eucalyptus, 
Peppermint and Lavender oils have been added.
Flu Symptoms ~ When the flu is going around add a few 
drops of Thyme to your diffuser or simmer in a pan on the stove.
Forks, Spoons and Knives ~ 
Fork ~ If a fork accidentally falls onto the floor, 
a woman will soon knock on your door; 
a spoon indicates the arrival of a gentleman. 
(In some parts of the world, the fork means a man, 
and the spoon a woman.) Unexpected or unwelcome visitors 
are also presaged by the dropping of a knife that sticks 
in the ground and by cracks that form on the shells 
of eggs boiling in a pot of water.
Good News ~ It is believed by many to be an omen 
of good news when baked apples burst while in the 
oven, or when the salt and sugar are accidentally mixed up.
Hair Growth ~ Place 1 or 2 drops of Rosemary 
on your hair brush before brushing 
to promote growth and thickness.
Headaches ~ 1 drop Peppermint oil diluted in 1 
teaspoon vegetable oil rubbed on the back of 
the neck helps to relieve headaches
Home Protection ~ Bells or wind chimes hung 
from the doors guard against intruders 
and stagnant energy. Hang them where the 
air currents can ring them. They will set 
up movement in the air and clear the psychic 
energy of your home.  For your home, place 
a few drops of Vetivert oil in a diffuser 
or potpourri pot and visualize. This scent 
is great for the manifestation of increased 
money in your life. Simply visualize this 
needed change as you inhale this rich scent. 
Use it to anoint candles, money or charms 
for the same outcome.  Hang the root in houses 
and/or gardens to protect the occupants against 
the ill effects of bad weather- especially 
helpful with hurricanes and tornadoes.  
Wherever a Palm grows, it protects the area 
from bad weather, and a leaf of the palm kept 
near the entrance keeps evil and strange 
creatures from entering.  The Blackberry 
leaves, vines and berries, if grown, 
protect the home and all the inhabitants.  
Kitchen ~ When cooking any type of food, 
add magick to your cooking by drawing an invisible 
pentagram inside your pots and pans with you finger, 
a wooden spoon or another utensil. 
This guards the pan and the food, 
ensuring its wholesomeness.
Legal Matters ~ Celandine aids in escaping 
unwarranted imprisonment and entrapments 
of every kind. Wear the herb next to the skin.  
Need to solve a crime? If it's been committed 
in the past year - bury a piece of leather 
in a bed of Lilies and your clues shall arrive.  
Longevity ~ Smell the scent of Rosemary 
while you visualize a long, healthy life. 
When you need to clear your conscious mind- 
inhale the scent. Place a few drops on a cotton 
ball and keep it next to you when you are 
studying and have to memorize the material- 
sniff often. When you need to recall, 
smell the oil again and the information 
will make itself available.  A child passed 
through the branches of a Maple tree 
will have a long life.  
Lost Items ~ If you've lost something, 
burn Stillengia and follow the smoke 
to its hidden place.  Sesame has the 
power to discover hidden treasure's, 
reveal secret passages and open locked 
doors. Hence the infamous magical 
command, "Open Sesame!"
Love ~ With visualization, use in 
love rituals, either by inhaling 
or by anointing candles with Jasmine 
to enhance a current relationship or 
to draw one to you.  Simply inhale 
the soothing scent of Jasmine to 
lift your spirits, remove depression, 
still nerves and silence worries.  
The uses for Jasmine far outweigh 
the heavy price tag for pure 
essential oil.  A Lily can be a
cure-all for a love spell. Simply 
wear or carry a fresh lily. This 
breaks love spells which have been 
cast involving a specific person.  
Carry of buds of Balm Of Gilead in 
an orange cloth/sachet to attract 
a new love and/or mend a broken 
heart. You can also seep them in 
wine to make a simple love infusion
share the charged wine with the 
one you love.  To see a glimpse 
of your future love. 
Wear a piece of Goldenrod before you 
lie down to sleep. 
When you awake you will have a 
vision of them.  Worn, Elecampane attracts 
love; you can sew some of the leaves 
or flowers in a pink cloth 
or you can make a sachet.  Use Pear wood 
for magickal wands. Dance beneath a pear 
tree on your birthday to invite 
love into your life.  If you have a lover 
or admirer who will not leave you alone 
place a plate of Turnips in front of them. 
They'll finally get the hint.  Grind 
Columbine seeds down to use as a love 
perfume- rub on your hands and body 
to attract love.  Eat Parsley to promote 
fertility and lust. If you are already 
in love, don't cut Parsley as you'll 
cut your love as well.  If you are 
recovering from a broken heart- 
carry the blossoms around in a sachet 
to help your heart mend.  
Use Violet with Lavender to make 
a powerful love sachet.  Indian Paint 
Brush is a powerful love-attracting herb. 
Add to lavender, rose petals and orris root 
for a super-charged love sachet.  
Take via a flower essence for a 
creative push- you can also burn 
the herb as an incense for the same effect.  
Rub the root of Trillium on your body to attract love.  
Aphrodisiacs: Love philters and aphrodisiacs should 
always be prepared during the waxing of the moon.
Luck ~ Place dried pineapple 
into a yellow or orange sachet and add to your path 
to attract good luck and fortune to you. If no dried 
pineapple is available - add the juice to your bath.  
The branches are used as magical wands for spiritual 
healing, learning, good luck and fortune.  
If Goldenrod springs up suddenly near the door 
of your home, unexpected good fortune will soon 
shine upon the family.  Place several sprigs of 
Parsley into your bath to stop misfortune.
Lunar Calendar ~ A witch's kitchen should never 
be without a lunar calendar or chart showing the 
phases of the Moon and its movement through 
the wheel of the zodiac.
Money ~ Inhale the scent of Lemon Balm while 
visualizing yourself allowing money back into 
your life.  Inhale the scent as you visualize 
money being drawn to you. See, feel, 
and hear what having the money can do 
for you and release those thoughts 
into the Universe.  Put Honeysuckle 
flowers around green candles to attract money.  
Anoint High John The Conqueror root with 
some mint oil and tie up in a green or purple 
bag to attract needed money.  Leave a jar of 
Sesame Seeds open to draw cash into the house. 
Replace the seeds every month.  Place a few 
Flax seeds in your pocket, wallet or purse 
to attract money. You can also put flax seeds 
and some coins in a jar - place on an altar 
or area of importance. Repeat each day to 
bring in money.  Place money next to a Briony 
root and as long as that money stays near the 
root - money will increase.  Use Maple leaves 
in love spells and money rituals.  Add the 
dried peel or flesh to money sachets, spells, 
incense or oils to draw financial satisfaction 
to you.  A spot of Flax seeds in your shoes 
will fend off poverty.  Money will soon come 
your way if any of the following things should 
occur: bubbles appear in a cup of coffee, 
you accidentally knock over a sugar bowl, 
rice forms a ring around the edge of a pot, 
or tea leaves float to the top of the cup.  
Slip some Orange Bergamot leaves into your 
wallet or purse to attract money.  Rub fresh 
leaves onto money before spending it to ensure 
its return.  Use Blackberry leaves in wealth spells. 
To bring money to the household- add a few 
Fenugreek seeds into the mop water before 
you mop the floor.  To keep money coming into 
the home, half fill a small jar with Fenugreek 
and leave the jar open- adding a few seeds every 
couple of days until the jar is full. 
When it's full, dump out the jar and return 
the herb to the Earth. Begin again by adding 
the Fenugreek to the jar.  Carry around 
Trillium in your pocket, attached to your 
purse or in a orange sachet to 
attract money and luck.  
Mood Enhancer ~ Inhale 
Sandalwood before a religious ritual and/or 
meditation to create the proper mood. 
With proper visualization, the scent of 
Sandalwood can be used to stimulate sexual 
activity. In cases of emotional or mental 
sexual dysfunction, this aroma can effect 
a cure. To speed healing, add a few drops 
of Sandalwood to your bath water and 
visualize its aroma and energies doing their work.
Overindulgence ~ Essential oils of Juniper, 
Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Carrot, 
Fennel, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the 
effects of a hangover. Make your own blend 
of these oils and use a total 
of 6-8 drops in a bath.
Peaceful Home ~ Put a few drops 
of Rose in a diffuser to spread loving energy 
throughout your home. The scent will calm domestic 
problems and instill peace and happiness.  
Inhaling the scent is helpful to the psychological 
impotence in men and may increase sperm count.  
Inhale the scent and visualize its energies 
leading you into a mutually satisfying 
emotional relationship.  Sprinkle Purslane around 
your home to spread happiness throughout.  
Scatter Masterwort about to make spirits appear.  
Bury a Dandelion in the NW corner of a 
house to bring favorable winds.
Perfume ~ Essential oils or blends 
make wonderful perfumes. Create your own personal 
essence; Add 25 drops to 1 oz of perfume alcohol 
and allow to age two weeks before using.
Personal Purification ~ Use Lemon Balm's crisp 
and clean scent during a weekly personal 
purification ritual.  Inhale Juniper and visualize 
to detoxify the body and for internal purification. 
The scent can also be used for helping you to eat 
correctly, exercise and think positive.  
Place Juniper in a diffuser, to purify your home 
and to protect it from negativity. For individual 
protection- inhale Juniper and visualize its 
energies guarding you from danger and negativity.
Physical Energy ~ Inhale Lemon to activate the 
body and dispel sluggishness. Smell first thing 
when you awaken as an aromatic substitute for a 
cup of coffee. Inhale to maintain health as 
an add on to conventional medical treatment. 
Visualize its energies strengthening your 
body as well as your mind. For an illness- 
feel the fragrance fighting off the infection. 
For a wound- visualize the scent encouraging 
cell growth and the resultant healing. Drop 
a few drops into a diffuser to fill your home 
with vibrant and pure energy.  Molasses is 
super high in Iron and potassium. Tastes 
terrible but once a week, put a tablespoon in 
a half a glass of milk (or soy milk), and 
drink it down. It will keep you feeling 
fine and energized and won't upset your 
stomach like regular Iron pills do. Doing 
this is great when your pregnant, getting 
older, or just run down.  Sniff Black Pepper 
for when you need to sharpen your mental 
faculties and energize the body. It is 
also beneficial when you need to stay 
awake- especially when driving.
Physical Health ~ Pine is a wonderful 
aroma that can speed the healing of your 
physical body. Inhale in conjunction with 
treatment or place a few drops in the sickroom.  
For purification, especially during the winter months, 
inhale the scent of Pine and enjoy. Better yet, 
grab some pine needles- crush them, and enjoy 
the fresh and vibrant scent.  This oil also 
speeds healing when used with visualization 
and of course, proper medical treatment.  
Smell the scent at least once a day while 
you visualize your body in a healthy, healed 
and whole state.  Physical Health: Inhale the 
fresh, healthful-like scent of Eucalyptus to 
maintain or regain your health. Add a few drops 
of Eucalyptus to a diffuser or potpourri 
simmer to purify and heal a room or house 
of negative psychic energy, particularly when 
people have been engaged in emotional, physical or 
mental abuse. You can also smell the crushed fresh 
leaves or fresh seed pods of Eucalyptus to induce 
health and to speed the healing process. A vase 
of leaves is helpful in a sickroom.  Pine is a 
wonderful aroma that can speed the healing of 
your physical body. Inhale in conjunction with 
treatment or place a few drops in the sickroom.  
For purification, especially during the winter 
months, inhale the scent of Pine and enjoy. Better 
yet, grab some pine needles- crush them, and enjoy 
the fresh and vibrant scent.  Inhale the scent 
as you visualize money being drawn to you. See, 
feel, and hear what having the money can do for 
you and release those thoughts into the Universe.  
Wear Masterwort to gain physical strength- 
especially good for laborers and athletes.  
Inhale the fresh, healthful-like scent of Eucalyptus 
to maintain or regain your health. Add a few drops 
of Eucalyptus to a diffuser or potpourri simmer 
to purify and heal a room or house of negative 
psychic energy, particularly when people have been 
engaged in emotional, physical or mental abuse. 
You can also smell the crushed fresh leaves or 
fresh seed pods of Eucalyptus to induce health 
and to speed the healing process. A vase of 
leaves is helpful in a sickroom. 
Prosperity ~ Alfalfa can be used 
in spells involving prosperity, money and to ward 
off hunger.  Carry the dried seed-pod 
of a Poppy as a prosperity amulet.
Protection ~ Inhale the aroma of Vetivert 
while visualizing a protective field sealing 
you from negative energies. For your home, 
place a few drops of Vetivert oil in a diffuser 
or potpourri pot and visualize. This scent 
is great for the manifestation of increased 
money in your life. Simply visualize this needed 
change as you inhale this rich scent. Use it to 
anoint candles, money or charms for the same 
outcome.  Grow Angelica in the garden for 
protection.  Fill a jar with Cactus spines, 
rusty nails, old tacks, pins, and needles. 
Add rue and rosemary leaves to fill the jar, 
seal tightly, and then bury under your 
doorstep as a powerful protective device.  
Place two drops of oil onto a cotton ball. 
Strongly visualize a psychic force surrounding 
you so powerful (like a mini tornado), 
that it knocks away all incoming negative energy. 
Merge and solidify this scent and visualization 
into your conscious mind for 15 to 30 seconds. 
Repeat once a day for a week. When danger threatens- 
recall the scent and the visualization.  
You can carry Balm Of Gilead for protection and 
for healing purposes.  Carry Elecampane 
for protection.  Tuck some Parsley into 
your clothes for protection. Place on a 
plate with food to protect against 
contamination.  Mix Flax seeds with mustard 
seeds and place next to your bed for 
protection while you sleep.  Wherever Cyclamen 
is grown, no evil spells, hexes or negativity 
can take hold.  Carry Knotweed 
to strengthen and protect the eyes. 
Psychic Awareness ~ For psychic awareness, 
put a few drops of Bay Leaf Oil on a cotton ball. Sit 
comfortably in a chair or on the ground. Relax your 
body and push the busyness from your mind. Inhale the 
scent. Visualize your conscious mind letting go of your 
psychic mind. Allow the odor to engulf your mind and body. 
Once you've made a connection between the two halves of 
your mind, discover what you need to know.  Burn the 
Stillengia root to develop your psychic powers. 
Especially helpful before you use divination.  
Smolder the herb on charcoal for the sharpening 
of psychic powers- especially when scrying.
Purification ~ Inhale Juniper and visualize 
to detoxify the body and for internal purification. 
The scent can also be used for helping you to eat 
correctly, exercise and think positive.  Place 
Juniper in a diffuser, to purify your home and to 
protect it from negativity. 
Relationships ~ With visualization, use in love rituals, 
either by inhaling or by anointing candles 
with Jasmine to enhance a current relationship 
or to draw one to you.  Simply inhale the soothing 
scent of Jasmine to lift your spirits, remove 
depression, still nerves and silence worries.  
To induce sexual desire in both yourself 
and/or your partner, inhale the aroma of 
Jasmine with visualization to stimulate 
the mental, emotional and physical responses 
needed to have a fulfilling sexual experience.  
The uses for Jasmine far outweigh the heavy 
price tag for pure essential oil.  Inhale 
Palmarosa oil during love-attracting spells 
while you visualize the outcome you desire. 
Make sure you focus your intent and remember 
to bring no harm to none. 
Relaxation ~ Take a Lavender bath once a week 
to induce health maintenance- add nine drops 
to your bath water while you visualize good 
health. Lavender is associated with spiritual 
love as its power seems to lie in that it can 
reprogram our conscious mind on the way we think 
about love via our chakras. Inhaling this 
scent with proper visualization lets you 
send out signals to others on 
your need for love. Inhale to induce peace 
and put depression at bay. It also calms 
stormy or uncontrolled emotions by 
centering and controlling our conscious 
mind with a shot of reality. Rub on the 
temples to rid yourself of a headache.  
The oil of Bergamot soothes frazzled 
nerves and over stressed bodies.  Sniff 
a Lemon! Researchers have found that a 
property in lemons called linalool 
will reduce the activity of stress genes.
Rid Negativity ~ Wear Bay Laurel as an amulet 
to ward of negativity and evil.  Inhale Neroli while you 
visualize the scent burning away negative thought 
patterns, harmful habits and other misuses of your 
energy and mind.  Beans can be used to charm away 
the evil in a person. In Ancient Rome, they were 
given to people at funerals to help bless the dead. 
Beans are carried to ward off negative energy and evil. 
Used in rattles to scare off spirits, very potent 
when ridding evil spirits that have taken a living 
form hostage. To cure warts, rub dried beans on 
them while saying, "As this bean decays, So wart, 
fall away."  Inhale Juniper and visualize its 
energies guarding you from danger and negativity.
Sexual Appetite ~ Inhale the luxurious scent of 
Cardamom to increase your sexual appetite.  
For love- inhale and visualize yourself in a 
mutually beneficial relationship. It's important 
to create this image in your conscious mind to 
allow cardamom to stir your unique energies. After 
you inhale- put the thoughts aside to allow your 
charged power to go out and do its work. Let 
cardamom's spicy scent clear your conscious mind 
to new heights in unexpected ways.  Inhale Neroli 
while you visualize your physical, emotional, 
spiritual, mental and psychic connection with the 
person you will be intimate with. Not an aphrodisiac, 
but calms the conscious mind and smooths the path 
to mutual satisfaction.  Burn Lavender flowers to 
attract the opposite sex.  Wear the flower of 
Gardenia to attract love, new friends and lovers.
Dry and crush its petals, mix with ground orris root 
and light dust your body to attract the opposite sex.  
Add a half-handful of Dill seeds to your bath 
water to attract the opposite sex to you.  
Use in sachets, sprinkle under the bed to promote 
conception and raise sexual passion.  With proper 
visualization, the scent of Sandalwood can be used 
to stimulate sexual activity.  Eat a Pear to induce 
sexual arousal or add dried pear to a red sachet to 
attract a love partner.  Eat or carry Dates or pieces 
of Palm leaves for an increase in fertility. 
The pits are carried for men who wish to regain 
sexual potency.  Drink pineapple juice to help 
with impotence and/or to keep your lusting 
loins from getting you in trouble. 
Shoes ~ Shoes can be freshened by either dropping 
a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly 
into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed 
with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes.  
Athlete's foot? Tea Tree works great!
Sleep ~ At night, take a few deep 
whiffs of Chamomile to induce sleep. During the day, 
smell this herb to promote peace and to remove the 
effects of stress and tension. For meditation- 
if you have trouble slipping into the proper state, 
smell Chamomile to reduce tension and facilitate 
meditation.  Inhale Bergmont, the scent to produce 
a restful, relaxing sleep.  Lay Purslane on the bed 
before you fall asleep to prevent nightmares from 
invading your rest.   Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep 
enhancing oils such as Chamomile, Lavender or Neroli 
on your pillow before retiring for restful sleep.
Spiritual Love ~ The flowers of Jasmine attract spiritual love.
Spirituality ~ This wonderful woody scent is excellent to promote 
spirituality. Inhale the soothing aroma of Cedar 
before any religious rituals to strengthen your 
connection with the Divine. You may also inhale 
Cedar to bring yourself into balance. Smell the 
fragrance and visualize yourself as centered, 
calm and in control of your life.  Inhale 
Frankincense to achieve a heightened sense of awareness 
of the spiritual realms or to deepen any religious 
experience. The aroma also helps to reduce stress 
and tension by pointing out that our lives revolve 
on many realms- not just the physical. The scent also 
calms the physical form and awaken the higher conscious. 
Use before meditation. 
**NOTE** Placing undiluted Frankincense directly 
on your skin can cause irritation.
Thinking About You ~ If your apron comes untied by itself 
and falls off while you are working in the kitchen, 
this is generally seen as a sign that someone is 
thinking about you. Some say that it means your 
sweetheart is having romantic thoughts about 
you at that moment.
Toothache ~ Clove does wonders 
to tooth aches. You can find toothpaste with tea 
tree oil and clove oil. If you can find the old 
fashioned candy Clove Gum rock- you can pack 
and place the gum easily on the tooth, 
or you can use straight clove oil. Just be 
sure to cut it with olive oil or 
vegetable oil or it will burn.
Transitions ~ Inhale the oil of Cypress to find 
strength and comfort through transitions of all kinds - 
especially through the loss of friends, loved ones or 
the endings of relationships. Place a few drops on the 
bedding of your dog to "banish" the fleas. 
*NOTE* never add the undiluted oil directly to their skin.
Travel ~ Carry Comfrey while your traveling 
to ensure your safety. Put some in your luggage to make 
sure it arrives at your destination.
Trouble ~ Trouble is indicted by the accidental 
omission of spices from a recipe or by the spilling of salt. 
Be prepared for an argument with someone if you should happen 
to spill pepper on the kitchen table or floor. (According to 
occult tradition, these bad omens can be remedied by simply 
adding the spices, and by tossing a pinch of salt or pepper 
over your left shoulder, respectively.) It is also said that 
if two persons stir the same boiling pot or sit together on 
a table, they will soon find themselves involved in a quarrel.
Vaccuum ~ Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil 
on a cotton ball and place it in your vacuum cleaner bag. 
Lemon and Pine are nice. Rose Geranium helps with pet odors.
Warts ~ 1 drop of Lemon essential oil
applied directly to a wart is an effective means of 
elimination. Apply the essential oil daily until the wart is gone.
Weakness ~ Place a few drops of Geranium oil 
on a cotton ball and inhale when you are weak and most likely 
to get ill. As you inhale the aroma, visualize peace spreading 
through your body as it dissolves depression and uplifts your 
world weary soul. To help gain control over your own life 
and/or to guard your home against outside negativity- place a 
few drops of Geranium Oil in a diffuser to 
allow the scent to spread throughout your home.
Windows ~ Vinegar leaves windows shining. 
But nobody said your house needs to smell sour like vinegar.  
House Cleaning In a spray bottle mix: 1 cup White Vinegar 
10-15 drops of Lemon oil Water.  Mix vinegar and water 
and essential oil in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use.

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Kitchen Witch Herbs and Use

Acacia ~ Wood carried is a protective amulet. 
Acorns ~ Good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power. 
Sacred to Druids and can be used at the tip of wands. 
African Violet ~ can be used as a protection amulet 
and to promote spirituality in the home. It is burned as a 
traditional herbal incense of the Spring Equinox Sabbat. 
Alfalfa ~ used in spells involving 
prosperity, money and to ward off hunger. 
All Purpose Flour ~ sifted is used for attracting money.
Allspice, also known as Jamaica Pepper, 
are the dried berries of the Pimenta dioica plant found 
in the Antilles and Central America. It has a sweet, 
smoky scent and is reminiscent of the combination of 
cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg together. The English dubbed 
this spiceœAllspice†as they were reminded of these three 
flavors as well.  Allspice is used as a ingredient in 
spiritual products for Good Luck, Fast Luck and Money. 
You can anoint a red candle forœluck in a hurry†with 
Fast Luck Oil, a yellow candle for success with Crowning 
Glory or Crown of Success Oil or a green candle anointed 
with Money Drawing Oil and roll these candles 
(if free standing) in ground Allspice or you can place a 
good pinch of it in the top of your glass vigil candles 
for extra power to your candle spell.  It is alleged that 
Allspice brings good luck to business owners and gamblers 
as well. Allspice is a key ingredient in mojo bags created 
to carry for money luck.  One way to bring customers to your 
place of business is to create a floor wash daily with a 
spoonful each of ground allspice, ground cinnamon and sugar with 
a cup of Epsom Salts in warm water and mop your floors from the 
front door to the back, then taking the rest of the water and 
tossing it out the front door onto the walkway 
or sidewalk to draw in customers. 
Aloe Vera ~ is a popular houseplant. 
Many use Aloe Vera for protection against evil 
influences and prevents household accidents.  
It can be hung in the home as a charm to attract 
luck and protection for those who live there. 
It can also be grown in pots and placed around 
the home to provide protection 
from accidents within the home. 
Amaranth ~ flowers worn as a crown 
speeds healing.  To make sure you are never 
struck by a bullet, pull a Amaranth plant 
(roots included) from the ground on Friday 
during the Full Moon. Leave an offering 
to the plant (corn meal, brandy, crystal, etc..) 
and then fold it all (roots included) 
in a piece of white cloth. Wear this cloth 
against your breast.  Burn dried Amaranth flowers 
to call the dead and/or carry to cure yourself of a broken heart. 
Amber ~ can be used for protection 
from harm and success. Helps to clear the mind and bring prosperity. 
Burn as an incense to transform the ambient 
negative energy to positive energy. 
Angelica ~ is one of the traditional ritual 
herbs of the Candlemas and Beltane Sabbats. 
Angelica is both a culinary and medicinal herb. 
Sprinkle around the house to ward off evil. 
Added to the bath, it removes curses or spells 
that may have been cast against you. 
Apricot ~ eaten may obtain a 
sweet temperament or use the juice in love 
spells and potions.  Add the leaves and flowers 
to love sachets or carry the pits to attract love. 
Apples ~ are sometimes considered 
the food of the gods. Apples play an important 
role in many mythologies and are tied to 
fertility gods. It is also considered the food 
of the dead and is burned at Samhain in honor 
of those who will be reborn in the spring. 
It is traditional to leave two apples in the 
woods when you are finished hunting as an offering 
to the Horned God. Apple wood is also used in the 
making of wands to be used when doing rituals 
dealing with the underworld. It is also considered 
a sacred tree by the Druids. Apple cider can be 
substituted for spells/rituals that require blood or wine. 
Argimony ~ is used in protection spells. 
It can also be used to reverse spells sent against you. 
It can also be used in 'sleep' sachets that you 
place under your pillow to allow 
you a restful nights sleep. 
Arnica ~ is an excellent herb that 
is used in salves for the healing of bruises and sprains. 
It can be applied to where there is pain 
and/or inflammation of the skin. 
Avocados ~ are so effective 
on under-eye puffiness, lust and happy home.  
Bamboo ~ carved with your wish 
and buried in the ground in a secluded place. 
Or, carve a symbol of protection, like a pentagram,
on a length of bamboo and plant 
it in the ground to protect your home.
Grown near the house, bamboo gives it and its residents good fortune. 
Also, bamboo is placed over the door because, 
since its wood never changes color, it is lucky. 
Basil ~ brings wealth to those who carry 
it in their pockets. Basil given as a gift brings good 
luck to a new home. It is one of the traditional ritual 
herbs of the Candlemas Sabbat. 
Bay Leaf ~ placed in the corner of each 
room in the house to protect all that dwell there. 
Carry bay leaf or use in a protection charm to protect 
yourself against magickal attack. 
Bay Laurel ~ corresponds with the Sun, 
and the element of Fire. Bay Laurel can be used 
for psychic awareness and purification 
Beech ~ stick carved in it your 
wish and bury it. If it is in your highest good for this 
wish to come true - it will. One wish per Beech stick.  
Carry Beech wood or leaves to help 
you increase your creativity. 
Benzoin Gum ~ is an herb of purification, burned in incense 
to sanctify an area. The scent is also used to attract business 
when combined with basil, peony or cinnamon. Benzoin awakens the 
conscious mind as well. Burn to purify, protect, for prosperity, 
for astral projection or to increase mental powers. 
Bergamot ~ used in spells and charms involving money, 
prosperity, protection, stopping outside 
interference, and promoting restful sleep. 
Bistort ~ is for fertility and to improve upon 
your psychic powers or to help in divination, burn this herb 
with frankincense. Make an infusion and sprinkle 
about a place to drive out poltergeists. 
Blackberry ~ corresponds to the planet 
of Venus, the element of Water, and the Deity associated with 
this herb is Bridget. Use Blackberry for healing, money, protection. 
Bake blackberry pies at Lammas. Use leaves and berries 
in spells of wealth. Dry fruit and powder it for 
use in magickal healing potions. Weave pentagrams 
from the brambles to hang in the home for protection.  
Blackberry is a powerful herb of protection, and used in 
invocations to the goddess Brigit, who presides over healing, 
poetry, sacred wells, and smithcraft. If twined into a wreath 
with rowan and ivy, will keep away evil spirits. A bramble 
patch is a favorite hiding place for faerie folk, 
use to invoke and attract faerie spirits.  
Black Pepper ~ is used in spells and charms that banish 
negativity and protection from evil. Also used in exorcism. 
Blessed Thistle ~ is used for purification, 
hex-breaking, protection from evil- removes unwanted influences, 
particularly of malevolent intent. Strew to cleanse buildings or rooms, 
beneficial in healing spells. Strengthens liver function, 
combat hepatitis, aids memory purifies the blood stream. 
This herb is good for migraine, nausea, and gallstones. 
Blueberries ~ placed underneath your doormats to keep 
unwanted people and energy from your property and/or from entering your home.  
Make and consume blueberry pies or tarts when you feel you are under 
a psychic attack. This gets the protection power inside of your 
body and increases the herb's effectiveness. 
Briony ~ root and as long as that money stays 
near the root - money will increase.  Hang the root in houses 
and/or gardens to protect the occupants against the ill effects
of bad weather- especially helpful with hurricanes and tornadoes. 
Bromeliad ~ in or around the home to attract money 
and luxury items.  Since the plants also provide protection, 
Bromeliad are a great choice for house plants. 
Buckthorn ~ are the planet 
Saturn and the element of Water. Buckthorn can be used for 
protection, exorcism, wishes, and legal matters. 
Buckwheat ~ flour sprinkled helps to form 
magick circles on the floor around you while performing magick. 
Burdock ~ used in protection incenses and for healing, 
especially the feet. Carry as a protection sachet or burn for purification 
of a room. Rinse with a root decoction for ridding oneself 
of a gloomy feeling about yourself or others. 
Bryony ~ root set on a piece of money 
to watch your riches grow. 
Cactus ~ can be used for protection, 
banishing and chastity. Cactus spines are used in witches 
bottles for protection. Best to place in all directions of 
the home (north, south, east, and west) to ensure full 
protection. Carry or bury to release their protective powers. 
Camellia ~ brings riches and luxury, 
expresses gratitude. Place fresh blossoms in water on altar 
during ritual to attract money and prosperity. 
Used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating skin conditions. 
Camphor ~ is a Feminine herb, it corresponds 
to the Moon and the element of Water. Use this herb for 
chastity, health, and divination. A bag of camphor hung 
around the neck keeps flus and colds away. 
Use in divinatory incenses. 
Carnation ~ is a Masculine herb, corresponds 
with the planet Sun and the element of Fire. Use this herb 
for protection, strength, and healing. Use in all-purpose 
protection spells. Gives strength and energy to the sick. 
Place fresh carnation on the altar during healing spells 
and add dried flowers to healing sachets and incenses. 
Catnip ~ is an herb sacred to Bast. Effective 
when used in rituals involving cats or cat deities. It can be 
used with other herbs in love spells and charms. If grown near 
the home it will attract positive spirits. It can be used in 
charms to bring good luck. 
Caraway ~ seeds are used to encourage fidelity 
and are often placed in sachets/talismans/charms to attract 
a mate. When baked into cookies, bread, or cakes they are 
lust-inducing. Carry to strengthen memory. 
Cedar ~ balances, encourages and creates spirituality. 
Cedar is well known for it's fragrance. An incense including 
cedar is ideal in the consecration of a magickal wand.  
The incense can also be used in Wiccanings and baby blessings. 
As a protected tree in magickal cultures, to harm a cedar is to 
invoke misfortune. The spirits of the cedar are said to be both 
powerful and persistent. Cedar boxes are ideal for storing 
amethyst and sapphire stones.  Hung in the home, it will 
protect against lightning. A cedar stick carved into three 
prongs and set in the ground prongs up will protect the home 
against all evil. Juniper can be used in place of cedar. 
Cedar is water and decay resistant, and repels insects 
and moths (hence it's historical use for coffins).  
Cedar chips used in rituals or burnt attracts money, 
and is also used in purification and healing. It is a 
symbol of power and longevity. Cedar can also be added 
to love sachets and can be burned to induce psychic powers. 
Celandine ~ aids in escaping unwarranted 
imprisonment and entrapments of every kind. Wear the herb next to the skin. 
Chamomile ~ is used to attract money. 
A hand wash of an infusion is sometimes used by gamblers 
to ensure winnings. Chamomile is used in sleep and meditation 
incenses, and the infusion is also added to the bath to attract 
love. Chamomile is also a purificatory and protective herb. 
When sprinkled around the property, chamomile removes curses 
and spells cast against you. 
Cherry ~ wood is used to stimulate or attract 
love. To find a new love tie a strand of your hair to a blossoming 
Cherry tree or place the hair in a red sachet along with cherry 
pits or blossoms, lavender and rose petals.  Discover how many 
years you will live by running around a tree full of ripe 
cherries, then shaking it as hard as you can. Count the number 
of cherries that fall from the tree and presto - you have your 
life span.  Cherry juice can be used as a substitute for blood 
when blood is called for in old spell formulas. 
Chicory ~ can be carried to remove any obstacle 
that may fall into your path.  Anoint your body with chicory juice 
and you will obtain favors from important people.  
Carry chicory to promote frugal living. 
Chrysanthemum ~ is used for protection. 
Grow in the garden for protection of the home. 
White is the best color of flower for this, 
but any color will do. 
Cinnamon ~ burned as an incense to raise your 
spiritual vibrations, aid in healing, draw money to you, 
stimulate your psychic powers and produce protective vibrations.  
Use in your favorite recipe to attract the same results.  
You can also make sachets or infusions for these same purposes. 
Cloves ~ burned as an incense to attract 
prosperity, drive away hostile and negative forces, 
produce spiritual vibrations and purify your area.  
You may also burn cloves as an incense to stop others 
from gossiping about you.  Wear or carry cloves to 
attract the opposite sex and to bring comfort to the bereaved. 
Comfrey ~ carried while your traveling to 
ensure your safety. Put some in your luggage 
to make sure it arrives at your destination. 
Copal ~ added to love and purification incense, 
sachets and spells.  Burn Copal with Rosemary to call a lover 
or burn with Frankincense to send a lover away.  
A piece of Copal can be used to represent the heart in poppets.  
Place Copal in the four corners of a room to purify it, 
especially after an illness or a negative 
influence has occupied the room. 
Coriander ~ seeds powered and added 
to warm wine to make an effective lust potion. 
Cotton ~ on an aching tooth to stop the pain.  
Soak Cotton balls in vinegar and place on the windowsills to 
keep evil at bay. Plant or scatter cotton 
in the yard to keep ghosts away.  
Sprinkle some pepper onto a piece of 
Cotton and sew it into a sachet. 
Wear the sachet to bring back a lost love.  
For good luck - place a piece of Cotton in the sugar bowl - 
luck will soon follow. You can also throw a piece of cotton 
of your right shoulder at dawn - luck will come before the day is over.
Cumin ~ is burned with frankincense for 
protection and scattered on the floor, sometimes with 
salt, to drive out evil. It is also worn by brides to 
keep negativity away from the wedding.  Give cumin to 
a lover to promote fidelity. 
Seep cumin seed into wine to make a lust potion. 
Cyclamen ~ grown in the bedroom is for protection. 
Deer Tongue ~ help attract men. Sprinkle on your bed 
for the same purpose.  Wear Deers Tongue to aid psychic powers, 
or burn to increase the psychic energy in your immediate environment. 
Dill ~ hung at the door, in a cradle for children,
or in sachets is for protection.  If you place Dill over a door, 
no one negative or jealous/envious can enter your home.  
Add to your bath or to your favorite lotion in order to 
make you irresistible. Dill stimulates lust of eaten 
or smelled.  Use Dill's seeds in money spells. 
Dogwood ~ leaves or the wood around inside or 
outside of your home for all over protection.  
To have a wish granted - place the sap of a 
Dogwood onto a piece of cloth or handkerchief on 
Midsummer Eve. Faithfully carry the cloth with you, 
and any wish you desire will be granted. 
Be careful what you wish for- be specific. 
Dulse ~ for lust in his or her drink.  
Sprinkle Dulse around your home to induce harmony.  
Going out to sea? Toss some Dulse in the water to 
appease the spirits of the sea.  Need to talk to the 
spirits of the wind? Throw Dulse into the air from a high 
place and then speak you mind -- but remember to be still 
to listen to the response. 
Elecampane ~ is worn to attract love.  
Sew up some of the Elecampane leaves or flowers with a 
rose quartz in pink cloth or place in a sachet.  
Carry for protection. Smoulder the herb as an incense 
to sharpen your psychic powers, especially when scrying. 
Eryngo ~ is used for safety and luck during 
their adventures (especially over/in water), to facilitate 
peace, lust and all love spells & sachets. 
Fern ~ grows in the shady areas of the garden 
and in the house. Throw fern on hot coals for an aura of 
protection. All ferns are extremely powerful protection. 
Figs ~ grown in the home is protective and 
brings the occupants good luck.  To charm the pants off of 
someone, give them a fig. As long as they keep the fig they 
will be spellbound by your presence.  Write a question on a 
Fig leaf. If the leaf dries slowly, the answer is yes, or 
it is a good omen. If it dries quickly, 
the meaning is just the opposite.
Frankincense ~ is sacred to the Sun God Ra, 
frankincense is burned in rites of exorcism, purification, 
and protection. It is said to accelerate spiritual growth. 
Rosemary may be used as a substitute. Use for spirituality, 
exorcism, purification, luck and protection rites. (Resin) 
burn for protection, exorcism, spirituality, love, 
consecration, blessing, energy, strength, visions, 
healing, meditation, power and courage. Use to purify ritual 
spaces and invoke a spiritual frame of mind.  Mix Frankincense 
with cumin and burn as a powerful protective 
incense useful for general working.  
Fumitory ~ infused in a quart of spring water. 
Place the infusion into a spray bottle. Spritz around your home 
and on your shoes once a week to draw money to you quickly.  
Burn Fumitory to remove negative energy from your environment.  
Fumitory can also be burned to exorcise evil spirits. 
Gardenia ~ flowers are worn to attract love, 
new friends and lovers. Dry and crush its petals, 
mix with ground orris root and light dust your body to attract the opposite sex. 
Garlic ~ taken with you when you travel over water to prevent drowning. 
Gentian ~ is used to attract love and break hexes.  
When used in an incense or in a sachet, Gentian provides 
a great deal of extra magical power.
Ginger ~ is used for better spell casting 
and attract money. Use the whole root or ground Ginger in 
any spell to ensure its success. 
Hawthorn ~ leaves placed under a mattress 
or around the bedroom to enforce/maintain chastity or celibacy.  
Carried in a sachet during a fishing trip ensures a bountiful catch.  
Worn or carried, hawthorn promotes happiness in 
depressed, troubled or sad people. 
Hazelnuts ~ hung in your home for good luck 
and/or present a string to a new bride to wish her good fortune.  
Eat the Hazelnuts for wisdom and to increase fertility.  
To protect yourself, your home or plants - take a Hazel 
twig and draw a circle in the dirt around whatever needs 
protected.  Weave Hazel twigs into a crown. Place the crown 
on your head and make a good, solid wish. Your wish stands 
a chance of coming true!  Hazel wood make great all-purpose magickal wands. 
Heather ~ wards off rape and other violent crimes.  
White Heather is great to wear or carry to attract good luck.  
Outside, burn Heather together with fern to attract rain. 
Simply burning heather conjures ghosts. 
Hibiscus ~ flowers (red) brewed into a strong tea 
and drink to induce lust into yourself or into a suitor.  
Place Hibiscus blossoms into love incense and sachets to 
attract and/or keep a love - or place them into a wreath 
at a marriage ceremony to insure that the couple will have 
a loving union.  Drop a few Hibiscus flowers into 
a wooden bowl full of water and scry for future events. 
Horehound ~ added with a few pinches is used 
in protective sachets and carry to guard against sorcery 
and lofty ideals. Scatter on the ground to use as 
an exorcism herb.  Make an infusion of Horehound and drink 
to clear your mind and promote quick thinking and mental powers.  
Mix Horehound with ash leaves and place them in a bowl of water. 
Put with the ill so that the healing vibrations 
will help them recover. 
Horse Chestnut ~ for attracting success to you in all things.  
Wrap a Horse Chestnut in a dollar bill, place in a sachet, 
and carry to attract money.  Have a teenage girl who's too giddy? 
Drop one in her purse to control her giddiness.  
WARNING!! The Horse Chestnut is poisonous if eaten! 
Horseradish ~ root sprinkled dried/grated or ground 
around your home, in all corners, on the steps outside, and on door 
sills to make evil & negative powers take a hike. This also works 
to diffuse any spells/curses that have been sent 
against you and/or your family. 
Holly ~ is a par excellent protective herb, 
as it guards against lightning, poison and evil spirits.  
Plant Holly around the home to protect it and the inhabitants 
from mischievous spells.  Infuse with water to sprinkle 
on newborn babies to protect them.  Carry Holly to promote good 
luck, especially for men.  It is also hung around 
the house for good luck at Yule.  
*Note - Holly is poisonous to animals. 
Honeysuckle ~ flowers and green candles helps 
attract money or place them in a vase in the house 
for the same purpose.  Lightly crush the fresh Honeysuckle 
flowers and then rub on your forehead to heighten psychic powers.  
Grow Honeysuckle outside near your home to attract good luck. 
Irish Moss ~ carried in your pocket 
or place underneath rugs to increase luck and to ensure a 
steady flow of money comes your way.  Carry while you are 
traveling for protection and safety.  
Use Irish Moss to stuff luck or money poppets. 
Jasmine ~ flowers worn helps to attract spiritual love. 
Jobs Tears ~ seeds are strung onto a necklace 
and placed around a child's neck to aid in teething, 
and are also worn by adults in the same manner for 
sore throats and colds. The seeds absorb the pain or 
illness.  For wishing magick, make a wish holding seven 
seeds (also known as "tears") and throw them into 
running water. Another way is to count out seven 
seeds as you concentrate on your wish. Carry the 
seeds for a week, and your wish should come true.  
Juniper hung in your front and back doors to protect 
against evil forces and persons.  Males carry the Juniper 
berries to increase potency.  Carry or burn Juniper to 
help psychic powers, break hexes and curses and to drive off snakes. 
Kava-Kava ~ root infused in a drink the tea to 
offer protection against evil and to invite in good luck. 
If you infuse the root and let it seep overnight in the 
refrigerator, you can drink the tea to enhance psychic 
powers and to induce visions.  **NOTE Too much of the 
infusion can lead to kidney damage. 
Lavender ~ flowers burned helps to attract the opposite sex. 
Lemon Balm ~ for love, soak in wine for several hours, 
strain and share with a friend. Or, carry the herb with you to find love. 
Use this herb in spells to ensure success. 
Lemon juice ~ is mixed with water and is used to wash amulets, 
jewelry and other magickal objects which have been obtained second-hand. 
This wash ensures that all negative vibrations are cleansed from the object.  
Keep one of the seeds from a lemon that you have consumed. 
Plant it in early spring, and nurture it in a warm place. 
When it grows, give it to a loved one, to keep your love fresh and true.
Linden ~ branches hung over your door is 
for household protection or grow the tree in your garden.  
Carry Linden bark to prevent intoxication. Use the leaves 
in love spells as well as for immortality.  
Carve a good luck charm from the wood 
and carry it with you to promote good fortune. 
Lotus ~ burned as an incense and inhale 
the scent for it's protective powers.  Use Lotus seeds 
and pods as an antidote to a love spell, by placing them 
in a sachet or by rolling a black candle in the herb 
and then lighting the candle.  Wear or carry any part 
of the Lotus and you will be ensured good luck by the Gods. 
Mandrake ~ is used as a substitute 
for Briony root when mandrake root 
is used in magical image spells. 
Magnolias ~ near the bed to promote 
faithfulness. You can also scatter the fresh flowers 
under the bed - but make sure you remove them and place 
fresh flowers when they wilt & die.  Plant Magnolias 
by the home to ensure fidelity from all who dwells within. 
Mallow ~ is known to return a lost love. 
Put Mallow into a vase outside your front door 
or bedroom window. This will cause the lost love 
to think of you and after so many thoughts - 
they just may return.  If you need to have effective 
protection around you - make an ointment with mallow. 
Steep the mallow leaves and stems in vegetable shortening 
and then strain. Rub this ointment into your skin to 
cast out evil as well as protect you 
against the harmful effects of black magick. 
Mint ~ leaves rubbed on your head to relive a headache. 
Wear mint at the wrist assures that you will not be ill.  
To bring money/prosperity to you, place a few leaves in 
your wallet or purse and/or rub where you keep your money.  
To rid a place of evil, sprinkle salt water with a mixture 
of fresh springs of mint, marjoram and rosemary.  
Keep mint in the home for protection. 
Mullein ~ stuffed into a small pillow 
or place beneath your pillow to ward off nightmares.  
Safeguard against evil spirits and magick by hanging 
some over doors, in windows and carry in sachets. 
It is also used to banish demons and negativity.  
In Old English, Mullein is also known as graveyard dust.  
Wear Mullein to keep wild animals at bay while hiking in 
the wilderness. It promotes courage from within you. 
Place a few leaves in your shoe to ward off a cold. 
Mustard ~ seeds carried in a red cloth helps 
prevent colds and to increase mental powers.  
When eaten, increases fertility in women.  
Sprinkle on the doorways for protective reasons 
and/or bury under your doorstep to keep 
all supernatural beings from your home. 
Nutmeg ~ in your purse or pocket is for good luck.  
Sprinkle ground nutmeg onto green candles for money and prosperity. 
Onions ~ placed beneath the pillow can produce 
prophetic dreams. If you are faced with making a decision, 
scratch your options on onions, one to each onion. 
Place them in the dark. The first one that sprouts answers you. 
Orange ~ blossoms fresh or dried added to your 
bath to make you feel more attractive.  When you eat an orange - 
think of a question that can be answered by yes/no. 
Count the number of seeds - if they are of an even number, 
the answer is no. If odd, yes.  Add dried Orange peel 
to prosperity powder, incenses and mixtures. 
Oregon Grape ~ root in a green sachet to draw money 
and financial security or a red sachet to gain popularity. 
Ground the root of Oregon Grape into a fine powder 
and burn as an incense for the same magickal prospects. 
Orchid Root ~ is used for luck and/or success, 
to gain and/or maintain employment and to secure protection 
for what ills you, love, safe travel, money, sweet dreams.
Oregano ~ oil, extracted from Wild Oregano plants 
(Origanum Vulgare), may be used in humidifiers to ease sinus 
problems, to stave off colds and to promote a healthy immune system. 
Oregano oil has antimicrobial agents that have been shown to 
protect and preserve good health. Using it in a humidifier 
is the same as using other essential oils in humidifiers. 
Either cool or warm mist humidifiers will work well. 
The oil will help relieve minor sinus issues and the 
aroma will uplift your home's atmosphere. 
Orris Root ~ has long been used to find and hold love. 
The whole orris root is carried, the powder added to sachets, 
sprinkled on sheets, clothing and the body, as well as around 
the house. Orris root powder is sometimes known as 
"Love Drawing Powder".  Suspend a whole root from a small 
length of cord or yarn and with this pendulum find 
the answers to your questions. 
Peas ~ (Shelled) to bring good fortune and profits 
in your business/career. Use dried peas in financial formulas/mixtures.  
If a unmarried woman finds a pea containing exactly nine peas, 
one should hang it over the door. The first eligible man to 
walk under the pod will be the future husband.  
Passion Flower ~ placed in the house to calm 
problems and troubles, and to bring peace.  Carry it to attract 
friends and gain popularity. Place it beneath 
your pillow to aid in sleep. 
Patchouli ~ attracts men and woman - 
wear alone or with other love herbs. Normally used in oil form. 
Pear ~ dried in love spells to bring a love 
to you or to strengthen a current love relationship.  
To induce sexual arousal, eat a Pear raw or make into 
a desert and then consume.  The wood is great for powerful 
and effective magickal wands.  Witches like to dance under Pear trees. 
Peppermint ~ burned as incense 
for: exorcism, health, healing, lust, money and riches, changes, 
psychic awareness and purification. Smell to lead you to fall asleep. 
Place Peppermint beneath your pillow to get a glimpse into 
your future through your dreams.  Rub Peppermint against furniture, 
walls and floorboards to cleanse them of evil and negativity. 
Petrified wood ~ is carried or used in spells 
designed to extend the life span or, to increase the enjoyment 
of our lives.  It is also carried as a protective amulet because 
of its hardness and strange appearance. It sets up barriers 
of energy which deflect negativity. 
Pine tree ~ cones carried increases fertility and lifespan.  
Burn its needles to purify and cleanse a room or the whole house 
of negativity. Scatter on the floor to drive out evil.  
You may also burn the Pine needles to reverse and send back bad spells.  
Place a Pine branch over the front door of your 
house to ensure continual joy within.  
Poplar tree ~ buds and leaves help attract 
money or burn/add to incense for the same results.  Add to a lotion 
or ointment to aid in astral projection.
Prickly Ash ~ is used to attract a sexual love,  
to attract a heart-felt love and to invite love into your environment. 
Primrose ~ planted in the garden to protect, 
especially the blue and red varieties. 
Purslane ~ halts nightmares, draws love, luck, 
protection, happy home and to repel evil.
Rhubarb ~ root worn around your neck, on a string, 
to protect yourself against stomach pains.  Serve Rhubarb pie 
to your mate to help maintain his or her fidelity. 
Rose ~ is a Goddess herb belonging to Venus 
and the Water element. Rose is the accepted love scent. 
Rose buds are added to bath water to conjure a lover. 
Place some in a red cloth bag and pin it under your clothes. 
Rose hips worn as beads attract love.  A tea of rosebuds drank 
before sleep induces prophetic dreams.  Rose petal and hips are 
used in healing spells and mixtures. Rose petals sprinkled 
around the house calm personal stress and household upheavals. 
Roses planted in the garden attracts fairies.  Burn as incense 
for: Healing, health, love, luck, creativity, balance, anointing, 
divination, clairvoyance, protection, psychic awareness, 
unconditional love, peace, harmony, and tranquility.  
Rue ~ leaves placed on the forehead helps relieve headaches 
or wear around the neck for some extra oomph in recuperating from 
an illness and/or to ward off future health problems.  Add Rue to 
your bath to break any hexes or curses that may have been cast 
against you. Hang rue above a door or rub the fresh leaves on the 
floor to send any negativity spells back to the sender.  Mix a sprig 
of Rue with salt water and sprinkle throughout your house to clear 
the area of negativity.  This plant grows best when stolen 
and its place in a garden not only beautifies it, 
but protects the area around it. 
Sage ~ absorbs negativity and misfortune. 
It drives away disturbances and tensions, and lifts the spirits 
above the mundane cars of life. Burn it to consecrate a ritual 
space. Carry it as an herb of protection. Use it in the ritual 
bath and chalice. Tradition holds that those who eat sage become 
immortal in both wisdom and years. Sage is used in wish 
manifestations and to attract money. Smolder to promote healing 
and spirituality. Carry to promote wisdom.  Use in spells 
for: Protection; Wisdom; Health; Money and Riches; Spirituality. 
Powerful clearing and cleansing, removes negative energy.  
Boil fresh White Sage to cleanse your home. It smells amazing- 
Make sure to open several windows/and or doors. 
After you can use the water to clean your floors, etc. 
Salt ~ mixed with spring water and rue. 
Spray around your house to remove negativity.  Burn Salt with 
frankincense and rue to remove negative entities from a person, 
place or thing.  Sprinkle Salt in the four corners of a room or 
sprinkle around a house/property for protection.  One of the 
most common topical treatments for minor muscle and skin pain 
is Epsom salt, which has been used for centuries as a home remedy. 
You can soak bruises in water mixed with this compound. 
You also may find some pain reduction from usage.  
Sea Squill ~ hung over any window for home protection.  
To draw money, place a Sea Squill in a jar or box and add silver 
coins while imagining money coming to you.  If you feel that you 
have been hexed, carry a Sea Squill with you 
and it will break the negative spell. 
Seaweed ~ dried and put under the busiest 
portion of the house to draw luck and prosperity to you. 
Spearmint ~ is used extensively in healing 
remedies, especially those that deal with lung diseases.  
Inhale the crisp scent of Spearmint to increase and sharpen 
your mental powers.  Stuff a dream pillow or part of your 
mattress with Spearmint for protection while you sleep. 
Spikenard ~ burned as an incense to instill 
a fine layer of peace in your home. Combine with Frankincense 
to ward off negativity as you attract peace.  Wear Spikenard 
around the neck, hidden in pendant, or carry in a sachet to 
draw good luck to you and/or to ward off disease.  
Sprinkle Spikenard on the bed sheets, place in lover's underwear 
drawer so that they remain a faithful partner. 
Star Anise ~ seeds burned as incense to increase 
your psychic powers or you can wear them as beads for the same 
purpose.  Place on your altar or magickal work space in each of 
the four directions to give your area power.  Carry Star Anise 
as a general luck-bringer and the seeds make great pendulums. 
Sunflower ~ Seeds are used for fertility, 
wish making, sexual energy and stamina, guards against 
pests, Protect yourself against smallpox and brings good luck.
Ti ~ is used for keeping storms away, 
home's protective barrier. protection you as you sleep, 
relieves a headache and protection of their marriage.
Tomato ~ (red) on your fireplace mantle 
To bring prosperity into your home, place a large. 
Replace every three days.  Eat the Tomato to inspire love.  
For household protection, place a Tomato on a window sill 
and evil cannot enter. Tomato plants in the garden also 
repel and protect against evil.  To heal a broken heart, 
drink one wineglass of Tomato juice 3x a day for a month.  
Vanilla ~ plant is used in love magick. 
Its beans are used as amulets to improve mental powers, 
and it's purple flowers are used in aphrodisiacs 
and passion sachets.  Vanilla is used in oil form, 
but the whole bean is sometimes carried on ones body 
to make yourself attractive and ready for an evening 
of loving. Used by some for some get up and go. 
Violet ~ used with Lavender to make a powerful love sachet. 
Wintergreen ~ is utilized in healing spells, 
and when fresh sprigs are placed on the altar they 
call good spirits to witness and aid you magick. 
Wolfsbane ~ is used to make a wash for ritual tools & space, 
a wash made from Aconite also known as Wolfsbane, can be used. 
**NOTE This herb is POISONOUS do not ingest. 
Woodruff ~ is carried to attract money, prosperity, 
and victory to athletes. When placed in a leather sachet, 
it guards warriors or solders against harm. 

Kitchen Classes
The Origin of the Kitchen Witch
Rules of a Witch's Kitchen
Kitchen Witch Altars
Kitchen Witchery
A Kitchen Witch's List Of Planetary Correspondences
Kitchen Blessing
Kitchen Witchery Supply List
Laundry and Clothes
Kitchen Witch Superstions by Intent
Kitchen Witch Herbs and Use

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