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Powder ClassesMagickal Powders
Magic Wishing Powder
Exorcism Powder
Love Powder
Laying Down Tricks with Conjure Powder
Dressing Altar Candles with Powders
Blowing Sachet Powders

Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeMagickal Powders

Magickal Powders have been a part 
of folk magic right back from the days of antiquity.  
They consist of ground herbs which 
are sprinkled around the ritual 
area, or your place of 
meditation, to enhance the potency 
of your work as they release their powers.  

Here are just a few examples of how the powders can be used.

Sprinkle them is a circle around you, 
beginning and ending in the 
East  -- and moving clockwise.  
Sit within the circle and 
absorb the energies generated within.
Those of you who work with 
Crystals, Stones, Tarot cards, Runes, etc , 
can add power to your ritual by 
sprinkling an appropriate powder 
around the crystal (or other magical aid) 
as it rests on your place of working.  
This will increase the power raised.
Sprinkle your powder around 
burning candles to boost their energies.
Scatter a ritually appropriate 
powder over the Altar before spells.
Sprinkle the powders on your altar in a 
specific shape to use as points 
of concentration for your visualization...
For Example, heart for Love, 
Circle for psychism and protection.  
Let your imagination be your teacher.

Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeMagic Wishing PowderYou Will Need:
The Great Outdoors (This could be your back yard, a park, or forest)
Anything else you feel you need to personalize your wish.
You will need to craft the wishing powder ahead of time.
2 parts sage
1 part sandalwood
1 part tonka beans

Grind, mix, and empower.
If you're feeling adventurous, 
customize your wishing powder to the wish you'll be making.
(Example: Crushed rose petals for 
bringing love into your life).
Find a spot to make our wishes from.
Take a handful of the wishing powder 
and begin concentrating on your wishes.
(Please do not put yourself in danger to make a wish.
A wish is just as powerful whether it's 
made standing on a rock on the side 
of a steep hill or standing in a field). 
Put your energy and wish 
into the powder you are holding.  
When it feels like you can no longer 
hold the energy, let it fly.  
As the powder settles to the ground, 
visualize your wishes joining with 
the Earth, gaining power and strength.
As always, remember the Rule of 
Three when making your wish.
After putting the energy out there, 
it's impossible to call it back.
Remember the old saying, "Be careful 
what you wish for, you may get it."
If you are worried about where to get 
Tonka Beans (as needed for 
the above wishing spell).  
You can do an easy search for them 
through any search engine to find them.  V
anilla Beans/pods are a Substitute 

Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeExorcism PowderYou Will Need:
3 parts basil 
2 parts frankincense 
2 parts rosemary 
1 part yarrow 
1 part rue 

Sprinkle throughout the house, 
or any area needing a strong 
purification and protection.

Love PowderPurpose: 
Attracting love

You Will Need:
3 parts yarrow 
3 parts lavender 
2 parts rose petals 
1 part orris root 
1 part ginger 

Sprinkle in an appropriate place

Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeLaying Down Tricks with Conjure Powder

The practice of laying out protective, destructive, 
or talismanic designs with sachet powders or salt 
or saltpeter to accompany invocations or prayers 
is particularly favoured by root workers who 
follow the Kabbalist-inspired practice of 
ceremonial magic. Working powders in patterns 
differs from sprinkling because the powder-pattern 
itself is what's important, not that 
someone will step in or across the powder.

Conjures who perform candle spells and rituals 
often lay out and appropriate sachet powder on 
their altar in a design such as a star or cross 
and place their candles at the vertices of the design.

In the down-home folk-magic tradition, laying down 
tricks with powders is much simpler than among 
Kabbalist-inspired practitioners. The powders 
are usually put down in four inconspicuous little 
piles in the corners of a room, with a fifth small 
pile in the center, under the rug, in what is called 
the "quincunx" or five-spot pattern. If the powders 
are for love-drawing or marital fidelity, the fifth 
pile will be placed under the bed instead of at 
the center of the room. If one is working enemy 
tricks, four piles of a do-wrong sachet like Graveyard 
Dirt or Crossing Powder can be placed at the four 
outside corners of the victim's home, but usually 
anyone who works such tricks will want to sprinkle 
the powders for a foot-track magic job too, not just 
put them into a pattern. In a pinch, loose powdered 
incense can be used to lay out diagrams and 
designs after the manner of sachet powders.

Cross-marks, crosses in circles, and "wavy snake lines" 
intended to hurt an enemy can be drawn with destructive 
or get-away type powders on a sidewalk or street. 
They are places in the foot path where the victim will 
walk and activated by spitting into them while cursing 
the name of the one for whom they are laid. This is a 
form of "poisoning through the feet or foot-track magic.

Innocent people who walk over such marks often ask whether 
they can be affected by such tricks. The answer is complicated: 
some folks say that such a mark only affects the one for 
whom it was "called," but most people never walk across 
such a mess if they see one, because "you never know who 
it was called for, and you just might get crossed 
or hurt through your feet anyway."

Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeDressing Altar Candles with Powders

In some families the dedication to sachet powders is 
such that all candles are "double-dressed," 
first with oil, then with a sachet powder. 
In my experience, the practice of double-dressing 
candles is more commonly found among women 
than among men, for what it's worth.

Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeBlowing Sachet Powders

In Afro-Caribbean folk magic, powders are sometimes 
blown to the four quarters of the compass to rid an 
area of evil spirits. This has become especially 
popular in America with the good luck 
and good energy powders like.

You may also blow powders toward a person, 
either present or absent. This practice is 
found among Spiritual Church members more than 
other root workers, in my experience. If the person 
being blown toward is not present, blow in the 
direction you believe them to be located, 
or toward their home, if you know where it is.

Blessing and Peaceful Home. You just put 
a little bit of powder in the palm of your hand 
and blow to the East, South, West, 
and then North, saying your prayer 
or good wish while you do so. 
This is said by many to bring a pleasant fragrance 
to the room and settle out any bad conditions.

Powder Classes
Magickal Powders
Magic Wishing Powder
Exorcism Powder
Love Powder
Laying Down Tricks with Conjure Powder
Dressing Altar Candles with Powders
Blowing Sachet Powders

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