Sleepy Tea Spell
Table of Magickal Correspondences
for Tea Leaf Divination ~ by Katydid
To apply these symbols to a reading,
you simply associate the tea leaf
configuration with the meaning
of the symbol and think of it in
terms of real life.
For example, if you look at the
bottom of your cup and see a wolf,
then this means you are a loyal
person who will be successful with
a lot of perseverance.
Symbol ~ Meaning
4 Leaf Clover ~ luck
Angels | guardians of hope and wonder
| Celtic Knot | long life, eternity Peace Sign
Cross | redemption, salvation
| Heart | love, fondness
Kokopelli | fertility, joy, music
| Star of David | union, heart, and love
Yin & Yang | balance, harmony
| Alligator | aggression, survival, adaptability
Ant | team player, worker
| Armadillo | active, nocturnal, protection
Bat | guardian of the night, cleaner
| Bear | power, adaptability
Bear Paw | strength, mobility
| Beaver | builder, gather
Bobcat | fierce, loner intensity
| Brontosaurus | harmless giant
Buffalo | sacredness, life builder
| Buffalo skull | sacredness, reverence for life
Bull | strength, warning
| Butterfly | metamorphosis, carefree, transformer
Camel | weary, enduring
| Cat | independence, grace, healing
Cougar | leadership, courage
| Cow | patience, stoicism
Coyote | prankster, insight, playful
| Crane | solitude, independence
Deer | love, gentleness, kindness
| Dog | loyalty, protection
Dolphin | kindness, play, bridge man to ocean
| Dove | love, peace, gentleness
Dragon | wisdom, nobility
| Dragonfly | flighty, carefree
Eagle | divine spirit, connection to Creator
| Elephant | long life, self-preservation
Elk | strength, agility, freedom
| Fox | cunning, provider, intelligence
Frog | connection with water element
| Giraffe | watchfulness, mobility
Goat | stubborn, omnivorous
| Gorilla | brute strength, adaptability
Grizzly Bear | hunter, nature's pharmacist
| Hawk | messenger, stopper of time
Hippo | linking water and earth, survival
| Hopi Hand | life, creative, healing
Horse | stamina, mobility, strength
| Hummingbird | messenger, stopper of time
Kangaroo | feisty, fun loving
| Lion | power, strength, respect
Lizard | conservation, agility
| Loon | solitude, song, romance
Manatee | peaceable, unassuming
| Mastadon | lumbering giant
Monkey | playfulness, agility
| Moose | headstrong, unstoppable, longevity
Mouse | timid, secretive, and sneaky
| Orca | focus, power
Ostrich | fickle, fast moving
| Otter | laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
Owl | wisdom, perseverance
| Panda | playful, kindness
Pegasus | ever watchful, grace
| Penguin | playful, loving
Pheasant | confidence, attraction, perseverance
| Pig | intelligence, hunger
Polar Ber | fearlessness, power
| Pterodactyl | wing finger
Quail | sacred spiral, ceremonial, Holy
| Rabbit | alertness, resourceful
Raccoon | bandit, shy, determination
| Ram | new beginning, teacher, hoarder
Raptor | speedy thief
| Raven | trickster, mischievous
Rhino | durability, strength
| Road Runner | speed, agility, cleverness
Salmon | instinct, persistence, determination
| Scorpion | defense, self-protection
Seahorse | confidence, grace
| Shark | hunter, survival
Skunk | wary, conspicuous, and intense
| Snake | shrewdness, transformation
Spider | creative, pattern of life
| Squirrel | trusting, innocence
Steer Skull | silent testimony
| Stegasaurs | the covered lizard
Swan | grace, balance, festive
| Thunderbird | caller of rain
Turkey | smart, elusive
| Turtle | self-contained creative source
Unicorn | redemption, salvation
| Water Buffalo | great strength, hard working
Whale | wisdom, power, cleanser
| Wolf | loyalty, success, perseverance
Wolf Paw | freedom, success, guidance
| Zebra | family-oriented, alert
Zuni Bear | good health
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Egyptian-Style Tea Leaf Readings
To learn how to foretell the future and get answers
and gain insight into your most urgent questions,
Egyptian-style tea leaf reading is one scrying
method that is a simple means of tapping into your
intuition and developing confidence and imagination.
It's easy to start and requires no special tools;
only a cup of tea made from loose tea leaves is needed.
Of course, you must drink the tea, as it is the
configuration of the leaves at the bottom
of the cup that is the object of divination.
When learning a new divination technique,
I suggest getting a journal and writing down
the time and date of your reading.
This way, you can refer back to it after a
period of time and re-evaluate your interpretations.
This is particulalry useful when the situation
surrounding the divination has changed.
In divination, your first gut reaction is the correct one.
It is important to trust your intuition.
Look at the leaves and go with your first instinct.
Below is a list of symbols and their meanings.
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Spell To Charge Tea With Power
Over your cup of tea, move your
hand in a clockwise direction 3 times
I am the tool you are the fire
fill this cup with all I desire.
Swirl the tea in the cup and drink it.
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Natural Herbal Relief Tea Recipes
allergy relief : nettles,licorice, ephedra, echinacea, elderflower, skullcap, eyebright, marsh mallow,thyme & rose hips
calming : linden, chamomile & motherwort
comfy nighttime: chamomile,linden, lavender, passion flower, hops, valerian, sage & mugwort
divination : lemon balm, yarrow, eyebright, mugwort, spearmint, damania, skullcap & star anise
easy breather : licorice, euclayptus, basil, thyme & echinacea
immune booster : echinacea, red clover, nettles, peppermint, mullein, yarrow & rose hips
love : damiana, raspberry leaves, chamomile, jasmine, rose hips, cinnamon & rose petals
meditation: chamomile, rose hips & elderflower
migraine: chamomile, skullcap, peppermint & pennyroyal
psychic healing: elderflower, nettle, burdock, mullein & rose hips
stomach soother: chamomile, lemon nalm, lemon verbena, cramp bark, spearmint, angelica ,catnip & yarrow
stress relief: vervain, linden, chamomile, rosemary, dandelion & jasmine
throat ease: sage, rosemary, lemon rind, echinacea & juniper berry
tranquility: elderflower, rose hips, chamomile, hops & valerian
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Women's Special Blend
You Will Need:
red raspberry leaf
rose hips peppermint
Grind all berries and large leaves
etc.. with mortar & pedestal.
Place inside a gauze or muslin bag
and steep in boiling water for 10-12
minutes according to your strength preference.
Sweeten with a bit of Clover Honey and enjoy!
All of these recipes will also work
under a hot running bath as well
to help cleanse both mind and spirit.
Just hang the filled bag under hot
running water and enjoy the sweet aroma.
You can use either of these techniques
& the coinciding recipe prior to magickal
workings as part of your
preparation/grounding ritual as well.
Just light lots of candles in the
corresponding colors and savour the moment.
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Sleepy Tea Spell
This should be performed before bedtime.
Also, this will not knock you out; it will help you drift into a peaceful sleep.
If you would like a stronger sleep herb use catnip.
You Will Need:
1 teacup
1 teapot
cinnamon sticks
2 chamomile teabags or a large tea ball filled with catnip.
1 peppermint teabag.
hot water
Boil water and place it in your teapot.
Place in your herbal teas, your cinnamon sticks, and your honey.
Add enough cinnamon sticks and honey to achieve desired flavor.
Let the tea steep for a short time.
When you are ready to drink your tea place it in your teacup.
Slowly pour the tea into your cup.
May this magickal, herbal tea grant me a peaceful nights sleep.
By the grace of the Gods, I imbue you with this power.
As you say the chant visualize the tea be empowered
by your words and doing exactly what you are saying.
When you drink the tea believe that it is working.
After you finish your tea you will begin
to slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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