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Poppet Classes
Poppet Prosperity Ritual
Poppet Magick Healing
Poppet Healing Spell
Healing With Poppets
Self Healing
Poppet Healing Spell 2
Poppet Spell
Magick Gossip Stopping Poppet
To Return Keep Your Lost Love Poppet
A Poppet to Bind an Enemy
Protection Poppet Spell

Poppet Prosperity Ritual

Moon is out and shining brightly. 

You Will Need:
1 poppet made out of green cloth, leave the head open 
chamomile for money 
rosemary for luck basil for success 
needle and thread 
Directional elementals (earth, incense for air, fire, water) 

Altar Devotion, Casting the Circle:
As you walk around the circle three times, imagine a green, 
soothing mist trailing from your fingers, 
enveloping you and enclosing your magic circle. 

I conjure the magic circle 
I am safe within the Goddess' womb 
A sacred place, a world apart 
Where enchantment births and magic starts 
With Air and Fire, Water and Earth 
I circle round the Mother's girth This circle is sealed 

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Poppet Magick Healing

There are various forms and types of this magick, 
and listed below is a basic guide and some tips 
on how to enhance your poppet spell. 
Poppet magic is extremely powerful and should be 
used with care. Most people associate poppet magic 
with Voodoo and perceive it as harmful. 
In most cases the poppets used in Wicca are used 
for positive effects such as healings, love, 
happiness and they can also be used for 
bindings (only if necessary). 
For an effective spell, you will need a 
poppet (made of natural material and it can 
be colored to enhance the spell), a photo - 
or if possible, 
something of the person's (i.e.: a lock of 
hair, fingernail etc) and any herbs, 
and gemstones needed as well. 
Sometimes ribbons are incorporated into the working too. 
When you are done casting, the poppet should not be destroyed. 
Instead give it to the person you are healing 
or if it was for yourself, keep it. 
If a binding was performed, then bury it off your property.

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Poppet Healing Spell

Take a poppet and sprinkle it liberally with blessing oil. 
Rub a perfume oil all over your hands 
and hold them over the dolls head, palms open.

You are very ill-be healed 
You will recover-be healed 
Heal! Heal! Heal! 

Now blend equal amounts of 
Rosemary perfume oil, Violet perfume oil, 
Voodoo oil and Damnation powder. 
Mix thoroughly until you have a paste. 
Completely coat the doll from top 
to bottom with this mixture 
and repeat the words given above. 
After several times, carefully wrap the 
coated doll in a piece of red cloth 
and hide it away, it must 
not be seen for several days. 
Then take the doll and burn it 
and scatter the ashes to the wind.

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Healing With Poppets

The Poppet can be used for healing purposes–in 
fact that is probably its primary use.  
The Poppet can also be used for love magic. 
The same construction method is used: two 
outlines cut from cloth, sewn together 
and marked with identifying symbols and characteristics 
(all whilst concentrating your thoughts on 
the person it represents). You should stuff 
the Poppet with the herb appropriate 
for the person’s ailment. 
If ever in doubt as to what to use, 
stuff the Poppet with Calendula 
(also called Marigold, Marybud, 
Holibud–Calendula officinalis), 
which is a cure-all. You should name the Poppet 
(as in love-magic, to symbolically represent the 
person who is to benefit from the healing spell), 
sprinkling and censing it, then lay it on the altar.  
Should you be working for someone who has had surgery, 
then make an incision in the Poppet in the appropriate place. 
Then, taking it up from the altar, concentrate on 
the healing and direct your power into 
the patient as you sew up the incision.

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Auric and/or Pranic Healing:
You can do Auric and/or Pranic healing 
using the Poppet in lieu of the actual person.
Once you have named and consecrated the 
Poppet, then anything you do to it, of course,
you do to that person.

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Self Healing
For self-healing in general, and for a head cold 
in particular, mix eucalyptus leaves, peppermint, thyme, 
and rose petals in Epsom salts and wrap in 
cheesecloth. Tie up the ends 
tightly with cord or ribbon, 
and wrap yourself in a warm robe. 
Light a candle in an aromatherapy 
burner with a little water and several 
drops of eucalyptus oil in the top. 
Place it very near your bathtub. 
Draw a steaming bath, hotter than you can 
immediately enter. Call upon the 
Goddesses of the sea— Mary, Yemaya, Isis—to heal you, 
and toss the cheesecloth sachet into the hot water. 
Inhale the eucalyptus oil scent deeply. 
Test the water, disrobe, and ease 
yourself in. Soak in the steam and relax. 
Run more hot water as needed. 
After your bath, wrap up warmly again, 
add oil to your aromatherapy burner and continue to 
inhale the eucalyptus-scented moist air as you rest.

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Poppet Healing Spell 2


You Will Need:
1 yellow candle 
calendula herb
lavender herb
rosemary herb
1 clear quartz crystal 
1 photo of the patient 
any personal articles 

Stuff the poppet with the herbs 
and place the crystal at the 
heart of the poppet.
Seal the poppet and 
do the naming ritual.
Light the candle and visualize 
the patient as being healthy and energetic.

Say 3 times:
Lavender, marigold, and rosemary
The body, soul and mind are free
Crystal of quartz, take the pain away
Whole and healed and free today
With harm to none
My will is done
So Mote It Be!

Bury the poppet on the same day.

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Poppet Spell

Eliminate doubt.

Cast this spell when the Moon is in Gemini 
or Capricorn.  Month of August. 
Waning moons.  On bright, sunlit days.

You Will Need:
1 piece of paper
1 gray crayon
1 bright crayon (orange or yellow)
1 item that represents you

On the left side of the paper write 
in gray the word “doubt”, 
and draw a cloud over the word. 
On the right side, use the bright crayon 
to draw a sun with the 
word “assurance” underneath it. 
Then lay the paper before you, placing 
the symbol of self on the left side 
slowly while repeating the phrase.

From doubt to certainty, light to mark my way.
Misgivings be gone, I’m seizing the day.

Move the stone across the page until 
it sets firmly on the word “assurance”.
Next, take a deep breath and tear away 
the left side of the paper, releasing 
your breath as you finish tearing. 
Burn that side to literally destroy 
you doubt. 
Wrap the remaining paper around the 
stone or object and carry it to encourage confidence every day.

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Magick Gossip Stopping Poppet

You Will Need:
black felt, Needle
Using black felt, a needle and thread, 
and stuffing, make a simple poppet to represent the offender.
Cut a slit into the fabric for a mouth 
and stuff it well with slippery elm.
Sew the mouth shut with a six-stranded 
piece of purple embroidery floss. As you sew...

Your mouth is closed. You cannot speak
To gossip, slander, or havoc wreak.
Your mouth stay shut, but only ’til
It speaks of friendship and good will.

Place the poppet in a box. Stuff the box 
with paper to force the poppet’s face into a corner.
Leaving the poppet as such removes 
the offender’s urge to gossip.

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To Return Keep Your Lost Love Poppet

You Will Need:
You must use any 3 or more of these love herbs: 
rose petals, 
strawberry leaves, 
jasmine or 
rose or 
jasmine oil

These poppets are to represent you and him/her. 
With any sympathetic Magick what is done to 
the poppets is done to the lovers. 
A poppet is a specially constructed cloth doll. 
It is a simple rough figure from 2 pieces of 
cloth. While cutting the cloth, 
concentrate on who it will represent. 
It may then be worked on further with 
embroidering it with facial features, special 
characteristics such as a beard, moustache, 
long hair, etc. Even astrological signs 
and the person's name can be embroidered 
onto the doll to help symbolize who it represents. 
Sew the figure leaving the top open. The 
figure should then be stuffed with the 
appropriate herbs again concentrating on the person. 
(These herbs are ruled by Venus) Along with the 
love herbs; .add to your lover's poppet, 
some of your moon-blood (a powerful option), 
some of your pubic hair and some of your 
underarm hair (don't shave your armpits 
for a few days if this spell is to work well!) 
The top may then be sewn closed. The two 
figures must be prepared this way. One 
representing each of the lovers. 
Now name the figures as you hold them 
focusing on the intent of the spell - 
him/her returning to you. 

Your name is...  You are now his/her/my... true essence. 

Bind the figures face to face with red ribbon or thread. 
Now "put them to bed" in small box and keep safe. 
Each day at the same time exactly.
Dress a red candle with rose or jasmine oil 
or even olive oil massaging it in from the ends 
to the middle to imbue it as a tool 
of Magick with your personal Magick and energy.  
Also you may have both your names inscribed 
on it inside a heart shape 
(with a sharp pin) and burn it 
for 15 minutes holding the poppets.  
Focusing on your ex-lover and willing him 
to return thinking of all the loving 
times you have spent together 
and picturing in your mind you both together. 
Holding the bound poppets high up over 
the candle so the poppets get warm 
a little but do not get too hot. 

I melt your heart as I melt this wax __name__ even as this wax flows, 
So your love glows stronger for me I melt your heart as I melt this wax. 
Even as this wax flows, 
So your love flows back stronger to me, 
I melt your heart as I melt this wax Even as this wax flows. 
So you are reminded of all your love for me I melt your heart as I melt this wax, 
And by fire of love and it's molten flow. 
Return __name__ and your love for me show. 
I call __name__ back to (your) __name__ so mote it be! 

Say last line 3x3 times.

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A Poppet to Bind an Enemy

You Will Need:
a poppet to represent the person you wish to bind
patchouli leaves
charcoal block 
black candle
red ribbonw
white cloth 

Make a poppet to represent the person you wish to bind. 
Burn patchouli leaves and frankincense on a charcoal block. 
Light a black candle and pass the poppet 
through the incense smoke saying: 
Hecate, great Goddess of life and death, I ask you to 
acknowledge that this Creation of cloth be known 
as Flesh and blood of.(name). 
Wrap the poppet tightly in red ribbon, paying 
close attention to the area you wish to bind,
i.e.: the genitals of a rapist, the mouth 
of a slanderer. As you wrap, 

Between the worlds in Hecate's eyes you (name) 
are bound powerless In the eyes of 
this world, you are harmless. 
Imagine a heavy net made from a white light. 
Imagine the net clinging to the poppet. 
Wrap it in a piece of white cloth and bury it 
close to the person's house. (or by the ocean 
and bid the sea to bless it)

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Protection Poppet Spell

You Will Need:
1 piece of paper
1 gray crayon
1 bright crayon (orange-yellow)

Month of August. Waning moons. On bright, sunlit days. 
Gather a piece or paper, one gray crayon, 
one bright crayon (orange-yellow is good), 
matches, and a small item to represent 
yourself (perhaps a pebble).  On the left side 
of the paper write in gray the word "doubt", 
and draw a cloud over the word. 
On the right side, use the bright crayon 
to draw a sun with the 
word "assurance" underneath it. 
Then lay the paper before you, placing 
the symbol of self on the left side. 
Slowly, while repeating the phrase, 
"From doubt to certainty, light to 
mark my way. Misgivings be gone, 
I'm seizing the day."
Move the stone across the page until 
it sets firmly on the word "assurance". 
Next, take a deep breath and tear away 
the left side of the paper, 
releasing your breath as you finish tearing. 
Burn that side to literally destroy you doubt. 
Wrap the remaining paper around the stone or 
object and carry it to encourage confidence every day.

Poppet Classes
Poppet Prosperity Ritual
Poppet Magick Healing
Poppet Healing Spell
Healing With Poppets
Self Healing
Poppet Healing Spell 2
Poppet Spell
Magick Gossip Stopping Poppet
To Return Keep Your Lost Love Poppet
A Poppet to Bind an Enemy
Protection Poppet Spell

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