Classroom SectionMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeFeng Shui ClassesWhat is Feng Shui
The Feng Shui IQ Test
The Theory Behind Feng Shui
Spring Cleaning with Feng Shui
How to Feng Shui your House for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity
Yin and Yang and Feng Shui
Who Practices Feng Shui?
20 Ways to Benefit from Feng Shui
The Most Important Feng Shui For Office Desk Rules
The Theory Behind Feng Shui
What Feng Shui Is Not
Feng Shui and Pets
Feng Shui Tips
What is Feng Shui
You're not an idiot if you're confused about
feng shui (pronounced fung schway).
This ancient Chinese tradition has bulldozed its way into the
West, becoming the craze du jour. It seems everyone is either
doing it or dissing it. Feng shui articles, books, entire magazines,
complete schools, and comprehensive websites have crowded the market.
Some of these offer advice and varied techniques far removed from
the real thing. They all seek to cash in while misleading
the unsuspecting, taking full advantage before the uninformed
consumer wises up and begins to question the myriad
inconsistencies. Actually, this dilution of the classic
tradition can be likened to playing "telephone.
Remember that childhood game? One kid whispers a sentence
into the next kid's ear. Something like, "My 50-foot
alligator lives in a black lagoon. By the time the sentence
reaches the end of the line of kids, it may have become,
"My pin-striped crocodile swims in a pink polka-dot pool.
Get the idea? This book will avoid such silliness and present
to you a clear, concise explanation of feng shui.
Let's get started by taking a little quiz.
The Feng Shui IQ Test:
Before you learn what feng shui actually is (and what it isn't),
let's test your feng shui IQ. For each of these questions,
pick the answer you believe is correct.
(Hint: Some questions may have more than one correct answer.)
Don't worry, your grades won't be sent home to Mom!
1. What is feng shui?
a. A specialty of Chinese cuisine
b. The study of time and space
c. A belief system of warding off evil spirits using mirrors
2. You should always sleep with your head pointed north.
a. True
b. False
3. Which instruments are used by a feng shui practitioner?
a. A smudge stick
b. Crystals
c. A compass
4. You're practicing good feng shui when you:
a. Open the window to let fresh air in
b. Hang a mirror in a small room
c. Hang a wind chime in your entrance
5. Which sort of house promotes a more healthful well-being?
a. A house made of bricks
b. A house built on a level lot
c. A house built on a hilltop
6. You and your significant other have submitted an offer on a new house.
At the last minute, you discover the previous two sets of owners divorced
while living in the dwelling. Do you withdraw your offer?
a. Yes
b. No
7. You should always keep toilet lids down so your money qi
(pronounced chee) won't flush away.
a. True
b. False
8. Feng shui can help you:
a. Find love and romance
b. Increase your earning potential
c. Gain fame and respect
9. The object of feng shui is to activate your
fame, marriage, children, helpful people,
career, knowledge, family, and wealth qi sectors
within your home.
a. True
b. False
10. Feng shui is practiced by:
a. Individuals like yourself
b. Major corporations
c. The Asian population
Feng Shui IQ Answers:
1. b, 2. b, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. b, 8. all of the above,
9. b, 10. all of the above. So, how did you do?
Did the correct answers surprise you?
Or maybe you feel more confused than ever.
Don't worrywe'll tell you everything you
need to know to understand Feng Shui.
It's time to embark on a unique journey
that will change the way you view the world.
Let's start by discussing what feng shui isn't.
The Theory Behind Feng Shui
Feng Shui is other than simply rearranging furnishings,
it's a routine. And lifestyles require mindsets or
concepts that are dominant. Feng Shui experts simply
say no to a number of things with no reason.
Nearly all of the things they do come with a
line of reasoning that might not necessarily
be embraced by many people.
However, it is still a point of view that amongst
other things, need cautious contemplation and thought.
So what are the thoughts that prevail on the onset
of Feng Shui? Here are just some of these common
concepts that a Feng Shui enthusiast
or researcher could find useful.
Sense of Stability:
The number one thing that Feng Shui promotes is stability.
This equilibrium comes in several forms, in the color
layout, in the spatial factors up to the numbers that
concern your working space or environment.
The equilibrium is further promoted by the five Earth
elements of Feng Shui and the bagua, which is designed
symmetrically and with complete reference to the different
elements of the earth by Feng Shui principles.
The standards of Feng Shui is made customized
in every person, but it all boils down to having
the correct sets of things that supplement
and balance each other out.
Sense of Positivity
A sense of positivity is also what Feng Shui promotes.
Positive energy is the detail largely sought after by
people who try to get the services of Feng Shui
consultants. This positivism needs to be maintained.
On the other hand, it wards off all the forms of
negative energy that may possibly come in a
particular space. This is why there are gems
that assist cure the bad luck in a particular place,
specially those which have been established
without assistance of Feng Shui.
A Natural Leaning for Beauty and the effects that Promote
Its Beauty in symmetry and symmetry in beauty is one of
the foundation concepts of Feng Shui. It appeals to the
physically inviting, and furthermore adheres to fighting
for beauty and balance in things.
Feng Shui, in some ways, is a celebration of beauty
in design and other physical elements of the space being designed.
Love for Your Environment:
Feng Shui promotes the conscientious contemplation
of the environment before establishing places.
Good Feng Shui compliments the elements of the earth
and makes the Feng Shui aficionado more watchful of their
surroundings. They don't merely work instantly in any
oppressive place, but strive to eradicate
any existing negativities in the surroundings.
Love for Self:
The love for self is also promoted by Feng Shui.
You will perceive energy based on what normally feels
good to you. Love for self involves not subjecting yourself
to oppressive places or harboring negative energies that
can be counter-productive to your diverse activities.
Dreaming Big And Making The Atmosphere Jive With That Dream:
In conclusion, Feng Shui is more anchored on the
greater scheme of things. When you have a vision
and you propose to execute it in various ways,
the best way to begin is to have an environment
that embraces those dreams. If you dream big
and work hard, but your environment cancels all
the things that you are striving for, it will be a
exceedingly demanding task for you.
Feng Shui ensures that there is alignment linking
the things you want and the things that are
manifested in the objects you see day after day.
Spring Cleaning with Feng Shui
If you are striving to improve your health,
do get rid of all the items that are cluttering
and blocking the energy flow in your
kitchen (especially your cupboards and the freezer)
The state of your kitchen is the state of your health,
so do yourself a favor and
thoroughly clean that kitchen!
De-clutter the refrigerator;
clean the stove and all the pots and pans.
If you would like to welcome a new relationship into
your life, make space, and I mean actual, physical
space, for this new person to be in your home.
You literally have to create an open, free flow
of energy in your physical space so that your
life can attract and manifest more of what you
are looking for. This applies to all aspects
of your Life.
How to Feng Shui your House for
Health, Happiness, and Prosperity
The general idea of feng shui is to attract chi,
which is a positive energy force, into your house
and keep it there. It enters (and
exits) through doors, windows, and other openings
such as chimneys, vents, and even plumbing.
Chi is greatly enhanced by positive
feelings from within yourself. It likes clean, organized,
and open spaces that flow well from one room to another,
and prefers having a good view from any particular point.
Chi is also attracted to living things: Plants, pets, and wildlife.
So the first and most important thing you need
to do is eliminate clutter. This can be a big project
for some of us! But it is critical. Dedicate a
Saturday to cleaning your house up and throwing
things out. Do not designate a clutter room or
closet, as everything that you know about the
Chi also knows about - there is no hiding from
it. Once the clutter is gone you can move on
to strategic decorating and arrangement of furniture.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeYin and Yang and Feng Shui
So what do yin and yang have to do with feng shui?
A lot. If yin and yang aren't balanced in your
environment, their imbalance can produce unwanted
emotional and physical effects. We have many clients
who complain of fatigue, depression,
and lack of motivation. Generally,
these people spend much time in dark places.
Conversely, we have clients who live in bright,
sun-filled homes, offering no relief from the
sun's intensity. Is it any surprise these clients
complain of headaches? Much of feng shui relies
on plain old common sense. If a room is dark,
add more light. If a room is overly bright,
add window blinds or curtains. If a room is stuffy,
open the window. If it's too warm or too cool,
adjust the thermostat. This is the easy stuff.
Yet, life is not always easy. Feng shui is here
to help us confront and overcome the difficulties.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeWho Practices Feng Shui?
Interior designer, architect, or landscaper.
Nor a philosopher, scientist, or celebrity.
In fact, there are no prerequisites to
practicing feng shui. Yet, this is not
to say that feng shui practitioners
don't share common traits. They do.
Generally Feng Shui Practitioners:
Have an open mind.
Are willing to try alternative forms of therapy.
Believe that the world
and its peoples are interconnected.
Believe in God or a Higher Power.
Believe harmony and balance
are essential to our well-being.
Believe in a sense of fate or destiny.
Feng shui practitioners are global.
They transcend cultural, racial,
economic, and political barriers.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness Home20 Ways to Benefit from Feng Shui
1. Getting a job, raise, or promotion
2. Improving health
3. Getting married
4. Getting pregnant or preventing miscarriages
5. Guarding against separations or divorce
6. Increasing motivation
7. Creating more harmonious family/work relationships
8. Developing better study habits
9. Increasing creativity
10. Feeling more in control
11. Feeling more comfortable in your home/office
12. Eliminating depression
13. Stimulating social life
14. Spurring better business
15. Preventing lawsuits or malicious influences
16. Preventing accidents
17. Finding an apartment, home, or business
18. Warding off addictions
19. Promoting better sleep
20. Bringing respect and fame
Even if you feel your life is on track,
practicing feng shui is fun. Get involved.
Enlist your friends and family.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeThe Most Important Feng Shui For Office Desk Rules
A solid wooden desk is preferable.
Wood is conducive to a natural flow of chi.
A glass-topped desk speeds up the flow of chi
and helps you work fast. However, this more yang
surface is not suitable for projects that need patience
and long hours to complete. According to feng shui,
glass topped desk also lets your money and business
"fall through the desk, finding no support.
An ideal feng shui office desk features full front
and side panels. The longer the panels the better.
From the five feng shui animals, side panels
represented by tiger and dragon, guard and protect
every step of your career.
The phoenix at front lets your career move forward.
Feng shui recommends to rectangular shape
of your desk so that it's balanced and
complete (no missing areas)
Top feng shui for office desk advice:
For the best career achievement,
an executive style desk made of
solid wood is your best choice.
What is the best feng shui color for your office desk?
Darker wood colors (mahogany)are more yang
and create more official, serious '
or formal atmosphere in your office.
Lighter wood colors are more yin
and create more relaxed and light atmosphere in your office.
Feng shui for office and business Golden Rules:
Don't store more than nine objects for everyday use
( phone, computer, lamp.)on your office desk .
Make sure their placements correspond to the bagua map.
Keep your desk clutter free and organized at all times.
Clean the way for prosperity energy to come your way.
Use bagua to set up your feng shui office desk.
Your phone should be in the Wealth area of the desk
(far back left corner). Phone in this feng shui
area is more likely to ring with business '
and bring good deals in. You can place nice
purple crystal on golden stand next to your
phone to attract even more money flow.
If you use computer to generate money for your business
(web design, stock broker.) keep it in the wealth area
instead of the telephone. Make sure it
doesn't block your office door view.
Place your desk lamp in your fame area.
It will activate good future career options
as well as improve your reputation.
If it's not suitable, use a small plant with
red flower or pot, which will greatly stabilize
your career and reputation. Lucky Trees are our
recommended option as many of them are easy to
take care of, good size even for your office
desk or other stands and have important feng
shui characteristics (round leaves, color flowers....
We don't have to mention that they are really
beautiful and powerful feng shui
cure for your office.
To fully activate helpful people keep your black
computer mouse or tape black under an office desk
in feng shui Career area. If you are creative person
(designer, architect. ) keep your computer
in the feng shui creativity area.
Simply do the best matchup. I think you get it by now..
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeThe Theory Behind Feng Shui
Feng Shui is other than simply rearranging furnishings,
it's a routine. And lifestyles require mindsets or concepts
that are dominant. Feng Shui experts simply say no to a
number of things with no reason. Nearly all of the things
they do come with a line of reasoning that might not
necessarily be embraced by many people.
However, it is still a point of view that amongst other things,
need cautious contemplation and thought. So what are the
thoughts that prevail on the onset of Feng Shui? Here are
just some of these common concepts that a Feng Shui
enthusiast or researcher could find useful.
Sense of Stability:
The number one thing that Feng Shui promotes is stability.
This equilibrium comes in several forms,
in the color layout, in the spatial factors up to
the numbers that concern your working space or
environment. The equilibrium is further promoted
by the five Earth elements of Feng Shui and the
bagua, which is designed symmetrically and with
complete reference to the different elements of
the earth by Feng Shui principles. The standards
of Feng Shui is made customized in every person,
but it all boils down to having the correct sets
of things that supplement and balance each other out.
Sense of Positivity:
A sense of positivity is also what Feng Shui promotes.
Positive energy is the detail largely sought after by
people who try to get the services of Feng Shui
consultants. This positivism needs to be maintained.
On the other hand, it wards off all the forms of
negative energy that may possibly come in a particular
space. This is why there are gems that assist cure
the bad luck in a particular place, specially those
which have been established without assistance of Feng Shui.
A Natural Leaning for Beauty and the effects that Promote It:
Beauty in symmetry and symmetry in beauty is one
of the foundation concepts of Feng Shui.
It appeals to the physically inviting,
and furthermore adheres to fighting for beauty
and balance in things. Feng Shui, in some ways,
is a celebration of beauty in design and other
physical elements of the space being designed.
Love for Your Environment:
Feng Shui promotes the conscientious contemplation
of the environment before establishing places.
Good Feng Shui compliments the elements of the earth
and makes the Feng Shui aficionado more watchful of
their surroundings. They don't merely work instantly
in any oppressive place, but strive to eradicate
any existing negativities in the surroundings.
Love for Self:
The love for self is also promoted by Feng Shui.
You will perceive energy based on what normally
feels good to you. Love for self involves not
subjecting yourself to oppressive places or harboring
negative energies that can be counter-productive
to your diverse activities.
Dreaming big and making the atmosphere jive with that dream:
In conclusion, Feng Shui is more anchored on the
greater scheme of things. When you have a vision
and you propose to execute it in various ways,
the best way to begin is to have an environment
that embraces those dreams. If you dream big and
work hard, but your environment cancels all the
things that you are striving for, it will be a
exceedingly demanding task for you.
Feng Shui ensures that there is alignment linking
the things you want and the things that are
manifested in the objects you see day after day.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeWhat Feng Shui Is Not
From the many questions we receive from readers,
clients, and students, there is great confusion
about the different schools of feng shui:
"They all conflict. "Which one is right?
"How do I activate my wealth corner? "Where
is my wealth corner? To address these concerns,
we have added information to this
chapterinformation that will help you
separate fact from falsehood; information
that will help set you on
the proper feng shui path.
Unfortunately, feng shui is plagued with many misconceptions.
Largely steeped in myth and superstition,
a discriminating feng shui enthusiast can
easily learn to distinguish faux from
authentic schools of feng shui by a
number of telltale factors.
Here are some attributes associated with faux schools of feng shui:
They are often linked with Life Aspirations or Black Sect
(also known as Black Hat Sect Tantric Buddhist feng shui) theory.
Developed during the 1970s and 1980s respectively,
these commercialized schools are referred to as "modern or "Western
schools of feng shui.
They divide a home into eight "life aspirations
or eight "life stations of career, knowledge,
family, wealth, fame, marriage, children, and
helpful people.
They use the location of the front door to determine
the orientation of the eight life aspirations/stations.
See the following figures
(Life Aspirations theory and Black Sect theory).
They match each of the five phases of qi (fire,
earth, metal, water, and wood) with its affiliated
direction. Stated another way, fire "activates
the southern fame aspiration/station; earth
activates the northeastern knowledge and southwestern
marriage sectors; metal activates the western
'children and northwestern helpful people sectors;
water activates the northern career sector;
and wood activates the eastern family
and southeastern wealth sectors.
They also use "cures such as mirrors, crystals, bamboo
flutes, red ribbons, and statues or sculptures of fu dogs,
frogs, and cats, among other things, to "activate the
eight life aspirations/stations. Statements like
"A mirror will help to ward off evil
spirits, "A fish tank placed in the north will
bring prosperity, or "Hanging bells inside your
door will ring in joy and happiness are
commonplace among these schools.
It's a pity these inaccuracies have clouded
the nature of feng shui. In fact, these
widespread assumptions have made the practice seem
like a fad reserved for the gullible and eccentric.
As you get further along into this book,
you'll understand how these misrepresentations
have never been part of classical feng shui.
For example, 2 + 2 = 4, correct?
Could you be convinced otherwise?
Surely not.
Just to set the record straight, feng shui is not
a charming Eastern philosophy grounded
in superstition. It is not a religion,
nor does it derive from any religion. Feng shui does
not provide elixirs or cure-alls for your problems.
It is not magic. It is not a New Age discovery.
Feng shui will not reduce your wrinkles,
zap your fat, or help you win the lottery.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeFeng Shui and Pets
If you are a pet lover and also want to have a
beautiful home that you enjoy being in,
this article is for you!
Let me be clear, this article is for the humans
side of this equation.Your pets don't need
feng shui-ing' they are perfect as they are!
(Except, of course, keeping their cages and
living spaces clean.) We all know our pets
would be happy sleeping on an old towel as
long as they can be by our side.
As a Feng Shui Consultant, Interior Designer
and an avid pet lover myself, I have helped
many a client figure our how they can
co-habitate with their furry better half's
without their place looking and smelling
like an animal shelter. With a little
planning and effort, you and your beloved
four legged's can successfully share
a space where the needs of all parties are met!
Furniture Coverings:
Are you one of those people who has lovely furniture
but it is all covered up by the unattractive
and un- matching pet blankets? Training your
pets to not jump up on furniture is a subject
for pet behaviorists, however, if you do allow
them on the furniture, with a little planning
you can enjoy looking at your nice furniture
and take care of the pet fur issue as well.
Here are some ideas on how to do so.
Order Slip Covers along with additional
material in the same fabric.
If you will be purchasing new sofa and chairs,
Pottery Barn and other stores have furniture with
a canvass base where you choose your slip cover.
Choose medium blue denim or any of the other
washable fabrics. It is best to match the color
of your pets, i.e. darker fabrics for darker coats, etc.
Medium blue denim worked well for me when
I had multiple pets. Order extra yardage and
ask them if they will do a special order as well.
This will consist of sewing two sets of arm covers
and two sets of seat and back covers in the same
fabric as the slip cover. Add an extra 12 inches
for seat and back to allow for shrinkage. If they
won't do it, order the extra fabric and hem
them yourself. Most dry cleaners also
have sewing services available.
You can then wash the slipcover monthly
(because this is more of a pain) and change the seat,
back and arm covers once or twice a week as needed.
One always goes in the washer when the other
replaces it. I had nine feral rescue kitties at one
point and this method worked wonderfully. I always
had attractive furniture to look at, and could always
replace a furry seat with a clean one when needed.
When company came I would remove all the covers and
just have the slipcover showing. Everything was in
the same fabric creating a neat and coordinated look.
I had to be diligent about vacuuming and cleaning
more often, but was committed to having a place
that I could enjoy as much as my pets.
If you are going to use your same furniture,
find washable throws in solid colors that match
your furniture. Costco has great fleece throws
in solid colors that work wonderfully. Ross
and T.J. Maxx are other great resources for these.
Purchase enough of them to successfully cover the
seats and backs so that you have one extra set that
is in the wash while you are using the other.
If you furniture with patterned fabric, choose
one color within the pattern that is more neutral
and stick to this. Avoid the loud reds and yellows.
This will bring a uniform look to the room that will
appear planned and purposefully arranged.
If you are a seamstress, do it yourself.
Find a washable fabric that matches a color
in your pattern, measure the seat, back and
arms allowing 12 more for shrinkage
and sew two pairs of each as described
in the slip cover section above.
Select Pet Beds in Colors that Match Your Furniture:
If you have large dogs it is ideal to train them to go to
their special bed and not the furniture. Find a bed that
matches your color scheme in a neutral color with a
neutral pattern, not something loud and busy.
(Remember, this is for you to enjoy looking at,
your pet could care less as long as they are near you!)
Make sure the cover is washable and easy to take off.
Commit to washing it weekly so that you and your pets
can enjoy a clean looking and clean smelling home.
This attractive dog sofa matches the pets coat and
adds to the docor of the room as well.
If you sleep with your pets in the room, Costco has
inexpensive large dog beds that can be stored under
the bed during the day and pulled out at night.
This way you are not tripping on them during the
day and everyone has a space to cozy up at night.
If you have a little extra money you can purchase
attractive pet sofas, as shown here. These raise
the bar and allow you to have a room that is both
fashionable and pet friendly where everyone has
their own attractive place to perch.
This attractive Dog crate by Denhaus Dog Furniture
serves as an end table and a comfortable
space for your pet to be.
If your dog is crate trained (I will not go into the
pro's and cons of this, but will leave it to the experts)
you can purchase attractive crates that will look like
a piece of furniture and add to rather than detract
from your décor. They are pricey but are quite
beautiful and run about what you would
pay for a nice end table.
Find Rugs that Match the Colors of your Pet's coat:
For easier cleaning, it is ideal if you have wood
floors rather than carpeting. If you are a renter
I realize you don't have a choice. If this is the case,
choose area rugs that can be cleaned in areas pets
spend most of their time and put them over the carpeting.
Sanchez and Gina's coats match the area rug and carpet choices.
My friend Lisa Spector (pictured above with her
beloved dogs Gina and Sanchez) is also a pet
blogger with Care2 and has Yellow and Black Labs.
Your pets will always gravitate to your favorite rugs,
so choose colors that match their coats
and the hair will not show as much.
If you own your home and are choosing carpeting,
match your animals coats to the new carpeting
if possible. I chose a golden color carpet to
match my beloved golden retriever and didn't
have to vacuum as much. (Of course you run
into the problem of stepping on them on occasion
because they are so well disguised!)
In redoing Lisa's loft, we chose a patterned
area rug with cream colors, blacks and browns
which covered all bases, as you can see from
the photo of Lisa's dogs, Sanchez and Gina.
Cat Boxes:
One of the dilemmas in working with my clients
is where to put the cat box for indoor cats.
Here are some tips for these tricky necessities.
Wicker Cat Boxes from Solutions Catalog are
attractive and can be placed anywhere appropriate
1. Do not put them in the bathtub! It is
unsanitary and unsightly,
and humans won't enjoy being in the space.
2. If you do not have an attractive cover,
find a place preferably out of sight such
as the laundry room, garage or in a closet.
3. If it must be in the bathroom or somewhere
where you can see it, have a nice looking cover
and a mat surrounding it to catch the litter.
Solutions Catalog has attractive cat box covers
that are made of laminated wicker so that they
can't claw them. You can also purchase a piece
of furniture for the bathroom that doubles as
a cat box cover. The good news about these is
you can take it with you when you move.
4. If you own your home cut a small opening in
a bathroom cupboard, insert a small cat door,
and put the cat box in there. This allows for
easy cleaning by simply opening the door,
and everything vanishes from view!
5. Make sure to get odor free and pet-friendly
kitty litter that is also environmentally
friendly and clean it often.
6. Address Pet Smells
Feng Shui is about creating a warm
and inviting space that we love being in.
It also acknowledges our intimate
connection to all things.
Our home should be a place where we feel
proud of entertaining friends and family.
If we are ashamed of our space because it
has been over run by our pets, we are not
honoring ourselves.This impacts our lives
and everyone we are close to including
pets, family and friends.
When we live with pets we often cannot
smell them anymore. Ask a friend who
will tell you the truth if your house
smells like your pets. If you are
wondering why your friends make excuses
to not come to your home, it may be because
they can't stand the unpleasant pet
odor and are afraid of offending you.
You owe it to yourself to find out
the truth and take care of the problem.
If this is the case you may want to purchase
a good air purifier. Find one that does not
need replacement filters but uses washable
ones. I used one by Ecoquest International
for my home when I had nine rescue kitties
and it took all pet smells away. It also
kills mold and air-borne germs. I am sure
there are other good ones, but I found the
less expensive ones were useless after 6 months.
A very inexpensive way to eliminate odors
is to have a large pan of water with sliced
lemons in it heating on a hot plate. However,
if you go away and leave it and the water
evaporates it will be dangerous. Try for a
good air purifier, you will use it for the
rest of your life and it is well worth the
investment. It will also help those who are
allergic to animals and those
who have breathing problems.
Pet stores will also have good cleaners to
take out pet smells. If you have one you
can recommend please share it with
us in the comments section.
Scratching Posts:
If your cats are shredding the furniture,
you will want to nip this in the bud.
I have found keeping a water spray bottle
close at hand when they scratch will curb
this behavior. You will also want to get
them a scratching post where they can
sharpen their claws. These eco friendly
posts can be found on line under eco
friendly cat supplies. They are also much
more attractive than the huge carpeted
ones that cannot be cleaned successfully and shred.
Safety Issues:
A big part of Feng Shui deals with safety
issues in the home. When you are constantly
tripping over pet toys, it is a safety hazard
for you, your family and guests who come over.
Get an attractive basket large enough to handle
all toys and commit to gathering them up
frequently and putting them back where they belong.
Make sure all toxic chemicals and cleaners are
stored safely away from pets and children,
or better yet, eliminate them all together.
Replace all of your cleaning solutions with
green ones that are pet and children friendly.
Advanced Generation has a good line of cleaning
products that you may want to look into.
You also want to make sure all pet beds
are out of the main walking paths so that
people are not constantly tripping on them.
Just like people, pets will naturally
gravitate towards being in the power position,
which is where they can see the action
from where their bed is, have a wall for
protection behind them and not have their
back to the door. Your pets will instinctively
not feel secure in the space if they are run
into constantly, and will have an aversion
to spending time in their bed.
Smaller Pets:
If we have fish, hamsters, birds, mice,
snakes and other reptiles as pets, their
cages and tanks must be clean at all times
and attractive to look at. All of our
beloved creatures on the planet deserve to
be honored, loved and taken care of so make
sure their cages are large enough for them
and filled with objects that will keep them
occupied, engaged and happy. Beware of keeping
small pets in children's rooms. They can be
too easily neglected and are often disturbing
to children's sleep if they are nocturnal.
Deal With Separation Anxiety:
If you have a puppy that chews through furniture
when you are away, my friend and pet blogger
Lisa Spector, a Juilliard graduate, concert
pianist, and Canine Music expert has developed
a CD series that has been clinically demonstrated
to calm the canine nervous system. It helps them
stay calm and quiet and alleviates separation anxiety.
Her CD's are wonderful, I love listening to them
myself and I play them for my cats when I am gone.
I come home to a totally Zen house that is in
the same order I left it. You can find these
wonderful CD's of Lisa's at
You and your pets can live in harmony with
a little effort. You owe it to yourself to
create a space that not only accommodates
your beloved pets but also honors you and
your own need to have a home that
you enjoy spending time in!
Erica Sofrina is a motivational speaker,
author and life coach specializing in
connecting people to their spiritual
essence. She is also an Internationally
recognized Feng Shui speaker, teacher
and the author of the book Small Changes,
Dynamic Results! Feng Shui for the Western
World and the Founder of the West Coast
Academy of Feng Shui. Erica is the founder
of Earth Spirit Adventure Travel, which
takes people on retreats to powerful
energy vortexes such as Bali and Hawaii
to facilitate their deep earth/spirit connection.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeFeng Shui TipsTip:
I got positively bubbly when I saw that today
is Bathtub Party Day.' And then I got even
giddier when I remembered a recipe for a power
packed bath that brings gifts of luxury,
opulence and comfort, as well as harmony
in romantic and other relationships!
This bath comes from South American shamans
who share it in the hopes that your wishes
and dreams will come true. Add a pinch of
cinnamon, a handful of pink rose petals
(from roses with the thorns removed)
and a handful of marigolds to a tub
filled with water. If you're looking for
power or self-confidence, simply add a
handful of mango leaves as well as some
coltsfoot, comfrey or mint to a warm
water soak. Remember to steep all ingredients
in hot water for about an hour
and when cooled, add to your waiting bath water.
Totally immerse in or pour the water over yourself
and ask the spirits of the plants to invest
you with their own energy and empower
you with their bath blessings!
If you live in Farmington, Maine, then chances
are pretty high that you've heard of the inventor
of earmuffs, especially since you celebrate him
with a parade every year on this Chester Greenwood Day.'
Greenwood actually invented the ear protectors at the
age of 15 when he reportedly came up with the idea as
a way to keep his own ears warm while ice skating.
But what if the ache in the ear isn't caused by
the cold at all? Actually, an earache is generally
an infection of the middle ear, usually resulting
from either a cold or flu. It goes without saying
that if any ache or pain persists anywhere on your
body then you need to see a qualified professional.
And if your ear is draining or discharging liquid
material, you need to see a doctor immediately.
However, if you determine that medical care is
not required, you can fill the affected ear
with three drops of warmed garlic oil. Simply
rub a softgel between your hands until the oil
is warmed, then puncture it and pour the liquid
into the ear. Finish by plugging the affected
ear with a cotton ball or puff. Do this three
or four times a day and the earache should ease
considerably, as this remedy is known for it's
fast relief! Garlic oil and a puff
and poof! the earache disappears!
If you need to relax, add Water energy to
your home. Fountains, the color black,
aquariums, and wavy patterns symbolize Water.
The precious gem most associated with
this month of November is the venerable
and mysterious topaz. This stone has
been a body adornment for at least
2000 years and has been called one
of the precious gemstones that formed
the foundations of the twelve gates to
the Holy City of Jerusalem. These stones
are often referred to as apocalyptic'
in their nature since they are believed
to hold miraculously protective powers.
It has long been believed that when worn
with this same intent, the topaz can keep
anyone safe from enemies. In the realm of
mystery and mysticism, the topaz contains
a cooling or antiseptic effect while also
being said to be able to dispel sadness
and anger. It's also said that simply
sleeping with a topaz close or next to the
skin can relieve nighttime fears. Some
legend goes so far to share that a man
who wears a topaz will grow more handsome
and intelligent while a woman will become
much more fertile and happy. Handsomer,
smarter, fertile and happy?
Get thee to a jeweler!
At a time of year when the tune Over the River
and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House We
Go' runs through everyone's head as they
scramble off to distant destinations,
today's Go For A Ride Day' energies
couldn't be more apropos. So let's address
an automobile agenda before stuffing that
last piece of luggage into an already
overcrowded trunk, and look at ways of
making driving a far more pleasant experience
than you might think. First, never leave
clutter in the car. Treat this traveling
space as you would your own home,
and realize that clutter in the car contributes
to chaos on the road. It's essential that
the center of the vehicle remain clean
and clear, as this space relates to the
health of driver and passengers, reason enough
to pull over the minivan and pull out the
Mini-Vac! These next middle-of-the-car
energies will bring your driving the
middle of the road to a smooth and
flowing agenda. Add ten drops of
lemon essential oil to an atomizer
bottle filled with spring or distilled
water and spritz the inside of the car.
This will help cleanse the more obvious
odors while also bringing a bright,
sunny scent to your driving experience.
Finally, hanging a small and round faceted
quartz crystal on nine or 18 inches of red
string from the rearview mirror will pump
protective energies, and make sure that
everyone arrives at Grandmother's house
safe and sound and ready for a big slice
of her homemade apple pie!
Feng Shui ClassesWhat is Feng Shui
The Feng Shui IQ Test
The Theory Behind Feng Shui
Spring Cleaning with Feng Shui
How to Feng Shui your House for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity
Yin and Yang and Feng Shui
Who Practices Feng Shui?
20 Ways to Benefit from Feng Shui
The Most Important Feng Shui For Office Desk Rules
The Theory Behind Feng Shui
What Feng Shui Is Not
Feng Shui and Pets
Feng Shui Tips