Garden ClassesA Goddess Garden
How To Dry Roses
A Garden Of Meaning
The Top 10 Things I learned From My Garden
Moon Planting
Moon Garden
Grow A Seed Spell
Helpful Hints for Gardens
Grape Vine Lore
The Language of Flowers
Roses and Aphrodite
The Language of Flowers and Meanings
A Goddess Garden
The opening of buds signals the
beginning of a new season.
The Great Goddess is again
blooming around the world.
Look for Her in flowers, laughter,
children, elders, the people
you meet today, and yourself, look
and you will find Her.
Her buds are green, but Her flowers
blossom into all the colors of the world.
May we bloom
Each in our own way
Revealing the beauty within
May our ancient roots
Give us healing strength
Nurturing our best selves
May we celebrate diversity
Respect each person we meet
Understand that we are one family
May each of us always remember . . .
We are united in hope & divided in fear
Put away fear and celebrate our human family
Like the flowers of the garden,
we flourish when we have sunshine,
clean water, clean air,
room for our roots to grow
and many diverse neighbor.
Each one adding something
uniquely special to our experience & environment
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeNight-bloomersTry these night-bloomers in your Moon Garden:
Angels trumpet (Datura innoxia)- This viney annual has giant, trumpet-shaped, white flowers.
You may need to discipline this rambunctious plant to keep it in line.
Moonflower (Ipomoea alba)- Related to morning glory, this annual may climb to 10 feet.
Tightly closed by day, its white flowers unfurl at dusk to release a lemony aroma.
Four o'clock (Mirabilis jalapa) - In late afternoon, this annual's flowers pop open in
often-speckled shades of red, yellow, white or rose. It grows bush-like to 3 feet.
Yucca (Yucca filamentosa) - Flowers of this spiky perennial are open all day,
but at night the droopy blossoms lift and release a soapy smell. Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
Evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa 'Pink Petticoats')- This fast spreading perennial
is hardy in zones 5 to 9, and its pale flowers release a sweet scent in the evening.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeHow To Dry Roses
1. Drying Roses: Rosebuds & roses from your garden
should be hung upside down to dry in bunches,
away from the light, but in an airy place.
You may also dry them in silica get,
which is particularly good for
maintaining their color and shape.
2. Drying Rose Petals: Gather rose petals
from your garden when the morning dew has
dried off in the sun. Spread them immediately
on sheets of absorbent kitchen paper
or on newspaper, pulling the petals
off separately and making sure
they do not touch each other.
3. For use in a potpourri recipe,
sprinkle them with some of the
spices you are going to use
(i.e. powdered clove or cinnamon) to discourage
ants or any small insects that
may otherwise settle on them.
4.Alternatively, lay out the rose petals on
paper on trays or in a colander and put them
in an oven for an hour at the lowest setting,
leaving the door slightly ajar.
Take out of oven and leave trays in an airy place.
Drying will take two or three days.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeA Garden Of Meaning: The Symbolic Language Of Flowers
For as long as poetry has existed, the beauty
and astounding variety of flowers has captured
human imagination. Since ancient times,
we have ascribed meaning to flowers, often
through myths such as that of Narcissus,
who changed into a lovely white blossom
after pining away for his own reflection.
Floriography, the language of flowers,
most likely has roots in tales such as
those and the use of flowers to convey
messages was practiced in Turkey, Egypt,
China, Greece and the Roman Empire
many centuries ago. The sentiment behind
a gift of a bouquet of delicately-scented
red roses is difficult to interpret but
over time, the meaning of each individual
bloom, so different from its peers,
has been lost. Whereas today we may choose
an arrangement based on simple beauty
or aroma, it was in Victorian times,
when social etiquette placed strict
restraints on courtship and emotional
display, that the art of floriography
reached wonderful heights. A man could
pledge his everlasting love and fidelity
with tiny, purple myrtle or silently
accuse his love of indiscretion with
a bouquet of bright yellow roses
and purple hyacinth. Finding later that
he had been incorrect, he might send
a single fragrant peony to express
his shame or star of Bethlehem to show atonement.
Following is a brief list of the meaning of flowers:Azalea - First love
Cherry Blossom - Spiritual beauty
Daffodil - You are the only one
Daisy (White) - Innocence
Dock - Patience
Fir - Time
Foxglove - Youth
Gardenia - You are lovely
Heather - Our dreams will come true
Heliotrope - Devotion
Honeysuckle - Faithfulness
Jasmine - Grace & elegance
Lavender - Loveliness in age
Magnolia - Soulful & dignity
Mum - Truth
Pansy - Thoughts of you
Petunia - Never despair
Phlox - Our souls are united
Poinsettia - Success
Rose (Yellow) - Friendship love
Stephanotis - Happiness in marriage
Sunflower - Adoration
Thyme - Courage
Tulip - Declaration of love
Violet - Modesty
"Sweet flowers alone can say what
passion fears revealing,"
wrote poet Thomas Hood.
Flowers are a poignant way of sharing love,
congratulation, well-wishes, grief,
and celebration through colored petals
and heady scents. Knowledge of the language
of flowers, unknown to many,
adds a second tier of meaning
and a special significance to
the cherished thoughts that
become the loveliest bouquets.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeThe Top 10 Things I learned From My Garden
1. Weed.
Planting seeds means that at some point you're going
to have to remove some of the plants so that other ones
have the chance to grow and thrive. In the same way,
you only have so much space in your life and you need
to get rid of the tolerations so you can have the room,
and the nutrients, and the self-care to thrive and grow.
In the same way that you let the bigger, stronger
plants stay, concentrate on your
strengths and let them grow.
2. If you keep doing what you've been doing you're
going to keep getting what you've been getting.
There's a place in my garden that just needed a
rose bush. I planted 5 there. It's like a black hole.
I went on to try other plants. Whatever I planted
there died, and no matter what fertilizer,
extra watering or extreme care I gave,
I was finally forced to admit that for some reason
nothing was going to grow there. I gave up what was
essentially an ego position and went with the flow.
It now is the place for my garden statuary.
3. On the other hand, if it ain't broke, don't fix
it -- and don't listen to other people!
I have another place in my garden where the geraniums
thrive all year round. My sister stayed with me a
week and she didn't feel like I was watering my
garden enough. I started watering the geraniums
and now they are spindly and their leaves have
turned pale and I question their survival. It
seems they were thriving on my intuitive care
and were happy with the way things were.
4. Stay in touch with the soil and water.
Stay in touch with life.
Some of my most peaceful moments take
place in my garden. I don't wear gloves
and I take off my shoes and walk in the
mud and turn the soil with my bare fingers.
I work with people and with ideas,
and bringing my body in contact with
the soil keeps me grounded.
5. There's a time to reap and a time to sow.
You'll learn the old elemental cycles of nature.
There will be those magnificent sparkling
snapdragons for just a few moments in the spring,
pansies when it's too cold for anything to grow,
and chrysanthemums in the fall bringing back
memories of high school football games and
mum corsages. Eventually the tomato crop
will come in and when they die, it'll be time to
plant the broccoli. It's our traditions and the
cycles of the year that bring meaning
and order to our lives.
6. Delight in the abundant surprises of nature.
The rose bush didn't grow,
and the impatiens didn't take off,
but a crepe myrtle arose,
a shoot from another one about 5'
away, when I had no idea they propagated;
and the biggest surprise of all -- out of
nowhere some chile patines arrived.
I have no idea where they came from,
but they're welcome as the day is long.
Nature provides.
7. Nothing tastes as good as something you grew yourself.
Invest yourself in what you're doing and it
will always taste better. It's the projects
you really work hard on that have meaning.
8. Find a partner who compliments you.
One year the man in my life and I had a
vegetable garden. I planned it, with my
usual enthusiasm, and plotted everything
out. He dug the holes and planted what
I'd planned with not much enthusiasm,
but a sort of dogged determination.
I watched the things come up and was
thrilled, and then lost interest.
He was the one who faithfully watered,
and weeded, and fertilized and kept
the crops going with no imagination,
just hard work. Then when the harvest
came in, I cooked up great things.
He liked the meals and pronounced
the garden a Good Thing after all.
I'm a Strategist who likes to plan
things all out and then turn it
over to someone else, someone who's
not a dreamer, to implement it. We
were a good team. Now the garden is
all mine and I appreciate all the
more his former contribution. He
may never dream and vision as I do,
and I may never have a taste for doing
the same thing day in and day out as he did,
so we made a good team and each learned
things from the other to incorporate into our lives.
9. Thorns and beetles and hornets and snails and worms.
I have cuts and scratches on my hands and arms,
like the wrinkles on my face -- signs that I've
lived and been in touch with life. When I go out
to the garden I meet all sorts of critters that
are part of life on this planet and my companions
on the journey. There are bugs that want to eat the
roses; and snails, whose function I do not know;
and worms that are making it all possible;
and hornets I must avoid.
They quietly go about their daily business,
intent on their own thing, which may or may
not conflict with mine, and sometimes we meet.
10. Butterflies.
Butterflies, like happiness, just come and light
on your shoulder. Though I planted a Butterfly
Bush, it didn't attract butterflies, but other
things have. From time to time (I think it's a
migration) butterflies arrive in my garden while
I'm doing other things. I can't predict their arrival,
and my attempts to summon them didn't work,
but still they come! I can't make it happen,
but I can count on it happening just the same.
Like happiness. When it's least expected it will arrive.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeMoon Planting
The Moon's magnetic force pulls all that contains water:
the tides of our oceans, the blood and fluids of our bodies,
and the vital essences of all plantlife--such influence can
be seen quite clearly in the growth of plants
All crops that produce their yield above ground should be
planted during the Waxing (New to Full) Moon: the first
week is especially good for crops that have their seeds
on the outside, such as asparagus, cabbage,
broccoli, celery and spinach.
The second week (between the 1st quarter and the
Full Moon) is best for crops that produce seeds
on the inside, like peppers, tomatoes,
peaches,cucumbers and melons. During the waning Moon
(Full to New Moon) plant root crops such as potatoes,
peanuts, carrots and onions. *Do not* plant on the
day of the New Moon or Full Moon.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeMoon Garden
A moon (or evening) garden is a wonderful way to extend the
amount of time you can enjoy your landscape.
Planning and plotting your moon garden
is essential, but also a lot of fun.
First, choose your moon garden location.
It should be near your porch, patio,
or wherever you enjoy sitting or
strolling in your yard. You can work with a
small or large area or use containers if you
have limited ground space. Fences, walls
and trellises are assets for night-blooming vines.
Good plant choices for moon gardens include fragrant
night-bloomers and any white or silver plants.
Two of my favorites are Four-O'clocks
and Moonflower Vines. Four O'clocks
are perfect because they awaken in late afternoon
with a profusion of red, yellow, pink, white or
variegated flowers that perfume the air with
a sweet fragrance - and they grow well in Texas.
Moonflower Vine is a lovely night-bloomer with
attractive, heart-shaped leaves and beautiful,
large, pure-white blooms that have a delicate,
heavenly scent that's at its best at night.
If you wait until morning to sniff, most
of the fragrance will be gone. Plant seeds along
a fence for climbing or just allow the
vine to travel along the ground.
Other night-scented plants include
Evening Primroses, Sweet-Scented
Nicotiana, and "Royal Standard" and "So Sweet" Hostas.
Tender fragrant bloomers include Angel's Trumpets
(Brugmansia) and Allamanda vine.
White or silver plants catch the glow from the moon
or outside lighting and lend a mellow, peaceful mood
to the moon garden. Try planting white varieties of
iris, lilies, zinnias, or daisies along with
silver-leafed plants like Artemisias,
Dusty Miller, Lamb's Ear, or Japanese
Silver Grass for a pleasing effect.
Then spend a few minutes relaxing in
your moon garden before bedtime and have pleasant dreams.
Weed the Garden Ritual
Time to weed the garden? With the Moon waning,
you can weed and do magick at the same time.
Start by thinking about what you want to get
rid of in your life, and perhaps in the world.
Then, go into your garden, equipped to weed
with knee pads, hoe, fork, and the like.
As you pull each weed, name it.
I remove hate,
I remove poverty.
I remove my anger at my boss.
And so on. Be creative in your designs.
Afterward, be sure to dispose of the weeds
carefully. Either bag them and put them into
the garbage immediately, knowing they are going away,
or if you compost, ask the Earth to
transform them as they rot.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeGrow A Seed Spell
The most basic fertility spell of all may not seem
magical to our jaded eyes: grow plants from seed.
What might be considered a child's kindergarten
project can actually be an act of power,
fraught with mystery and magic.
Do not transfer mature plants or cuttings,
it is crucial that you sprout the seeds
and nurture the plants. This may be done
directly on earth, or in pots within your home.
The choice of plants is entirely up to you;
however, plants that are metaphysically
associated with fertility will increase the power
of the spell. Furthermore, time spent in the
presence of plants radiant with fertility
power can only be beneficial.
Grow plants that can assist you in the quest
for conception or plants that will serve as
herbal remedies. By doing this, you set up a
symbiotic relationship, a true alliance,
each of you depends on the other. Talk to
the plant, tell it what you need it to perform for you.
Herbal remedies grown in this manner will be more potent
than anything you can purchase. Faithfully keep a gardening
diary. Eventually within its pages you may
discover parallels and clues to your own condition.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeGrape Vine Lore
Each month of the Celtic Lunar calendar
bears the name of a tree. The 10th Moon
of the Celtic Year - (Sept 2 - Sept 29) -
is the month of the Vine.
Latin name: Grape - vitis
Celtic name: Muin (pronounced: muhn).
Folk or Common names: Grape (when dried: Raisin).
Parts Used: Berries, wood, leaves, juice, seeds.
The GrapeVine is a very ancient plant which can grow
to be as long as 115 feet. Its name is derived from viere,
which means "to twist" and it has been recorded to have
lived for as long as 600 years. This climbing shrub,
with its simple leaves and greenish flowers, was once
found in open woodlands and along the edges of forests,
but is most commonly seen today in cultivation, with an
industry and agricultural discipline devoted solely to
the care of the Vine and production of its wine. The wild
GrapeVine has unisexual flowers on separate plants which
must be pollinated by insects. Only the female plant
produces fruit which, when ripened and dried, is commonly
referred to as the Raisin. Grape sugar is chemically
different from other sugars since it enters the circulatory
system without any action of the saliva. The seeds and
leaves of the Vine have been used for astringent purposes
and were once employed to cure dysentery in Cattle.
Herbal usage:
The leaves from some varieties of Grape can be used
to make teas for treating diarrhea, hepititas,
and upset tummies. Grape leaves can also be used
externally for poultices to treat rheumatism,
headaches and fevers. The fruit from most viney plants
can be eaten and can be juiced for drinking.
The juices can also be fermented into
various wines and alcoholic beverages.
Magical History and Associations:
Grapes are an herb of Jupiter and the Moon,
and are associated with positive ego strength.
Birds associated with the month of the Vine are
the Tit-mouse and the white swan; the animal
is the snake; the color is variegated;
and the gemstone is amethyst. An annual Grape
Vine Festival called the Vinalia Rostica was
held by the Greeks and the Romans - this was
a festival of thanksgiving for the first of
the grape harvest and was dedicated to God
Dionysos / Bacchus and to the Goddess Venus
of the Grape Vine; and also to Minerva. It
was celebrated by offering the first fruits
of the grape harvest and prayers for sustenance
for all. The Grape Vine is also sacred to the
deities Osiris, Hathor, and Demeter - and its
five-pointed leaves are sacred to the Goddess
in general. Other specific deities associated
with the Vine are Rhea, Oenone, Aphrodite,
Branwen, Guinevere and Etain. The wood of Vines
is one of the nine traditional firewoods to be
added to the Belfire that is burned at Beltane -
as the tree of tree of joy (its juice is capable
of altering consciousness), Vine is added
to the fire as a celebration of joy.
Magickal usage:
Vines in general are symbols of both joy and wrath.
This month marks the vintage season when the Grape
crop is harvested and so is a good time to do any
and all rituals associated with the harvest - in fact,
the Autumn Equinox (called Harvest Home or Mabon)
is celebrated during this month. The month of Vine
is also a good time to do magick associated with
inspiration, imagination, poetry and imagery.
The Grape has applications in magick done for
Faerie work, garden magick, joy, exhilaration,
wrath, mental powers, rebirth, happiness, fertility,
inspiration, prosperity, and binding. The leaves
and fruit from Vines can be used in spells to
overcome inferiority complexes and to enhance
ambition. The Grape Vine also symbolizes
resurrection because its strength is preserved
in the wine, that magical elixir that's known
for its ability to dissolve the boundaries between us,
allow us to mingle more easily, and relax with others.
Grapes and Grape wine are often used to symbolize
vitality, since tonic healing has always
been related to the vine.
Here is a recipe for Vine Moon Tea
(good for use in Earth magic, sex magic, overcoming difficulties):You Will Need:
1 part blackberry
1 part dandelion
splash of currant wine or Grape juice
pinch of hibiscus
Grapes can be used in many types of prosperity or money attraction spells.
They can be eaten as part of prosperity spellwork if the person casting
the spell visualizes money energy vibrating as the grapes are eaten.
You can also place grapes on the altar during money spells. Pictures
of Grapes or grape Vines can be painted onto garden walls to ensure
the garden's fertility, as was done in ancient Rome. Eating grapes
or raisins is said to increase fertility, as well as strengthen
mental powers. Grape leaves can be dried and carried in
a small pouch or bag to act as evil-repellent.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeMagic Guardians
For Protection Of The Home
The energy behind the scenes of a material
or physical object is changed by the
interaction of people with it. Mostly this happens
unconsciously, but proper magicians change the
energy the material object carries deliberately
and in order to create a generator of some kind;
in this instance, we are talking about a guardian,
an energy form which will help protect the home
and keep away unwanted spirits and intruders
whilst the owner sleeps soundly in their bed.
I always advise the regular practice of psychometry
to beginner magicians as a first and most important
101 of understanding how energy magic works; the
ability to read the reality of the object beyond
what it looks like on the outside is of the essence
for many things, not least to keep you from not
getting cancer by bringing cursed and haunted
objects into your home and life!
So I came across a shop that sold bric-a-brac
the other day; things that had been owned by people
and passed along until they ended up here,
a higglety pigglety collection of random objects
creating quite some energetic noise.
Through all of that, I could sense something
strong and clear, something very lovely,
and very powerful. I was intrigued and went
to look for this magic object amidst the clutter,
and found it right away. It was a very small
statue of a little brown and white dog, pictured
here sitting on a leaf.
As is often the case with magical objects,
it didn't look particularly impressive,
and it wasn't valuable to those who don't
know about such things at all, being a mass
produced little porcelain figure, probably
imported at some point from a factory in the
Far East. It is also "flawed" - you can see
a dark patch of stray glaze on his front paw.
In amidst all that mass of other objects,
this little guardian was being knocked
and pushed around. I picked him up and
immediately got a sense of his original owner,
a lady who had him for many years
and who put such a lot of love
into this little guardian.
I had a youngster with me and because the
energy from the little statue was so clear
and strong, I gave it to them to hold and
asked them for their impressions. The
youngster was surprised to "see a lady
dressed in blue" the moment they tuned in.
The lady must have had a measure of magical
talent, and also a talent for loving,
because I've rarely found an object
quite as pure and delightful as this.
I don't know if he's meant for me,
I have a feeling there might one day
come someone who will be the perfect match,
but that's another thing with these guardians.
They are what they are, and even though
someone originally makes them, they have
paths of their own - just as this little
dog found me to keep it safe as much as it
is protecting my house with its presence.
This made me think and wonder about heirlooms,
and about how, if people were more familiar
and used to making such energy objects,
it would be possible for generations upon
generations to put more and more energy
into such things, and passing them on to each other.
So next time, you are in a flea market or you
spot a yard sale or a second hand shop, have
a tune into the energy forms there, practice
your psychometry and be on the lookout for a
guardian. Make a note of the opposites of
guardians, the cursed objects, the ones that
bring disharmony and misery into any house
they get inadvertently and unknowingly carried into.
Look out for templates too, objects and statues
that are as yet nothing special, but that would
lend themselves to becoming a guardian for
you or for someone you love.
And of course, keep an eye on all the objects
in your house. Some might need a little more
loving to be all they could be; and never let
anything be around you that isn't supportive
and a bright spark that makes you happy and
does good things for the energy of you,
your loved ones and your house.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeRoses and Aphrodite
Roses are the flowers sacred to Aphrodite.
They are also a very powerful ingredients
in love spells. To dream of your future
husband, make a tea of wild rose petals.
Right before you drink the tea...
Aphrodite, blessed be,
grant me visions of my destiny.
The remaining tea can be poured into
a bath so that you can absorb
the beauty of the Goddess.
To be friends with someone and help him notice you:
make a tea of wild rose petals, mix with honey.
Make forest sip.
I am goddess, (the name of the person), look at me!
Make second sip, say the same, and third sip, say the same.
The remaining tea can be poured into a bath
so that you can absorb the beauty of the Goddess.
Where rose quartz on your chest,
and give similar piece of the rose quartz
to the person you want to attract,
if you are confident.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeThe Language of Flowers - Flowers and Meanings
The language of flowers, sometimes called florigraphy,
was a Victorian-era means of communication in which
various flowers and floral arrangements were used to
send coded messages, allowing individuals to express
feelings which otherwise could not be spoken.
This language was most commonly communicated through
Tussie-Mussies, an art which has a following today.
The nuances of the language are now mostly forgotten,
but red roses still imply passionate, romantic love
and pink roses a lesser affection; white roses
suggest virtue and chastity and yellow roses
still stand for friendship or devotion.
Also commonly known meanings are sunflowers,
which can indicate either haughtiness or respect“
they were the favorite flower of
St. Julie Billiart for this reason. Gerbera
(daisy) means innocence or purity. The iris,
being named for the messenger of the gods in
Greek mythology, still represents the sending
of a message. A pansy signifies thought,
a daffodil regard, and a strand of ivy fidelity.
These language correspondences can be used
when creating a spell, planting a magickal
garden, to set an intention, or to send a
message. You may notice some of the flowers
(and plants) have meanings that seem incongruent
or inconsistent. This is because language tends
to change over time. Also, you may find that
magickal correspondences to some of these
flowers are in direct conflict - that is because
the meanings were not derived from magickal sources.
When in doubt, go with the meaning that resonates
with your personal experience, and be clear with
your intention. Pictures may be substituted
for the actual flower or plant.
Sweetness. Purity, Virginity; Majesty; It's Heavenly to Be with You
Lily (Scarlet)
High-bred, high-souled aspirations
Lily (Yellow)
I'm Walking on Air; Gaiety. Falsehood
Lily (Orange)
Desire, passion, Hatred
Lily (Water)
Lily of the Valley
Return of happiness; Trustworthy; Sweetness; Tears of the Virgin Mary; Humility; You've Made My Life Complete
Linden (Tree)
Conjugal love, Marriage
Linden (Leaf)
Matrimony, marriage
Linden (Sprig)
Conjugal love
Lime (Blossom)
Lime (Tree)
Marriage. Conjugal love
Live Oak
Locust Tree
Elegance Affection beyond the grave
Lotus (General)
Purity, chastity, eloquence, Forgetful of the past.
Lotus (Flower)
Estranged love.
Lotus (Leaf)
Love in a Mist
You puzzle me. Perplexity
Love lies bleeding
Love lies bleeding - Hopelessness
Lungwort (Pulmonaria)
Thou art my life.
Dejection, Imagination, Voraciousness.
Nobility, Love of nature
Magnolia (Grandiflora)
Peerless and proud
Magnolia (Swamp)
Mallow (General)
Good and kind. Sweetness Mildness
Mallow (Syrian)
Consumed by love,
Mallow (Marsh)
Mallow (Venetian)
Delicate beauty.
Horror, Rarity
Marigold (General)
Pain and grief, Cruelty, Jealousy, trouble, Sacred affection, Prophetic Prediction
Marigold (African)
Vulgar minded
Marigold (French)
Marigold (Garden)
Grief; Chagrin.
Marigold (Small Cape)
Omen, sign
Marvel of Peru (Four o'clock)
Meadow Saffron
My best days gone. Growing old
Meadow Sweet
Usefulness, Uselessness
Michaelmas Daisy
Your qualities surpass your charms. Worth and loveliness
Hope in misery.
Obstacles to be overcome. I surmount all difficulties. I surmount everything, Kiss me; Affection
Mock Orange (Syringia)
Counterfeit; Uncertainty.
Beware; A Deadly Foe is Near
Dreaming of love
Morning Glory
Love in vain
Maternal Love; Charity
Moss Rose
Voluptious love
Mountain Ash
I watch over you. Prudence
Good luck; Happiness.
Mulberry (Black)
I will not survive you.
Mulberry (White)
Gladness, Mirth
Love in absence. Love; Hebrew Emblem of Marriage
Egotism; Formality; Stay as Sweet as You Are, Self-Love.
Conquest; Victory in Battle, Patriotism
Cruelty; Slander
Night Blooming Cereus
Transient beauty
Dark thoughts, Bitter truth; Sorcery.
Oak (White)
Oak (Tree)
Hospitality; Bravery
Oak (Leaves)
Bravery and Humanity
Oak (Sprig)
The witching soul of music. Music.
Caution, Beware
Orange (Tree)
Orange (Blossoms)
Your purity equals your loveliness. Chastity, Bridal festivities. Innocence; Eternal Love; Marriage and Fruitfulness
Refined beauty, Love; Refinement; Beautiful Lady
Ox-Eye Daisy
A token, Patience
Palm Leaves
Victory and Success
Pansy (General)
You occupy my thoughts. Think of me. Thoughts
Pansy (Purple)
You occupy my thoughts. Heart's-ease
Pansy (Yellow)
Think of me, thought
Entertainment Festivity; Banquet. lasting pleasures
Pasque Flower
Unpretentious You have no claims.
Passion Flower
Religious fervor, Devotion;
An appointed meeting.
Pea (Sweet)
Your qualities, like your charms, are unequalled.
Peach Blossom
I am your captive. My heart is thine. Long-life, generosity, and bridal hope
Pear Tree
Affection Comfort
Pear Blossom
Lasting friendship
Flee away.
Shame, bashfulness Prosperity, Honor, Masculinity, Bravery, Gay Life; Happy Marriage
Warmth of feeling. Cordiality, affability
Periwinkle (White)
Pleasures of memory. Pleasant recollections, Sweet memories
Periwinkle (Blue)
Early friendship Early attachment
Bury me amid nature's beauties.
Resentment; Anger; Your Presence Soothes me
Our souls united. Our hearts are united. Unanimity
Change Rendezvous; Assignation.
Pine (General)
Time Endurance; Daring. Pity
Pine (Tree)
Courage, daring
Pine (Black)
Pine (Pitch pine blossom)
Philosophy Time and faith
Pine (Spruce)
Farewell, Hope in adversity
Pine Apple
You are perfect.
Plum (Blossom)
Beauty and longevity
Plum (Tree)
Keep your promises. Genius
Plum (Indian)
Privation, suffering
Plum (Wild)
Pomegranate (Fruit)
Foolishness Conceit
Pomegranate (Flower)
Elegance, Mature elegance.
Poppy (General)
Eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination
Poppy (Red)
Poppy (White)
Consolation, Dreams, Modern, Peace, Sleep of the heart. Oblivion. My bane. My antidote.
Poppy (Yellow)
Wealth, success
Prickly Pear
Eternal love, I Can't Live Without You, Early youth, Modest worth; Silent love.
Primose (Evening)
Mildness, Prohibition
Queen of the Meadow
Queen's Rocket
You are the queen of coquettes. Fashion.
Ranunculus (Garden)
Radiant with charms. You are rich in attractions. I am dazzled by your charms
Ranunculus (Wild)
Agitation Danger. Beware.
Rose (General)
Beauty Love
Rose (Austrian)
Thou art all that is lovely. Very lovely
Rose (Black)
Death, hatred, farewell, rejuvenation or rebirth
Rose (Blue)
Mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight
Rose (Bridal)
Happy love
Rose (Burgundy)
Unconscious beauty
Rose (Cabbage)
Love's ambassador, Ambassador of love
Rose (Campion)
Only deserve my love.
Rose (Carolina)
Love is dangerous.
Rose (China)
Grace Beauty always new.
Rose (Christmas)
Tranquilize my anxiety.
Rose (Cinnamon)
Without pretension.
Rose (Coral or Orange)
Desire, passion
Rose (Daily)
That smile I would aspire to. Thy smile I aspire to.
Rose (Damask)
Freshness Brilliant complexion.
Rose (Deep Red)
Bashful shame.
Rose (Dog)
Pleasure and pain
Rose (Full-blown)
You are beautiful.
Rose (Garland or wreath of)
Reward of virtue
Rose (Guelder)
Winter. Age.
Rose (Hundred Leaf)
Pride The graces.
Rose (Japan)
Beauty is your only attraction.
Rose (Lavender or violet)
Love at first sight
Rose (Leaf)
I never trouble.
Rose (Maiden's Blush)
If you do love me you will find me out.
Rose (Moss)
Superior merit; Voluptuousness.
Rose (Multiflora)
Rose (Mundi)
Rose (Musk)
Capricious beauty.
Rose (Musk-cluster)
Rose (Pink)
Rose (Pink, dark )
Rose (Pink, light)
Desire, passion, joy of life, youth, energy
Rose (Pompon)
Rose (Red)
I love you.
Rose (Red Rosebud)
Confession of love. Young girl
Rose (Red and yellow together)
Joy, happiness and excitement
Rose (Single)
Rose (Sweetbriar)
Rose (Tea)
Always lovely
Rose (Thornless)
Early attachment
Rose (Unique)
Call me not beautiful.
Rose (White)
I am worthy of you. Silence I am worthy of you. Eternal love, Silence or Innocence, Wistfulness, Virtue, Purity, Secrecy, Reverence and Humility
Rose (White, withered)
Transient impression
Rose (White and Red together)
Rose (Wild)
Rose (Yellow)
Decrease of love Infidelity; Jealousy. Friendship or apology, A broken heart, Intense emotion, Dying love, Extreme betrayal
Rose (York)
Agreement; War, warfare
Rose (York and Lancaster)
Remembrance;Your presence revives me.
Saffron (Saffron Flower)
Do not abuse. Excess is dangerous.
Saffron (Crocus)
Do not abuse me. Mirth
Saffron (Meadow)
My best days are past.
Esteem Domestic Virtue;
Saint John's Wort (Hypericum)
Superstition Animosity, You are a prophet
Sensitive Plant
Light heartedness
Shepherd's Purse
I offer you my all.
Presumption, No, never; Deception; Gracious Lady
Thoughts of heaven. Goodness
Consolation or hope
Warm feelings Warmth of sentiment.
Star of Bethlehem
Bonds of Affection; Promptness; You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me
United, Agreement
Straw (Broken)
Quarrel, Rupture of a contract.
Pure and lofty thoughts
Sweet Basil
Good wishes.
Sweet Flag
Sweet Pea
Good-bye; Departure; Blissful Pleasure; Thank You for a Lovely Time
Sweet William
Artifice Gallantry; Finesse; Dexterity. Will you smile?
I declare war against you.
Tendrils of Climbing Plants
Thistle (Common)
Austerity Sternness Nobility
Thistle (Fuller's)
Thistle (Scotch)
Disguise, Deceitful charms
Thorns (General)
Thorn (Black)
Thorn (Branch of)
Thriftiness, Activity
Trumpet Flower
Separation Fame
Dangerous pleasures, Voluptuousness; Sweet voice.
Fame, Rural happiness
Tulip (General)
Perfect Lover; Fame; Flower Emblem of Holland
Tulip (Red)
Declaration of love. Believe Me;
Tulip (Variegated)
Beautiful eyes
Tulip (Yellow)
Hopeless love, There's Sunshine in Your Smile
Valerian (General)
Accommodating disposition, Facility
Valerian (Greek)
Valerian (Red)
Venus's Flytrap
Caught at last.
Verbena (General)
Sensibility, Sensitiveness.
Verbena (Pink)
Family union
Verbena (Purple)
I weep for you; Regret.
Verbena (White)
Pray for me.
Drunkenness Intoxicating Intoxication
Violet (Sweet)
Violet (Blue)
Faithfulness Love, Modesty, modest love
Violet (Purple)
You occupy my thoughts
Violet (White)
Modesty,Purity; Candor; Innocence
Violet (Yellow)
Modest worth, Rural happiness.
Invitation to dance
Wall Flower
Fidelity in misfortune. Faithfulness in adversity
Stratagem, Intellect.
Water Lily
Purity of heart.
Prosperity, Wealth, Riches.
Willow (Creeping)
Willow (Creeping)
Love forsaken.
Willow (French)
Bravery and humanity.
Willow (Herb)
Willow (Water)
Willow (Weeping)
Mourning, Melancholy, Forsaken
Desertion, forsaken
Winged seeds (any kind)
A magic spell, A spell. A spell is on me
Zephyr Flower
Zinnia (General)
I mourn your absence. Thoughts of absent friends.
Zinnia (Mixed)
Thinking (or in Memory) of an Absent Friend
Zinnia (Magenta)
Lasting Affection
Zinnia (Scarlet)
Zinnia (White)
Zinnia (Yellow)
Daily Remembrance
Growing And Harvesting Rose Hips
Roses can do more than grace our landscapes
and floral designs. Like its cousins the apple,
pear, peach and cherry, roses produce a fruit.
Rose Hips are a valuable source of vitamin C,
containing as much as 20 times more vitamin C
than oranges. They are also an excellent antioxidant.
Growing Roses for Hips:
When growing roses for hips, you'll want to
select a variety that produces a reasonably
large fruit that is high in vitamin C. Look for
disease and insect resistant roses that won't
require the use of chemical sprays.
Rugosas are an excellent choice for quality hips,
and they are also a beautiful addition to the landscape,
whether used as a dense hedge or a specimen plant.
The flowers have a delightful fragrance and you'll be
tempted to cut armloads to bring indoors, but try to
resist the temptation. Remember, the more flowers you
cut, the fewer hips you will have.
Harvesting and Preparing Rose Hips:
Rose hips ripen after they are touched by the first fall frost.
The color of rose hips varies, but in general, orange hips
are not quite ripe, and deep red hips are overripe.
Overripe hips are sweet, but have lost much of their vitamin C.
Rose hips will have the most nutritional value when used
immediately after harvesting. To prepare rose hips for tea,
cut off the bloom stem, cut the hip in half, and scrape
out the seeds and hairy pith. This can be very tedious
with tiny hips, so you may want to save the smallest
hips for jellies. Rose hips used for jellies don't need
to be seeded or scraped. A half and half mixture of rose
hip juice and apple juice makes a tasty jelly.
Rose Hip Marmalade:
Use a glass or enamel pan for this recipe. Clean rose hips
as described above for tea, and soak in cold water for two
hours. Simmer in water for two hours. Strain and reserve
liquid for jellies or other recipes. Measure the mash,
and add 1 cup of brown sugar for each cup of mash.
Boil down to a thick consistency.
Pour into sterilized jars and seal.
Go to TopClassroom Main ListMain List IndexRandom Madness HomeHelpful Hints for Gardens
Neutralize garden lime. Rinse your hands liberally
with vinegar after working with garden lime to
avoid rough and flaking skin.
Power up the propane. Soak new propane lantern
wicks in vinegar for several hours.
Let dry before using.
Will burn longer and brighter.
Increase soil acidity. In hard water areas,
add a cup of vinegar to a gallon of tap water
for watering acid loving plants like rhododendrons,
gardenias, or azaleas. The vinegar will release iron
in the soil for the plants to use.
Deter ants. Spray vinegar around door
and window frames, under appliances,
and along other known ant trails.
Kill weeds. Spray full strength vinegar
on tops of weeds. Reapply on any new
growth until the plants have starved.
Kill grass on walks and driveways.
Pour full strength vinegar on unwanted grass.
Garden ClassesA Goddess Garden
How To Dry Roses
A Garden Of Meaning
The Top 10 Things I learned From My Garden
Moon Planting
Moon Garden
Grow A Seed Spell
Helpful Hints for Gardens
Grape Vine Lore
The Language of Flowers
Roses and Aphrodite
The Language of Flowers and Meanings